OSDN Git Service

last changeSat, 16 Feb 2013 07:37:21 +0000 (16:37 +0900)
2013-02-16 tkawata[dennco] updated the plugin feature implementation. master
2013-02-11 tkawata[dennco] The update for the implementation of plugin...
2013-01-29 tkawata[dennco] Changed the name format for plugin cell. The...
2013-01-22 tkawata[dennco] refactoring
2013-01-22 tkawata[dennco] Implemented the plugin feature.
2012-12-29 tkawata[dennco] alpha 2.0 - wrap up 2
2012-12-29 tkawata[dennco] alpha 2.0. wrap up
2012-12-28 tkawata[dennco] wrap up for Mac
2012-12-19 tkawata[dennco] changed the property setting for the console...
2012-11-24 tkawata[dennco] updated the version info.
2012-11-24 tkawata[dennco] re-work tick interval workflow. The re-work...
2012-11-23 tkawata[dennco] re-work the tick interval work flow. The work...
2012-11-20 tkawata[dennco] re-working the doTick process flow. The work...
2012-11-12 tkawata[dennco] changed the application icon (for windows)
2012-11-12 tkawata[dennco] added window icon for windows executable
2012-10-23 tkawata[dennco] implemented the running mode which work with...
11 years ago master