#!/usr/bin/ruby -s # -*- coding: euc-jp -*- # -*- Ruby -*- # Convert ~/howm/ to HTML or other formats. # Only RD format is supported unless you will give me patches. :p require 'cgi' def usage name = File::basename $0 print < lambda{|str| CGI::escapeHTML str}, :unescaper => lambda{|str| CGI::unescapeHTML str}, # body page :namer => appender('.b.html'), :header => lambda{|file| %!#{file}


  :come_tag => lambda{|a|
    # Fix me.
  :come_jump => lambda{|a|
  :come_anchor => lambda{|a|
  :go_tag => lambda{|a|
  :go_anchor => lambda{|a|
#     %!#{a[:key]}!
  :url => lambda{|a|
    %!#{CGI::unescapeHTML a[:url]}!
  :footer => lambda{|file|

index\n! }, # reference page :ref_namer => appender('.r.html'), :ref_header => lambda{|file| "#{file}

References: #{file}

\n" }, :ref_itemer => lambda{|a| go = a[:goto_file] url = go ? "file://#{a[:goto_file]}" : "#{a[:path]}\##{a[:anch]}" ocs = a[:occur] %!

#{a[:key]} (#{ocs.length})

    \n! + ocs.map{|oc| %!
  1. #{oc[:file]} #{oc[:text]}\n! }.join + "
\n" }, :ref_footer => constant("\n"), # index page :index_namer => constant('index.html'), :index_header => constant("#{$title}


\n"), :index_keyworder => lambda{|as| "

Keywords (#{as.length})

\n" + as.map{|a| %!#{a[:key]}!}.join(" /\n") + "\n" }, :index_filer => lambda{|as| "

Files (#{as.length})

    \n" + as.map{|a| %!
  1. #{a[:file]}: #{a[:title]}\n!}.join + "
\n" }, :index_footer => constant("\n"), } $formatter['rd'] = { # RD doesn't have anchor? :escaper => no_change, :unescaper => no_change, # body page :namer => appender('.b.rd'), :header => empty, :come_tag => lambda{|a| %!((<"#{a[:orig]}"|URL:#{a[:rpath]}>))!}, :come_jump => lambda{|a| %!((<"#{a[:orig]}"|URL:#{a[:path]}>))!}, :come_anchor => constant(''), :footer => empty, :go_tag => lambda{|a| %!((<"#{a[:orig]}"|URL:#{a[:rpath]}>))!}, :go_anchor => constant(''), :url => lambda{|a| %!((<"#{a[:url]}"|URL:#{a[:url]}>))!}, # reference page :ref_namer => appender('.r.rd'), :ref_header => lambda{|file| "=begin\n= References: #{file}\n"}, :ref_itemer => lambda{|a| go = a[:goto_file] url = go ? "file://#{go}" : "#{a[:path]}" %!== ((<"#{a[:key]}"|URL:#{url}>))\n! + a[:occur].map{|oc| %!* ((<"#{oc[:file]}"|URL:#{oc[:path]}>)) #{oc[:text]}\n! }.join + "\n" }, :ref_footer => constant("=end\n"), # index page :index_namer => constant('index.rd'), :index_header => constant("=begin\n= #{$title}\n"), :index_keyworder => lambda{|as| "== Keywords (#{as.length})\n" + as.map{|a| %!((<"#{a[:key]}"|URL:#{a[:dest]}>))!}.join(" /\n") + "\n" }, :index_filer => lambda{|as| "== Files (#{as.length})\n" + as.map{|a| %!* ((<"#{a[:file]}"|URL:#{a[:dest]}>)): #{a[:title]}\n!}.join }, :index_footer => constant("=end\n"), } b = $formatter['rd'].dup b[:header] = constant "=begin\n" b[:footer] = constant "=end\n" $formatter['rdbody'] = b ##################################### class String def indices(substr) a = Array::new pos = 0 while (i = index substr, pos) a.push(substr.is_a?(Regexp) ? [i, $&] : i) pos = i + 1 end return a end end class HashList < Hash def cons(key, val) self[key] ||= Array::new self[key].push val end end def ls_R(dir) a = Array::new Dir::open(dir){|d| d.each{|f| a.push f}} # map doesn't work?? b = Array::new a.each{|f| next if f =~ /#$exclude/ path = File::expand_path f, dir b.push f if FileTest::file? path b += ls_R(path).map{|g| "#{f}/#{g}"} if FileTest::directory? path } return b end # FixMe :-( def bundle(file_list) fs = file_list.map{|f| File::expand_path f} ds = fs.map{|f| File::dirname f} common = ds[0] || '' ds.each{|d| while common != d if common.length <= d.length d = File::dirname d else common = File::dirname common end end } rs = fs.map{|f| f[(common.length + 1)..-1]} # +1 for '/' return [common, rs] end # Fixme :-( def mkdir_p(path) parent = File::dirname path return true if parent == path # root dir mkdir_p parent if !FileTest::exist? path Dir::mkdir path end end # Fixme :-( def relative_path(target, origin) return target if origin == '.' sep = '/' parent = '..' root = origin.split(sep).map{|any| parent}.join(sep) return root + sep + target end def to_index(origin) relative_path $formatter[$type][:index_namer].call, File::dirname(origin) end $unique_id = ':000000' def unique_name(base) base + $unique_id.succ!.dup end ##################################### $titles_in_file = HashList::new # dirty! def come_go_master(files, dir, formatter) h = HashList::new # key => master files aliases = [] files.each{|f| open(File::expand_path(f, dir)){|io| io.each_line{|line| if (t = title_match line) $titles_in_file.cons f, t end if (found = come_go_match line) equiv_key = [] equiv_raw = [] found.each{|m| type, key, raw = m s = formatter[:escaper].call raw k = formatter[:escaper].call key g = formatter[:namer].call f r = formatter[:ref_namer].call f a = CGI::escape(k) arg = { :type => type, :raw => s, :key => k, :occur => Array::new, :file => f, :dest => g, :ref => r, :anch => a, } case type when :comefrom h.cons s, [:come_tag, arg] h.cons k, [:come_jump, arg] h.cons k, [:come_anchor, arg] equiv_key.push k equiv_raw.push s when :goto h.cons s, [:go_tag, arg] h.cons k, [:go_anchor, arg] end } if equiv_key.length > 1 aliases += [equiv_key, equiv_raw] end end } } } return h, aliases end def format_line(line, prog) match = HashList::new # pos => key prog.each{|rule| regexp, func, greedy = [:regexp, :func, :greedy].map{|k| rule[k]} line.indices(regexp).each{|r| i, k = r match.cons i, [k, func, greedy] } } p match if $debug cursor = 0 done = "" match.keys.sort.each{|i| skipping = (i < cursor) if !skipping done += line[cursor..(i - 1)] if i > 0 # 'foobar'[0..-1] is 'foobar' cursor = i end match[i].each{|com| key, func, greedy = com next if greedy && skipping done += func.call(key, line) if greedy cursor = i + key.length break end } } if (cursor <= (len = line.length)) done += line[cursor..len] end return done end def format_io(input, output, prog_src, compiler, escaper) a = input.readlines.map{|s| escaper.call s} whole = a.join matched_rules = prog_src.select{|rule| whole =~ rule[:regexp] } prog = matched_rules.map{|r| compiler.call r} a.each{|line| output.print format_line(line, prog) } end ##################################### def notice(str) STDERR.print str if !$silent end if $list dest_dir = ARGV.shift src_dir, files = bundle(STDIN.readlines.map{|s| s.chomp}) else src_dir, dest_dir = ARGV files = ls_R src_dir end notice "#{files.length} files " fmt = $formatter[$type] k2m, aliases = come_go_master files, src_dir, fmt aliases = [] if $no_alias notice "(#{k2m.length} entries)\n" p k2m if $debug aliases.each{|equiv| key0 = equiv.shift type0, arg0 = k2m[key0][0] equiv.each{|key| k2m[key].each{|m| type, arg = m [:occur, :file, :dest, :ref].each{|x| arg[x] = arg0[x] } arg[:anch_alias] = arg0[:anch] if type == :come_tag } } } notice 'body pages: ' greedy = Array::new nongreedy = Array::new k2m.each_pair{|k, v| v.each{|m| type, arg = m r = /#{Regexp::escape k}/ g = [:come_tag, :come_jump, :go_tag].member?(type) z = g ? greedy : nongreedy h = {:raw => k, :regexp => r, :type => type, :arg => arg, :greedy => g} z.push h } } greedy.sort!{|x, y| x[:raw].length <=> y[:raw].length} greedy.reverse! p greedy if $debug p nongreedy if $debug u = {:regexp => $url_regexp, :type => :url, :arg => Hash::new, :greedy => true} prog_src = nongreedy + [u] + greedy files.each{|f| notice $progress g = fmt[:namer].call f r = fmt[:ref_namer].call f spath = File::expand_path f, src_dir dpath, rpath = [g, r].map{|x| File::expand_path x, dest_dir} mkdir_p File::dirname(dpath) compiler = lambda{|h| func = lambda{|k, s| type = h[:type] arg = h[:arg] if type == :url arg[:url] = k else dir = File::dirname(f) arg[:path] = relative_path arg[:dest], dir arg[:rpath] = relative_path arg[:ref], dir a = unique_name arg[:anch] path = relative_path(g, dir) occur = { :file => f, :path => path, :text => s.chop, :anch => a, :type => type, } arg[:occur].unshift occur arg[:orig] = k arg[:anch_n] = arg[:anch_alias] || arg[:anch] end fmt[type].call arg } reg = h[:regexp] ignore_case = [:come_tag, :come_jump, :come_anchor].member?(h[:type]) && $i reg = /#{reg.source}/i if ignore_case {:regexp => reg, :func => func, :greedy => h[:greedy]} } open(spath){|input| open(dpath, 'w'){|output| output.print fmt[:header].call(f) format_io input, output, prog_src, compiler, fmt[:escaper] output.print fmt[:footer].call(f) } } } notice "\n" notice 'reference pages: ' m2a = HashList::new k2m.each_pair{|k, v| v.each{|z| type, arg = z next if arg[:anch_alias] m2a.cons arg[:file], arg if [:come_anchor, :go_anchor].member? type } } m2a.each_pair{|f, v| notice $progress body = fmt[:namer].call f ref = fmt[:ref_namer].call f rpath = File::expand_path ref, dest_dir mkdir_p File::dirname(rpath) open(rpath, 'w'){|output| output.print fmt[:ref_header].call(f) v.each{|arg| g = fmt[:unescaper].call arg[:key] arg[:goto_file] = g if arg[:type] == :goto && FileTest::exist?(g) arg[:occur].reject!{|oc| ![:come_anchor, :go_anchor].member? oc[:type]} arg[:occur].sort!{|a,b| - (a[:file] <=> b[:file])} output.print fmt[:ref_itemer].call(arg) } output.print fmt[:ref_footer].call(f) } } notice "\n" notice 'index page: ' path = File::expand_path fmt[:index_namer].call(), dest_dir open(path, 'w'){|output| output.print fmt[:index_header].call output.print fmt[:index_keyworder].call(k2m.keys.sort.map{|k| k2m[k].map{|m| type, arg = m [:come_anchor].member?(type) ? arg : nil }.select{|a| a} }.flatten) # alphabet files precede numerical files z = files.sort{|f, g| a, b = [f, g].map{|h| (h =~ /^[0-9]/ ? 'z' : 'a') + h} a <=> b } z.reverse! if $r output.print fmt[:index_filer].call(z.map{|f| g = fmt[:namer].call f # ts = $titles_in_file[f].reject{|t| t =~ /^\s*$/} || [] ts = $titles_in_file[f] || [] {:file => f, :dest => g, :title => ts.join(' / ')} }) output.print fmt[:index_footer].call } notice ".\n"