package wallet import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" "" acc "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" dbm "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestEncodeDecodeGlobalTxIndex(t *testing.T) { want := &struct { BlockHash bc.Hash Position uint64 }{ BlockHash: bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20}), Position: 1, } globalTxIdx := CalcGlobalTxIndex(&want.BlockHash, want.Position) blockHashGot, positionGot := parseGlobalTxIdx(globalTxIdx) if *blockHashGot != want.BlockHash { t.Errorf("blockHash mismatch. Get: %v. Expect: %v", *blockHashGot, want.BlockHash) } if positionGot != want.Position { t.Errorf("position mismatch. Get: %v. Expect: %v", positionGot, want.Position) } } func TestWalletVersion(t *testing.T) { // prepare wallet dirPath, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(dirPath) testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") walletStore := NewMockWalletStore(testDB) defer func() { testDB.Close() os.RemoveAll("temp") }() dispatcher := event.NewDispatcher() w := mockWallet(walletStore, nil, nil, nil, dispatcher, false) walletStatus := new(StatusInfo) if err := w.Store.SetWalletInfo(walletStatus); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } status, err := w.Store.GetWalletInfo() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } w.Status = *status if err := w.checkWalletInfo(); err != errWalletVersionMismatch { t.Fatal("fail to detect legacy wallet version") } // lower wallet version test case lowerVersion := StatusInfo{Version: currentVersion - 1} if err := w.Store.SetWalletInfo(&lowerVersion); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } status, err = w.Store.GetWalletInfo() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } w.Status = *status if err := w.checkWalletInfo(); err != errWalletVersionMismatch { t.Fatal("fail to detect expired wallet version") } } func mockUTXO(controlProg *account.CtrlProgram, assetID *bc.AssetID) *account.UTXO { utxo := &account.UTXO{} utxo.OutputID = bc.Hash{V0: 1} utxo.SourceID = bc.Hash{V0: 2} utxo.AssetID = *assetID utxo.Amount = 1000000000 utxo.SourcePos = 0 utxo.ControlProgram = controlProg.ControlProgram utxo.AccountID = controlProg.AccountID utxo.Address = controlProg.Address utxo.ControlProgramIndex = controlProg.KeyIndex return utxo } func mockTxData(utxos []*account.UTXO, testAccount *account.Account) (*txbuilder.Template, *types.TxData, error) { tplBuilder := txbuilder.NewBuilder(time.Now()) for _, utxo := range utxos { txInput, sigInst, err := account.UtxoToInputs(testAccount.Signer, utxo) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } tplBuilder.AddInput(txInput, sigInst) out := &types.TxOutput{} if utxo.AssetID == *consensus.BTMAssetID { out = types.NewIntraChainOutput(utxo.AssetID, 100, utxo.ControlProgram) } else { out = types.NewIntraChainOutput(utxo.AssetID, utxo.Amount, utxo.ControlProgram) } tplBuilder.AddOutput(out) } return tplBuilder.Build() } func mockWallet(store WalletStore, account *account.Manager, asset *asset.Registry, chain *protocol.Chain, dispatcher *event.Dispatcher, txIndexFlag bool) *Wallet { wallet := &Wallet{ Store: store, AccountMgr: account, AssetReg: asset, Chain: chain, RecoveryMgr: NewRecoveryManager(store, account), EventDispatcher: dispatcher, TxIndexFlag: txIndexFlag, } wallet.TxMsgSub, _ = wallet.EventDispatcher.Subscribe(protocol.TxMsgEvent{}) return wallet } func mockSingleBlock(tx *types.Tx) *types.Block { return &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: 1, }, Transactions: []*types.Tx{config.GenesisTx(), tx}, } } // errors var ( errAccntTxIDNotFound = errors.New("account TXID not found") errGetAsset = errors.New("Failed to find asset definition") ) const ( utxoPrefix byte = iota //UTXOPrefix is StandardUTXOKey prefix contractPrefix contractIndexPrefix accountPrefix // AccountPrefix is account ID prefix accountIndexPrefix ) // leveldb key prefix var ( colon byte = 0x3a accountStore = []byte("AS:") UTXOPrefix = append(accountStore, utxoPrefix, colon) ContractPrefix = append(accountStore, contractPrefix, colon) ContractIndexPrefix = append(accountStore, contractIndexPrefix, colon) AccountPrefix = append(accountStore, accountPrefix, colon) // AccountPrefix is account ID prefix AccountIndexPrefix = append(accountStore, accountIndexPrefix, colon) ) const ( sutxoPrefix byte = iota //SUTXOPrefix is ContractUTXOKey prefix accountAliasPrefix txPrefix //TxPrefix is wallet database transactions prefix txIndexPrefix //TxIndexPrefix is wallet database tx index prefix unconfirmedTxPrefix //UnconfirmedTxPrefix is txpool unconfirmed transactions prefix globalTxIndexPrefix //GlobalTxIndexPrefix is wallet database global tx index prefix walletKey miningAddressKey coinbaseAbKey recoveryKey //recoveryKey key for db store recovery info. ) var ( walletStore = []byte("WS:") SUTXOPrefix = append(walletStore, sutxoPrefix, colon) AccountAliasPrefix = append(walletStore, accountAliasPrefix, colon) TxPrefix = append(walletStore, txPrefix, colon) //TxPrefix is wallet database transactions prefix TxIndexPrefix = append(walletStore, txIndexPrefix, colon) //TxIndexPrefix is wallet database tx index prefix UnconfirmedTxPrefix = append(walletStore, unconfirmedTxPrefix, colon) //UnconfirmedTxPrefix is txpool unconfirmed transactions prefix GlobalTxIndexPrefix = append(walletStore, globalTxIndexPrefix, colon) //GlobalTxIndexPrefix is wallet database global tx index prefix WalletKey = append(walletStore, walletKey) MiningAddressKey = append(walletStore, miningAddressKey) CoinbaseAbKey = append(walletStore, coinbaseAbKey) RecoveryKey = append(walletStore, recoveryKey) ) func accountIndexKey(xpubs []chainkd.XPub) []byte { var hash [32]byte var xPubs []byte cpy := append([]chainkd.XPub{}, xpubs[:]...) sort.Sort(signers.SortKeys(cpy)) for _, xpub := range cpy { xPubs = append(xPubs, xpub[:]...) } sha3pool.Sum256(hash[:], xPubs) return append([]byte(AccountIndexPrefix), hash[:]...) } func Bip44ContractIndexKey(accountID string, change bool) []byte { key := append([]byte(ContractIndexPrefix), accountID...) if change { return append(key, []byte{1}...) } return append(key, []byte{0}...) } // ContractKey account control promgram store prefix func ContractKey(hash bc.Hash) []byte { return append([]byte(ContractPrefix), hash.Bytes()...) } // AccountIDKey account id store prefix func AccountIDKey(accountID string) []byte { return append([]byte(AccountPrefix), []byte(accountID)...) } // StandardUTXOKey makes an account unspent outputs key to store func StandardUTXOKey(id bc.Hash) []byte { return append(UTXOPrefix, id.Bytes()...) } // ContractUTXOKey makes a smart contract unspent outputs key to store func ContractUTXOKey(id bc.Hash) []byte { return append(SUTXOPrefix, id.Bytes()...) } func calcDeleteKey(blockHeight uint64) []byte { return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%016x", TxPrefix, blockHeight)) } func calcTxIndexKey(txID string) []byte { return append(TxIndexPrefix, []byte(txID)...) } func calcAnnotatedKey(formatKey string) []byte { return append(TxPrefix, []byte(formatKey)...) } func calcUnconfirmedTxKey(formatKey string) []byte { return append(UnconfirmedTxPrefix, []byte(formatKey)...) } func CalcGlobalTxIndexKey(txID string) []byte { return append(GlobalTxIndexPrefix, []byte(txID)...) } func CalcGlobalTxIndex(blockHash *bc.Hash, position uint64) []byte { txIdx := make([]byte, 40) copy(txIdx[:32], blockHash.Bytes()) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txIdx[32:], position) return txIdx } func formatKey(blockHeight uint64, position uint32) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%016x%08x", blockHeight, position) } func contractIndexKey(accountID string) []byte { return append([]byte(ContractIndexPrefix), []byte(accountID)...) } func accountAliasKey(name string) []byte { return append([]byte(AccountAliasPrefix), []byte(name)...) } // MockWalletStore store wallet using leveldb type MockWalletStore struct { db dbm.DB batch dbm.Batch } // NewMockWalletStore create new MockWalletStore struct func NewMockWalletStore(db dbm.DB) *MockWalletStore { return &MockWalletStore{ db: db, batch: nil, } } // InitBatch initial new wallet store func (store *MockWalletStore) InitBatch() WalletStore { newStore := NewMockWalletStore(store.db) newStore.batch = newStore.db.NewBatch() return newStore } // CommitBatch commit batch func (store *MockWalletStore) CommitBatch() error { if store.batch == nil { return errors.New("MockWalletStore commit fail, store batch is nil.") } store.batch.Write() store.batch = nil return nil } // DeleteContractUTXO delete contract utxo by outputID func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteContractUTXO(outputID bc.Hash) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Delete(ContractUTXOKey(outputID)) } else { store.batch.Delete(ContractUTXOKey(outputID)) } } // DeleteRecoveryStatus delete recovery status func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteRecoveryStatus() { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Delete(RecoveryKey) } else { store.batch.Delete(RecoveryKey) } } // DeleteTransactions delete transactions when orphan block rollback func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteTransactions(height uint64) { batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } txIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix(calcDeleteKey(height)) defer txIter.Release() tmpTx := query.AnnotatedTx{} for txIter.Next() { if err := json.Unmarshal(txIter.Value(), &tmpTx); err == nil { batch.Delete(calcTxIndexKey(tmpTx.ID.String())) } batch.Delete(txIter.Key()) } if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } } // DeleteUnconfirmedTransaction delete unconfirmed tx by txID func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteUnconfirmedTransaction(txID string) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Delete(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(txID)) } else { store.batch.Delete(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(txID)) } } // DeleteWalletTransactions delete all txs in wallet func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteWalletTransactions() { batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } txIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(TxPrefix)) defer txIter.Release() for txIter.Next() { batch.Delete(txIter.Key()) } txIndexIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(TxIndexPrefix)) defer txIndexIter.Release() for txIndexIter.Next() { batch.Delete(txIndexIter.Key()) } if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } } // DeleteWalletUTXOs delete all txs in wallet func (store *MockWalletStore) DeleteWalletUTXOs() { batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } ruIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(UTXOPrefix)) defer ruIter.Release() for ruIter.Next() { batch.Delete(ruIter.Key()) } suIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(SUTXOPrefix)) defer suIter.Release() for suIter.Next() { batch.Delete(suIter.Key()) } if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } } // GetAsset get asset by assetID func (store *MockWalletStore) GetAsset(assetID *bc.AssetID) (*asset.Asset, error) { definitionByte := store.db.Get(asset.ExtAssetKey(assetID)) if definitionByte == nil { return nil, errGetAsset } definitionMap := make(map[string]interface{}) if err := json.Unmarshal(definitionByte, &definitionMap); err != nil { return nil, err } alias := assetID.String() externalAsset := &asset.Asset{ AssetID: *assetID, Alias: &alias, DefinitionMap: definitionMap, RawDefinitionByte: definitionByte, } return externalAsset, nil } // GetGlobalTransactionIndex get global tx by txID func (store *MockWalletStore) GetGlobalTransactionIndex(txID string) []byte { return store.db.Get(CalcGlobalTxIndexKey(txID)) } // GetStandardUTXO get standard utxo by id func (store *MockWalletStore) GetStandardUTXO(outid bc.Hash) (*acc.UTXO, error) { rawUTXO := store.db.Get(StandardUTXOKey(outid)) if rawUTXO == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed get standard UTXO, outputID: %s ", outid.String()) } UTXO := new(acc.UTXO) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawUTXO, UTXO); err != nil { return nil, err } return UTXO, nil } // GetTransaction get tx by txid func (store *MockWalletStore) GetTransaction(txID string) (*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { formatKey := store.db.Get(calcTxIndexKey(txID)) if formatKey == nil { return nil, errAccntTxIDNotFound } rawTx := store.db.Get(calcAnnotatedKey(string(formatKey))) tx := new(query.AnnotatedTx) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawTx, tx); err != nil { return nil, err } return tx, nil } // GetUnconfirmedTransaction get unconfirmed tx by txID func (store *MockWalletStore) GetUnconfirmedTransaction(txID string) (*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { rawUnconfirmedTx := store.db.Get(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(txID)) if rawUnconfirmedTx == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed get unconfirmed tx, txID: %s ", txID) } tx := new(query.AnnotatedTx) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawUnconfirmedTx, tx); err != nil { return nil, err } return tx, nil } // GetRecoveryStatus delete recovery status func (store *MockWalletStore) GetRecoveryStatus() (*RecoveryState, error) { rawStatus := store.db.Get(RecoveryKey) if rawStatus == nil { return nil, ErrGetRecoveryStatus } state := new(RecoveryState) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawStatus, state); err != nil { return nil, err } return state, nil } // GetWalletInfo get wallet information func (store *MockWalletStore) GetWalletInfo() (*StatusInfo, error) { rawStatus := store.db.Get([]byte(WalletKey)) if rawStatus == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed get wallet info") } status := new(StatusInfo) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawStatus, status); err != nil { return nil, err } return status, nil } // ListAccountUTXOs get all account unspent outputs func (store *MockWalletStore) ListAccountUTXOs(id string, isSmartContract bool) ([]*acc.UTXO, error) { prefix := UTXOPrefix if isSmartContract { prefix = SUTXOPrefix } idBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(id) if err != nil { return nil, err } accountUtxoIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix(append(prefix, idBytes...)) defer accountUtxoIter.Release() confirmedUTXOs := []*acc.UTXO{} for accountUtxoIter.Next() { utxo := new(acc.UTXO) if err := json.Unmarshal(accountUtxoIter.Value(), utxo); err != nil { return nil, err } confirmedUTXOs = append(confirmedUTXOs, utxo) } return confirmedUTXOs, nil } func (store *MockWalletStore) ListTransactions(accountID string, StartTxID string, count uint, unconfirmed bool) ([]*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { annotatedTxs := []*query.AnnotatedTx{} var startKey []byte preFix := TxPrefix if StartTxID != "" { if unconfirmed { startKey = calcUnconfirmedTxKey(StartTxID) } else { formatKey := store.db.Get(calcTxIndexKey(StartTxID)) if formatKey == nil { return nil, errAccntTxIDNotFound } startKey = calcAnnotatedKey(string(formatKey)) } } if unconfirmed { preFix = UnconfirmedTxPrefix } itr := store.db.IteratorPrefixWithStart([]byte(preFix), startKey, true) defer itr.Release() for txNum := count; itr.Next() && txNum > 0; txNum-- { annotatedTx := new(query.AnnotatedTx) if err := json.Unmarshal(itr.Value(), &annotatedTx); err != nil { return nil, err } annotatedTxs = append(annotatedTxs, annotatedTx) } return annotatedTxs, nil } // ListUnconfirmedTransactions get all unconfirmed txs func (store *MockWalletStore) ListUnconfirmedTransactions() ([]*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { annotatedTxs := []*query.AnnotatedTx{} txIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(UnconfirmedTxPrefix)) defer txIter.Release() for txIter.Next() { annotatedTx := &query.AnnotatedTx{} if err := json.Unmarshal(txIter.Value(), &annotatedTx); err != nil { return nil, err } annotatedTxs = append(annotatedTxs, annotatedTx) } return annotatedTxs, nil } // SetAssetDefinition set assetID and definition func (store *MockWalletStore) SetAssetDefinition(assetID *bc.AssetID, definition []byte) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(asset.ExtAssetKey(assetID), definition) } else { store.batch.Set(asset.ExtAssetKey(assetID), definition) } } // SetContractUTXO set standard utxo func (store *MockWalletStore) SetContractUTXO(outputID bc.Hash, utxo *acc.UTXO) error { data, err := json.Marshal(utxo) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(ContractUTXOKey(outputID), data) } else { store.batch.Set(ContractUTXOKey(outputID), data) } return nil } // SetGlobalTransactionIndex set global tx index by blockhash and position func (store *MockWalletStore) SetGlobalTransactionIndex(globalTxID string, blockHash *bc.Hash, position uint64) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(CalcGlobalTxIndexKey(globalTxID), CalcGlobalTxIndex(blockHash, position)) } else { store.batch.Set(CalcGlobalTxIndexKey(globalTxID), CalcGlobalTxIndex(blockHash, position)) } } // SetRecoveryStatus set recovery status func (store *MockWalletStore) SetRecoveryStatus(recoveryState *RecoveryState) error { rawStatus, err := json.Marshal(recoveryState) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(RecoveryKey, rawStatus) } else { store.batch.Set(RecoveryKey, rawStatus) } return nil } // SetTransaction set raw transaction by block height and tx position func (store *MockWalletStore) SetTransaction(height uint64, tx *query.AnnotatedTx) error { batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } rawTx, err := json.Marshal(tx) if err != nil { return err } batch.Set(calcAnnotatedKey(formatKey(height, tx.Position)), rawTx) batch.Set(calcTxIndexKey(tx.ID.String()), []byte(formatKey(height, tx.Position))) if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } return nil } // SetUnconfirmedTransaction set unconfirmed tx by txID func (store *MockWalletStore) SetUnconfirmedTransaction(txID string, tx *query.AnnotatedTx) error { rawTx, err := json.Marshal(tx) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(txID), rawTx) } else { store.batch.Set(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(txID), rawTx) } return nil } // SetWalletInfo get wallet information func (store *MockWalletStore) SetWalletInfo(status *StatusInfo) error { rawWallet, err := json.Marshal(status) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set([]byte(WalletKey), rawWallet) } else { store.batch.Set([]byte(WalletKey), rawWallet) } return nil } type MockAccountStore struct { db dbm.DB batch dbm.Batch } // NewAccountStore create new MockAccountStore. func NewMockAccountStore(db dbm.DB) *MockAccountStore { return &MockAccountStore{ db: db, batch: nil, } } // InitBatch initial new account store func (store *MockAccountStore) InitBatch() acc.AccountStore { newStore := NewMockAccountStore(store.db) newStore.batch = newStore.db.NewBatch() return newStore } // CommitBatch commit batch func (store *MockAccountStore) CommitBatch() error { if store.batch == nil { return errors.New("MockAccountStore commit fail, store batch is nil.") } store.batch.Write() store.batch = nil return nil } // DeleteAccount set account account ID, account alias and raw account. func (store *MockAccountStore) DeleteAccount(account *acc.Account) error { batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } // delete account utxos store.deleteAccountUTXOs(account.ID, batch) // delete account control program if err := store.deleteAccountControlPrograms(account.ID, batch); err != nil { return err } // delete bip44 contract index batch.Delete(Bip44ContractIndexKey(account.ID, false)) batch.Delete(Bip44ContractIndexKey(account.ID, true)) // delete contract index batch.Delete(contractIndexKey(account.ID)) // delete account id batch.Delete(AccountIDKey(account.ID)) batch.Delete(accountAliasKey(account.Alias)) if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } return nil } // deleteAccountUTXOs delete account utxos by accountID func (store *MockAccountStore) deleteAccountUTXOs(accountID string, batch dbm.Batch) error { accountUtxoIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(UTXOPrefix)) defer accountUtxoIter.Release() for accountUtxoIter.Next() { accountUtxo := new(acc.UTXO) if err := json.Unmarshal(accountUtxoIter.Value(), accountUtxo); err != nil { return err } if accountID == accountUtxo.AccountID { batch.Delete(StandardUTXOKey(accountUtxo.OutputID)) } } return nil } // deleteAccountControlPrograms deletes account control program func (store *MockAccountStore) deleteAccountControlPrograms(accountID string, batch dbm.Batch) error { cps, err := store.ListControlPrograms() if err != nil { return err } var hash [32]byte for _, cp := range cps { if cp.AccountID == accountID { sha3pool.Sum256(hash[:], cp.ControlProgram) batch.Delete(ContractKey(bc.NewHash(hash))) } } return nil } // DeleteStandardUTXO delete utxo by outpu id func (store *MockAccountStore) DeleteStandardUTXO(outputID bc.Hash) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Delete(StandardUTXOKey(outputID)) } else { store.batch.Delete(StandardUTXOKey(outputID)) } } // GetAccountByAlias get account by account alias func (store *MockAccountStore) GetAccountByAlias(accountAlias string) (*acc.Account, error) { accountID := store.db.Get(accountAliasKey(accountAlias)) if accountID == nil { return nil, acc.ErrFindAccount } return store.GetAccountByID(string(accountID)) } // GetAccountByID get account by accountID func (store *MockAccountStore) GetAccountByID(accountID string) (*acc.Account, error) { rawAccount := store.db.Get(AccountIDKey(accountID)) if rawAccount == nil { return nil, acc.ErrFindAccount } account := new(acc.Account) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawAccount, account); err != nil { return nil, err } return account, nil } // GetAccountIndex get account index by account xpubs func (store *MockAccountStore) GetAccountIndex(xpubs []chainkd.XPub) uint64 { currentIndex := uint64(0) if rawIndexBytes := store.db.Get(accountIndexKey(xpubs)); rawIndexBytes != nil { currentIndex = common.BytesToUnit64(rawIndexBytes) } return currentIndex } // GetBip44ContractIndex get bip44 contract index func (store *MockAccountStore) GetBip44ContractIndex(accountID string, change bool) uint64 { index := uint64(0) if rawIndexBytes := store.db.Get(Bip44ContractIndexKey(accountID, change)); rawIndexBytes != nil { index = common.BytesToUnit64(rawIndexBytes) } return index } // GetCoinbaseArbitrary get coinbase arbitrary func (store *MockAccountStore) GetCoinbaseArbitrary() []byte { return store.db.Get([]byte(CoinbaseAbKey)) } // GetContractIndex get contract index func (store *MockAccountStore) GetContractIndex(accountID string) uint64 { index := uint64(0) if rawIndexBytes := store.db.Get(contractIndexKey(accountID)); rawIndexBytes != nil { index = common.BytesToUnit64(rawIndexBytes) } return index } // GetControlProgram get control program func (store *MockAccountStore) GetControlProgram(hash bc.Hash) (*acc.CtrlProgram, error) { rawProgram := store.db.Get(ContractKey(hash)) if rawProgram == nil { return nil, acc.ErrFindCtrlProgram } cp := new(acc.CtrlProgram) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawProgram, cp); err != nil { return nil, err } return cp, nil } // GetMiningAddress get mining address func (store *MockAccountStore) GetMiningAddress() (*acc.CtrlProgram, error) { rawCP := store.db.Get([]byte(MiningAddressKey)) if rawCP == nil { return nil, acc.ErrFindMiningAddress } cp := new(acc.CtrlProgram) if err := json.Unmarshal(rawCP, cp); err != nil { return nil, err } return cp, nil } // GetUTXO get standard utxo by id func (store *MockAccountStore) GetUTXO(outid bc.Hash) (*acc.UTXO, error) { u := new(acc.UTXO) if data := store.db.Get(StandardUTXOKey(outid)); data != nil { return u, json.Unmarshal(data, u) } if data := store.db.Get(ContractUTXOKey(outid)); data != nil { return u, json.Unmarshal(data, u) } return nil, acc.ErrMatchUTXO } // ListAccounts get all accounts which name prfix is id. func (store *MockAccountStore) ListAccounts(id string) ([]*acc.Account, error) { accounts := []*acc.Account{} accountIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix(AccountIDKey(strings.TrimSpace(id))) defer accountIter.Release() for accountIter.Next() { account := new(acc.Account) if err := json.Unmarshal(accountIter.Value(), &account); err != nil { return nil, err } accounts = append(accounts, account) } return accounts, nil } // ListControlPrograms get all local control programs func (store *MockAccountStore) ListControlPrograms() ([]*acc.CtrlProgram, error) { cps := []*acc.CtrlProgram{} cpIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(ContractPrefix)) defer cpIter.Release() for cpIter.Next() { cp := new(acc.CtrlProgram) if err := json.Unmarshal(cpIter.Value(), cp); err != nil { return nil, err } cps = append(cps, cp) } return cps, nil } // ListUTXOs get utxos by accountID func (store *MockAccountStore) ListUTXOs() ([]*acc.UTXO, error) { utxoIter := store.db.IteratorPrefix([]byte(UTXOPrefix)) defer utxoIter.Release() utxos := []*acc.UTXO{} for utxoIter.Next() { utxo := new(acc.UTXO) if err := json.Unmarshal(utxoIter.Value(), utxo); err != nil { return nil, err } utxos = append(utxos, utxo) } return utxos, nil } // SetAccount set account account ID, account alias and raw account. func (store *MockAccountStore) SetAccount(account *acc.Account) error { rawAccount, err := json.Marshal(account) if err != nil { return acc.ErrMarshalAccount } batch := store.db.NewBatch() if store.batch != nil { batch = store.batch } batch.Set(AccountIDKey(account.ID), rawAccount) batch.Set(accountAliasKey(account.Alias), []byte(account.ID)) if store.batch == nil { batch.Write() } return nil } // SetAccountIndex update account index func (store *MockAccountStore) SetAccountIndex(account *acc.Account) { currentIndex := store.GetAccountIndex(account.XPubs) if account.KeyIndex > currentIndex { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(accountIndexKey(account.XPubs), common.Unit64ToBytes(account.KeyIndex)) } else { store.batch.Set(accountIndexKey(account.XPubs), common.Unit64ToBytes(account.KeyIndex)) } } } // SetBip44ContractIndex set contract index func (store *MockAccountStore) SetBip44ContractIndex(accountID string, change bool, index uint64) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(Bip44ContractIndexKey(accountID, change), common.Unit64ToBytes(index)) } else { store.batch.Set(Bip44ContractIndexKey(accountID, change), common.Unit64ToBytes(index)) } } // SetCoinbaseArbitrary set coinbase arbitrary func (store *MockAccountStore) SetCoinbaseArbitrary(arbitrary []byte) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set([]byte(CoinbaseAbKey), arbitrary) } else { store.batch.Set([]byte(CoinbaseAbKey), arbitrary) } } // SetContractIndex set contract index func (store *MockAccountStore) SetContractIndex(accountID string, index uint64) { if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(contractIndexKey(accountID), common.Unit64ToBytes(index)) } else { store.batch.Set(contractIndexKey(accountID), common.Unit64ToBytes(index)) } } // SetControlProgram set raw program func (store *MockAccountStore) SetControlProgram(hash bc.Hash, program *acc.CtrlProgram) error { accountCP, err := json.Marshal(program) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(ContractKey(hash), accountCP) } else { store.batch.Set(ContractKey(hash), accountCP) } return nil } // SetMiningAddress set mining address func (store *MockAccountStore) SetMiningAddress(program *acc.CtrlProgram) error { rawProgram, err := json.Marshal(program) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set([]byte(MiningAddressKey), rawProgram) } else { store.batch.Set([]byte(MiningAddressKey), rawProgram) } return nil } // SetStandardUTXO set standard utxo func (store *MockAccountStore) SetStandardUTXO(outputID bc.Hash, utxo *acc.UTXO) error { data, err := json.Marshal(utxo) if err != nil { return err } if store.batch == nil { store.db.Set(StandardUTXOKey(outputID), data) } else { store.batch.Set(StandardUTXOKey(outputID), data) } return nil }