# File: q_pref.txt # Preferences for quest features # F:letter:feature:cave_info:monster:object:ego:artifact:trap:special # Permanent wall F:X:PERMANENT:8 # Floor with random object F:T:FLOOR:8:0:* # Floor F:.:FLOOR:8 # Door F:D:CLOSED_DOOR:8 # up staircase F:<:UP_STAIR:8 # Deep water F:W:DEEP_WATER:8 # Shallow water F:V:SHALLOW_WATER:8 # Granite wall F:%:GRANITE:8 # Floor with monster (9 levels out of deep) and object (7 levels out of deep) F:9:FLOOR:8:*9:*7 # Floor with monster (11 levels out of deep) F:@:FLOOR:8:*11 # Random trap or object # (25% chance for trap, 75% chance for object hardcoded) F:*:FLOOR:8:0:*:0:0:*