デバッグモード: ^E == 秘密のドアや罠を調べる ^F == 魔法の地図 ^G == 怪物を造る ^I == 持ち物を識別する ^T == その階での瞬間移動 ^V == 違う階への瞬間移動; '?'で特別な行先へのメニュー ^W == 望みをかなえる(物か罠か一部の地形) ^X == 属性を見る(拡張された啓蒙) #levelchange == set hero's experience level #lightsources == show mobile light sources #panic == panic test (warning: current game will be terminated) #polyself == polymorph self #seenv == show seen vectors #stats == show memory statistics #terrain == show current level (more options than in normal play) #timeout == look at timeout queue and hero's timed intrinsics #vanquished == disclose counts of dead monsters sorted in various ways #vision == show vision array #wizintrinsic == set selected intrinsic timeouts #wizmakemap == recreate the current dungeon level #wizrumorcheck == validate first and last rumor for true and false set #wizsmell == smell a monster #wizwhere == show dungeon placement of all special levels #wmode == show wall modes Options: monpolycontrol == prompt for new form whenever any monster changes shape sanity_check == evaluate monsters, objects, and map prior to each turn wizweight == augment object descriptions with their objects' weight