; -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ; forthMSP430FR_SD_lowLvl.asm ; Copyright (C) <2017> ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ===================================================================== ; goal : accept 64 MB up to 64 GB SD_CARD ; ===================================================================== ; thus FAT and RootClus logical sectors are word addressable. ; FAT is a little endian structure. ; CMD frame is sent as big endian. ; we assume that SDSC Card (up to 2GB) is FAT16 with a byte addressing ; and that SDHC Card (4GB up to 64GB) is FAT32 with a sector addressing (sector = 512 bytes) ; for SDHC Card = 64 GB, cluster = 64 sectors ==> max clusters = 20 0000h ==> FAT size = 16384 sectors ; ==> FAT1 and FAT2 can be addressed with a single word. ; ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_boot_record ; ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_type ; Formatage FA16 d'une SDSC Card 2GB ; First sector of physical drive (sector 0) content : ; --------------------------------------------------- ; dec@| HEX@ ; 446 |0x1BE : partition table first record ==> logical drive 0 ; 446 |0x1CE : partition table 2th record ==> logical drive 1 ; 446 |0x1DE : partition table 3th record ==> logical drive 2 ; 446 |0x1EE : partition table 4th record ==> logical drive 3 ; partition record content : ; --------------------------------------------------- ; dec@|HEX@ = HEX decimal ; 0 |0x00 = 0x00 : not bootable ; 1 |0x01 = 02 0C 00 : Org Cylinder/Head/Sector offset (CHS-addressing) = not used ; 4 |0x04 = 0x0E : type FAT16 using LBA addressing = 14 ==> FAT16 ; 5 |0x05 = ED 3F EE : End Cylinder/Head/Sector offset (CHS-addressing) = not used ; 8 |0x08 = 00 20 00 00 : sectors offset of logical drive = 8192 ; 12 |0x0C = 00 40 74 00 : sectors size of logical drive = 7618560 sectors ; 450 |0x04 = 0x0E : type FAT16 using LBA addressing = 14 ==> set FATtype = FAT16 with byte CMD addressing ; 454 |0x1C6 = 89 00 : FirstSector (of logical drive 0) BS_FirstSector = 137 ; ref. https://www.compuphase.com/mbr_fat.htm#BOOTSECTOR ; FirstSector of logical drive (sector 0) content : ; ------------------------------------------------- ; dec@| HEX@ = HEX decimal ; 11 | 0x0B = 00 02 : 512 bytes/sector BPB_BytsPerSec = 512 ; 13 | 0x0D = 40 : 64 sectors/cluster BPB_SecPerClus = 64 ; 14 | 0x0E = 01 00 : 2 reserved sectors BPB_RsvdSecCnt = 1 ; 16 | 0x10 = 02 : 2 FATs BPB_NumFATs = 2 (always 2) ; 17 | 0x11 = 00 02 : 512 entries/directory BPB_RootEntCnt = 512 ; 19 | 0x13 = 00 00 : BPB_TotSec16 (if < 65535) BPB_TotSec16 = 0 ; 22 | 0x16 = EB 00 : 235 sectors/FAT (FAT16) BPB_FATSize = 235 ; 32 | 0x20 = 77 9F 3A 00 : ‭3841911‬ total sectors BPB_TotSec32 = ‭3841911‬ ; 54 | 0x36 = "FAT16" BS_FilSysType (not used) ; all values below are evaluated in logical sectors ; FAT1 = BPB_RsvdSecCnt = 1 ; FAT2 = BPB_RsvdSecCnt + BPB_FATSz32 = 1 + 235 = 236 ; OrgRootDirL = BPB_RsvdSecCnt + (BPB_FATSize * BPB_NumFATs) = 471 ; RootDirSize = BPB_RootEntCnt * 32 / BPB_BytsPerSec = 32 sectors ; OrgDatas = OrgRootDir + RootDirSize = 503 ; OrgCluster = OrgRootDir - 2*BPB_SecPerClus = 375 (virtual value) ; FirstSectorOfCluster(n) = OrgCluster + n*BPB_SecPerClus ==> cluster(3) = 705 ; ==================================================================================== ; Formatage FA32 d'une SDSC Card 8GB ; First sector of physical drive (sector 0) content : ; --------------------------------------------------- ; dec@| HEX@ ; 446 |0x1BE : partition table first record ==> logical block 0 ; 446 |0x1CE : partition table 2th record ==> logical block 1 ; 446 |0x1DE : partition table 3th record ==> logical block 2 ; 446 |0x1EE : partition table 4th record ==> logical block 3 ; partition record content : ; --------------------------------------------------- ; dec@|HEX@ = HEX decimal ; 0 |0x00 = 0x00 : not bootable ; 1 |0x01 = 82 03 00 : Org CHS offset (Cylinder/Head/Sector) = not used ; 4 |0x04 = 0x0C : type FAT32 using LBA addressing = 12 ==> set FATtype = FAT32 with sector CMD addressing ; 5 |0x05 = 82 03 00 : End offset (Cylinder/Head/Sector offset) = not used ; 8 |0x08 = 00 20 00 00 : sectors offset of logical block = 8192 ; 12 |0x0C = 00 40 74 00 : sectors size of logical block = 7618560 ; 454 |0x1C6 = 00 20 00 00 : FirstSector (of logical drive 0) = BS_FirstSector = 8192 ; ; FirstSector of logical block (sector 0) content : ; ------------------------------------------------- ; dec@| HEX@ = HEX decimal ; 11 | 0x0B = 00 02 : 512 bytes/sector BPB_BytsPerSec = 512 ; 13 | 0x0D = 08 : 8 sectors/cluster BPB_SecPerClus = 8 ; 14 | 0x0E = 20 00 : 32 reserved sectors BPB_RsvdSecCnt = 32 ; 16 | 0x10 = 02 : 2 FATs BPB_NumFATs = 2 (always 2) ; 17 | 0x11 = 00 00 : 0 BPB_RootEntCnt = 0 (always 0 for FAT32) ; 32 | 0x20 = 00 C0 EC 00 : BPB_TotSec32 BPB_TotSec32 = 15515648 ; 36 | 0x24 = 30 3B 00 00 : BPB_FATSz32 BPB_FATSz32 = 15152 ; 40 | 0x28 = 00 00 : BPB_ExtFlags BPB_ExtFlags ; 44 | 0x2C = 02 00 00 00 : BPB_RootClus BPB_RootClus = 2 ; 48 | 0x30 = 01 00 : BPB_FSInfo BPB_FSInfo = 1 ; 50 | 0x33 = 06 00 : BPB_BkBootSec BPB_BkBootSec = 6 ; 82 | 0x52 = "FAT32" : BS_FilSysType BS_FilSysType (not used) ; ; all values below are evaluated in logical sectors ; FAT1 = BPB_RsvdSecCnt = 32 ; FAT2 = BPB_RsvdSecCnt + BPB_FATSz32 = 32 + 15152 = 15184 ; OrgRootDirL = BPB_RsvdSecCnt + BPB_FATSz32 * BPB_NumFATs = 32 + 15152*2 = 30336 ; OrgCluster = OrgRootDir - 2*BPB_SecPerClus = 30320 ; RootDirSize = BPB_RootEntCnt * 32 / BPB_BytsPerSec = 0 ; OrgDatas = OrgRootDir + RootDirSize = 30336 ; FirstSectorOfCluster(n) = OrgCluster + n*BPB_SecPerClus ==> cluster(6) = 30368 BytsPerSec .equ 512 ; all sectors are computed as logical, then physically translated at last time by RW_Sector_CMD ; in SPI mode CRC is not required, but CMD frame must be ended with a stop bit ; ==================================; RW_Sector_CMD ;WX <=== CMD17 or CMD24 (read or write Sector CMD) ; ==================================; BIC.B #SD_CS,&SD_CSOUT ; set SD_CS low BIT.B #SD_CD,&SD_CDIN ; test CD: memory card present ? JZ ComputePhysicalSector ; yes MOV #COLD,PC ; no: force COLD ; ----------------------------------; ComputePhysicalSector ; ; ----------------------------------; input = logical sector... ADD &BS_FirstSectorL,W ;3 ADDC &BS_FirstSectorH,X ;3 ; ----------------------------------; ...output = physical sector ;Compute CMD ; ; ----------------------------------; MOV #1,&SD_CMD_FRM ;3 $(01 00 xx xx xx CMD) set stop bit in CMD frame CMP #2,&FATtype ;3 FAT32 ? JZ FAT32_CMD ;2 yes FAT16_CMD ; FAT16 : CMD17/24 byte address = Sector * BPB_BytsPerSec ADD W,W ; shift left one Sector ADDC.B X,X ; MOV W,&SD_CMD_FRM+2 ; $(01 00 ll LL xx CMD) MOV.B X,&SD_CMD_FRM+4 ; $(01 00 ll LL hh CMD) JMP WaitIdleBeforeSendCMD ; FAT32_CMD ; FAT32 : CMD17/24 sector address MOV.B W,&SD_CMD_FRM+1 ;3 $(01 ll xx xx xx CMD) SWPB W ;1 MOV.B W,&SD_CMD_FRM+2 ;3 $(01 ll LL xx xx CMD) MOV.B X,&SD_CMD_FRM+3 ;3 $(01 ll LL hh xx CMD) SWPB X ;1 MOV.B X,&SD_CMD_FRM+4 ;3 $(01 ll LL hh HH CMD) ; ==================================; WaitIdleBeforeSendCMD ; <=== CMD41, CMD1, CMD16 (forthMSP430FR_SD_INIT.asm) ; ==================================; CALL #SPI_GET ; CMP.B #-1,W ; FFh = expected value <==> MISO = 1 = not busy = idle state JNE WaitIdleBeforeSendCMD ; loop back until idle state MOV #0,W ; W = expected R1 response = ready, for CMD41,CMD16, CMD17, CMD24 ; ==================================; sendCommand ;X <=== CMD0, CMD8, CMD55: W = R1 expected response = idle (forthMSP430FR_SD_INIT.asm) ; ==================================; ; input : SD_CMD_FRM : {CRC,byte_l,byte_L,byte_h,byte_H,CMD} ; W = expected return value ; output W is unchanged, flag Z is positionned ; reverts CMD bytes before send : $(CMD hh LL ll 00 CRC) MOV #5,X ; X = SD_CMD_FRM ptr AND countdown ; ----------------------------------; Send_CMD_PUT ; performs little endian --> big endian conversion ; ----------------------------------; MOV.B SD_CMD_FRM(X),&SD_TXBUF ;5 CMP #0,&SD_BRW ;3 full speed ? JZ FullSpeedSend ;2 yes Send_CMD_Loop ; BIT #UCRXIFG,&SD_IFG ;3 no: case of low speed during memCardInit JZ Send_CMD_Loop ;2 CMP.B #0,&SD_RXBUF ;3 to clear UCRXIFG FullSpeedSend ; ; NOP ;0 NOPx adjusted to avoid SD error SUB.B #1,X ;1 JHS Send_CMD_PUT ;2 U>= : don't skip SD_CMD_FRM(0) ! ; host must provide height clock cycles to complete operation ; here X=255, so wait for CMD return expected value with PUT FFh 256 times ; MOV #4,X ; to pass made in PRC SD_Card init ; MOV #16,X ; to pass Transcend SD_Card init ; MOV #32,X ; to pass Panasonic SD_Card init ; MOV #64,X ; to pass SanDisk SD_Card init ; ----------------------------------; Wait_Command_Response ; expect W = return value during X = 255 times ; ----------------------------------; SUB #1,X ;1 JN SPI_WAIT_RET ;2 error on time out with flag Z = 0 MOV.B #-1,&SD_TXBUF ;3 PUT FFh CMP #0,&SD_BRW ;3 full speed ? JZ FullSpeedGET ;2 yes cardResp_Getloop ; no: case of low speed during memCardInit (CMD0,CMD8,ACMD41,CMD16) BIT #UCRXIFG,&SD_IFG ;3 JZ cardResp_Getloop ;2 FullSpeedGET ; ; NOP ; NOPx adjusted to avoid SD_error CMP.B &SD_RXBUF,W ;3 return value = ExpectedValue ? JNZ Wait_Command_Response ;2 16~ full speed loop SPI_WAIT_RET ; flag Z = 1 <==> Returned value = expected value RET ; W = expected value, unchanged ; ----------------------------------; ; SPI_GET and SPI_PUT are adjusted for SD_CLK = MCLK ; PUT value must be a word or byte:byte because little endian to big endian conversion ; ==================================; SPI_GET ; PUT(FFh) ; ==================================; output : W = received byte, X = 0 always MOV #1,X ;1 ; ==================================; SPI_X_GET ; PUT(FFh) X times ; ==================================; output : W = last received byte, X = 0 MOV #-1,W ;1 ; ==================================; SPI_PUT ; PUT(W) X time ; ==================================; output : W = last received byte, X = 0 SWPB W ;1 MOV.B W,&SD_TXBUF ;3 put W high byte then W low byte and so forth, that performs little to big endian conversion CMP #0,&SD_BRW ;3 full speed ? JZ FullSpeedPut ;2 SPI_PUTWAIT BIT #UCRXIFG,&SD_IFG ;3 JZ SPI_PUTWAIT ;2 CMP.B #0,&SD_RXBUF ;3 reset RX flag FullSpeedPut ; NOP ; NOPx adjusted to avoid SD error SUB #1,X ;1 JNZ SPI_PUT ;2 12~ loop SPI_PUT_END MOV.B &SD_RXBUF,W ;3 RET ;4 ; ----------------------------------; ; ==================================; readFAT1SectorW ; read a FAT1 sector ; ==================================; ADD &OrgFAT1,W ; ; ==================================; readSectorW ; read a logical sector up to 65535 (case of FAT1,FAT2) ; ==================================; MOV #0,X ; ; ==================================; readSectorWX ; read a logical sector ; ==================================; BIS #1,S ; preset sd_read error MOV.B #51h,&SD_CMD_FRM+5 ; CMD17 = READ_SINGLE_BLOCK CALL #RW_Sector_CMD ; which performs logical sector to physical sector then little endian to big endian conversion JNE SD_CARD_ERROR ; time out error if R1 <> 0 ; ----------------------------------; WaitFEhResponse ; wait SD_Card response FEh ; ----------------------------------; CALL #SPI_GET ; CMP.B #-2,W ; FEh expected value JZ ReadSectorfirst ; 2 JNZ WaitFEhResponse ; ; ----------------------------------; ReadSectorLoop ; get 512+1 bytes, write 512 bytes ; ----------------------------------; MOV.B &SD_RXBUF,SD_BUF-1(X) ; 5 ReadSectorfirst ; MOV.B #-1,&SD_TXBUF ; 3 put FF NOP ; 1 NOPx adjusted to avoid read SD_error ADD #1,X ; 1 CMP #BytsPerSec+1,X ; 2 JNZ ReadSectorLoop ; 2 14 cycles loop read byte ; ----------------------------------; MOV.B #-1,&SD_TXBUF ; 3 put only one FF because first CRC byte is already received... ; ----------------------------------; ReadWriteHappyEnd ; <==== WriteSector ; ----------------------------------; BIC #3,S ; reset read and write errors BIS.B #SD_CS,&SD_CSOUT ; SD_CS = high RET ; ; ----------------------------------; .IFDEF SD_CARD_READ_WRITE ; ==================================; WriteSectorW ; write a logical sector up to 65535 (FAT1,FAT2) ; ==================================; MOV #0,X ; ; ==================================; WriteSectorWX ; write a logical sector ; ==================================; BIS #2,S ; preset sd_write error MOV.B #058h,SD_CMD_FRM+5 ; CMD24 = WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK CALL #RW_Sector_CMD ; which performs logical sector to physical sector then little endian to big endian conversions JNE SD_CARD_ERROR ; ReturnError = 2 MOV #0FFFEh,W ; PUT FFFEh as preamble requested for sector write MOV #2,X ; to put 16 bits value CALL #SPI_PUT ; which performs little endian to big endian conversion ; ----------------------------------; WriteSectorLoop ; 11 cycles loop write, starts with X = 0 ; ----------------------------------; MOV.B SD_BUF(X),&SD_TXBUF ; 5 NOP ; 1 NOPx adjusted to avoid write SD_error ADD #1,X ; 1 CMP #BytsPerSec,X ; 2 JNZ WriteSectorLoop ; 2 ; ----------------------------------; WriteSkipCRC16 ; CRC not used in SPI mode ; ----------------------------------; MOV #3,X ; PUT 2 bytes to skip CRC16 CALL #SPI_X_GET ; + 1 byte to get data token in W ; ----------------------------------; CheckWriteState ; ; ----------------------------------; BIC.B #0E1h,W ; apply mask for Data response CMP.B #4,W ; data accepted JZ ReadWriteHappyEnd ; ; ----------------------------------; .ENDIF ; SD_CARD_READ_WRITE ; SD Error n° ; High byte ; 1 = CMD17 read error ; 2 = CMD24 write error ; 4 = CMD0 time out (GO_IDLE_STATE) ; 8 = ACMD41 time out (APP_SEND_OP_COND) ; 10 = CMD16 time out (SET_BLOCKLEN) ; 20 = not FAT16/FAT32 media, low byte = partition ID ; low byte, if CMD R1 response : |0|7|6|5|4|3|2|1| ; 1th bit = In Idle state ; 2th bit = Erase reset ; 3th bit = Illegal command ; 4th bit = Command CRC error ; 5th bit = erase sequence error ; 6th bit = address error ; 7th bit = parameter error ; ----------------------------------; SD_CARD_ERROR ; <=== SD_INIT errors 4,8,$10 ; ----------------------------------; SWPB S ; High Level error in High byte ADD &SD_RXBUF,S ; add SPI(GET) return value to high level error SD_CARD_ID_ERROR ; <=== SD_INIT error $20 BIS.B #SD_CS,&SD_CSOUT ; SD_CS = high mDOCOL ; .word XSQUOTE ; .byte 11,"< SD Error!" ; ; ----------------------------------; SD_QABORTYES ; <=== OPEN/READ and WRITE errors ; ----------------------------------; FORTHtoASM ; SUB #4,PSP ; MOV TOS,2(PSP) ; MOV &BASE,0(PSP) ; MOV #10h,&BASE ; select hex MOV S,TOS ; ASMtoFORTH ; .word UDOT ; .word FBASE,STORE ; restore base .word QABORTYES ; ; ----------------------------------;