OSDN Git Service

descriptionInterpreter and library.
last changeSun, 12 Nov 2023 17:59:02 +0000 (09:59 -0800)
2023-11-12 sformanBetter definition for enstacken. master
2023-10-24 sformanMinor cleanup.
2023-10-24 sformanMinor cleanup.
2023-10-24 sformanRearrange parser code.
2023-10-24 sformanFold in expect-right-bracket-lookahead
2023-10-24 sformanRemake C version.
2023-10-23 sformanRemove underscores from example names.
2023-10-22 sformanParse errors.
2023-10-22 sformanRuntime type checking for bool.
2023-10-22 sformanRuntime type checking for rest of core; inscribe.
2023-10-21 sformanjoy-dup
2023-10-21 sformanRuntime type checking for comparison ops.
2023-10-21 sformanRuntime type checking for math ops.
2023-10-21 sformanjoy-first
2023-10-21 sformanpop-any and pop-list.
2023-10-21 sformanminor edits
5 months ago master
6 months ago one_ref
13 months ago vlist
14 months ago simpler