*** This article still not correct from auto-translated by GOOGLE-TRANSLATE. *** If you can tranlate Japanese to any languages, please *** Translate this, publish and pull request to my GITHUB. Common Source Code Project for Qt: How to Build Feb 25, 2016 K.Ohta 1.First of all Common Source Code Project the (CSP) in terms of porting to Qt, the build. There is a voice that does not know well when using the method - especially MinGW to or so it was, we wrote a little. 2. What you need • The Windows of the person, MinGW is required ... is, open-source version of Qt The installer [1] (in the case of Qt5.5.1 GCC4.9.2, you can use later versions) MinGW comes with, but, half-hearted. · GCC (may not be good Qt and compatibility that it LLVM CLANG) · Qt5.1 or more, of course also the development files such as header. · OpenGL 2.1 or more to build and to work. With the software renderer in Windows for Qt You've had. · CMake [2] 2.8 or more · LibSDL2 [3] ・if possible, it can be slightly faster and use the CCACHE [4] · Git [5] is, child download the source code from the repository [6] you bet you can. · emufm7 part of the code of the source code in the gawk to generate some C++ source code from text file. However, the .cpp file after generation to the source tree from that text, it contains. [1] Windows for in http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/ of (32 / 64bit) Please try using the installer [2] http://cmake.org/ [3] http://libsdl.org/ [4] https://ccache.samba.org/ [5] https://git-scm.com/ [6] https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7 https://www.pikacode.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7/ These things, GNU / Linux if such and MinGW, package management software In will be put in the majority. 3. How to Build 3-1. Basic method The source tree allowed to expand to ${SRCDIR}, $ cd ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/{VM name}/ $ mkdir -p build $ cd build $ cmake .. ※ [7] $ make If it went well, $ sudo make install [7] In fact, it is convenient setting is better to use the ccmake of CursesGUI version of CMake. 3-2.MinGW It is basically the same, and use the windeployqt.exe of Qt, the necessary Qt La For us to copy the library. However, DLL of libstdc associated with libSDL2 and OpenGL relationship is to manually copy That you will need. Since there is no CMake is the official MinGW, please download from [8]. Install the a.MinGW. mingw32-gcc and mingw32-g ++ and mingw32-binutils, mingw-developer-toolkit and mingw32-pthreds-w32 Please install the sure. To register the shortcut of b.MSYS Bash, for example, on your desktop and menu Let's place. If the default installation location, Is C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat. c. Install the Qt to C:\Qt. Start the installer you downloaded from [1], the mingw toolchain Install in, including form. d. Install the CMake. Whether to include the CMake the path? Come ask the installer and So please check. e. If Necessary, install the Git. f. To edit the C:.\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\{username}\.profile. At this time, since performed in Notepad problem comes out, use the vim. From the MSYS BASH; $ vim ~/.profile Please to add the following line. export PATH =/c/MinGw/bin:$PATH:/c/Qt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/mingw492_32/bin When you are finished, in the [ESC] → ZZ command, it writes. g.Install SDL2. (Reference: [9]) Download SDL2 have been "Windows Development MinGW" tarball of The expand and install. $ tar xf SDL2-devel-2.0.4-mingw.tar.gz $ cd SDL2-2.0.4 $ mingw32-make install-package arch=i686-w64-mingw32 prefix=/c/mingw h. When you come up to this point, to start the MSYS BASH again. And, of release page in the source and github that have been taken in the git clone Expand the source code. Here, describing the full path to the ${SRCDIR} to do. i. Build. $ cd ${SRCDIR} $ cd source/build-cmake/${VM name} $ mkdir build-win32 $ cd build-win32 $ cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" ※[10] $ mingw32-make ※ Notes: Windwos on (the native) in MinGW, rather than make, mingw32-make Use and the like. I have a Windows side is make, yet this is the unix format Since it is a villainy specification that not me seriously interpret the Makefile ... j. cormorant or Ku be or prayer a call that came in buildings de k. When you build, the directory to the emu${VM name}.exe for moving Copy. l. on which has moved to copy the previous directory I, $ windeployqt.exe --release emu${VM name}.exe If you, copy the necessary Qt libraries in release mode Shiteku Are you, but the copy manually, such as libSDL2 and libpthread and libgcc_s If that does not, can not be started from the Windows Explorer (;´Д`) In addition, it specifies the Debug and Relwithdebinfo to build the type of CMake Time, $ windeployqt.exe --debug emu${VM name}.exe Let's say. Then, the following file C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\mingw492_32\bin (such as) Or, or from C:\MinGW\bin, and copy it to the directory where you placed the exe. icudt54.dll icuin54.dll icuuc54.dll libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libstdc ++ - 6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll On top of that, SDL2.dll (C: should located in the \MinGW\bin) is also, in this directory Copy. [8] http://cmake.org/download/ [9] https://gist.github.com/Hamayama/155b5557db31334ce492 [10] In fact, once after you move the CMake, a fine setting to start the cmake-gui better to is better. 3-3. Cross build (do the build for Windows in such as GNU / Linux) Here, in the GNU / Linux host, how to cross build the CSP for Windows You have a brief description. Become an aid for the ARM build and other OS Builds for Android, etc. for Award. a. installation of cross compiler In most cases, because there is a cross-GCC Toolchain for MinGW, it install. b. Installation of Wine Because such as moc there is a need to use for Windows, install the Wine want it. On top of that, so that you can start a file of exe extension via Wine there to support scripts such as binfmt-support, set in the update-binfmts. [11] $ sudo update-binfmts --install Win32Exec /usr/bin/wine --magic "MZ" I think that it was good at (I'm sorry in faint memory) [11] http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kakurasan/20110909/p1 such as the reference. c.Qt for Windows Installation of From the URL of the [1], download the installer for Windows. And, $ sudo wine ./qt-opensource-foo.exe will do. Then because Qt installer screen comes out, please specify to the installation. Z:\usr\local\i586-mingw-msvc At this time, $sudo chmod ugo+x /usr/local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.5/mingw492_32/bin/*.exe As such, let's be able to start the tool for Windows Qt directly attached. d.libSDL2 libSDL2 also, and you should install the ones for Windows. From [3], download for Windows SDL2 (for Development), /usr/local/i586-mingw-msvc/ Let's expand to around. e. Cross build Although we use the ToolChain function of CMake, so many things setting is confusing, Already Yes available are those described. $ {SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/cmake/toolchain_mingw_cross_linux.cmake Messing with description of this file, $ cd ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/{VM name}/ $ mkdir -p build $ cd build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../cmake/toolchain_mingw_cross_linux.cmake $ make In it you should be okay. 3-3. Trying to easier way In the description up to this point, we have to build the manual in a virtual machine basis. However, although the once could under preparation, is every time awkward every time. Therefore, a batch file (Bash script) are available. · ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/config_build.sh : normal build · ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/config_build_cross_win32.sh : To build a file for MinGW32 (Windows) on GNU / Linux script · ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/config_build_mingw.sh : Script to build a file for MinGW with MinGW on Windows config_build.sh will continue to write the settings to a file called buildvars.dat. config_build_mingw.sh is, the settings to a file called buildvars_mingw.dat I will continue to write. How to use it; $ ./${Script name} ${VM name 1} ${VM name 2} ... ${VM name n} This script works in full automatic : Generate the Makefiles from CMake → make → install → make clean For make results, ${VM name}/build/make.log (MinGW for cross build has been recorded in the {VM name}/build-win32/build.log). For Windows-friendly build, ${SRCDIR}/source/build-cmake/bin-win32/ copy the resulting binary in, and clean the build working directory. For batch build, and use the Midnight Commander (mc) to easier to works. For more information, the https://www.midnight-commander.org/. Windows of unofficial build, https: to //sourceforge.net/projects/mcwin32/ Equipped therefore, let's install using the installer.