N: 1:BIAS_ELEC 'Vajra' 'Aeglin' 'Kaladbolg' 'Anguirel' 'Storm Halberd' 'Thunder Zap' 'Angered Thunder God' 'Thunder Bringer' 'Rising Thunder' of Djinni of Poseidon N: 2:BIAS_POIS 'Dragon Fang' 'Serpent's Tongue' 'Assassin's Strike' 'Killer Needle' 'Edge of Execution' 'Deathbringer' 'Sidewinder' 'Crotals Fang' of Mortal Venom of Radioactivity N: 3:BIAS_FIRE 'Red Storm' 'Phoenix' 'Flame Tongue' 'Exodus' 'Inferno' 'Durin's Trouble' 'Spitting Fire' 'Volcanic Geyser' of Prominence #of Allah N: 4:BIAS_COLD 'Absolute Zero' 'Ice Master' 'Belangil' 'Angrist' 'Ice Edge' 'Snowbringer' 'Diamond Dust' 'Ice Blast' 'Icy Manipulator' of Ice of Ymir N: 5:BIAS_ACID 'Disintegrator' 'Dissolver' 'Acidic Drop' 'Acid Blade' 'Worm's Tongue' 'Defiler' 'Golembreaker' 'Stonesmasher' of Fendilo of *Melting* N:12:BIAS_CHAOS (*Chaotic*) 'Doomblade' 'Armageddon' 'Mournblade' 'Laplace's Devil' of Khorne of Tzeentch of Logrus of the Champion of Chaos of Khaine of Balaan of Chardros of Mabelode of Arioch of Xiombarg of Vishnu N:14:BIAS_NECROMANTIC 'Soulsucker' 'Hand of Vecna' 'Deathstorm' 'Word of Death' 'Haradekket' 'Soul Burn' 'Angel of Ruin' 'Taminalbringer' 'Darknessbringer' of Vlad of Abyss of Demogorgon of Death of Namo N:15:BIAS_LAW N:13:BIAS_PRIESTLY N: 8:BIAS_WIS of the Guardian (*Holy Avenger*) 'Word of God' 'Hand of God' 'Judgement of Heaven' 'Apocalypse-Now' 'Jehovah's Wrath' 'Divine Intervention' 'Right Hand of Justice' 'Yggr-drasill' 'Ascalon' 'Herugrim' 'Alondait' 'Brionac' 'Lawbringer' N:16:BIAS_ROGUE 'Cubragol' 'Secret Weapon' 'Shadow Murder' 'Quick Kill' 'Speed Star' 'Windwalker' 'Red Comet' 'Mystletain' 'Windwalker' of Hermes of Assassins of Light Speed of Manwe N:17:BIAS_MAGE N: 7:BIAS_INT 'Eternal Verities' 'Mana Spectrum' 'Invisible Hand' 'Ancient Wisdom' 'Ancestral Knowledge' 'Mana Stone' 'Giver of Intelligence' of Olorin of Mana of Ganesa of Saruman of Ea N:18:BIAS_WARRIOR N: 6:BIAS_STR N:10:BIAS_CON 'Masamune' 'Undying Samurai' 'Vanquisher' 'Snickersnee' 'Iron Biter' 'Spiral Wave' 'Gaea's Might' 'Destroyer' 'Mundwine' 'Snickersnee' of Ultimate Might of Shiva of Destruction of Gerard of Benedict N: 9:BIAS_DEX N:19:BIAS_RANGER 'Lion Fang' 'Shark Cutter' 'Eagle Sword' 'Bison Axe' 'Tiger Baton' 'Whirlwind' 'Animalbane' 'Sniper' 'Shootingstar' 'Nature's Wrath' 'Galaxy' of Umbar of Amras of Amrod N:11:BIAS_CHR 'Charm of Kaguya' 'Andromeda' 'Millennium Queen' of Parzival of Jeanne d'Arc of Irmo of Venus N:*:Default 'Impuls 255' 'BGF-9000' 'Bloodscourge' 'Soul Searer' 'Cosmic Horror' 'Nemesis' 'Doom!' 'Inferno' 'Warhead' 'Conqueror' 'Angel of Death' 'Destroying Angel' 'Black Star' 'Kalma' 'Fat Boy' 'Megadeath' 'Doomsday' 'Eternity's End' 'Word of Death' 'Weapon Omega' 'Finalizer' of Blays of Eric of Elric of Beowulf 'Fatal Destiny'