#!/usr/bin/env texlua local stderr = io.stderr local function show_usage(s) stderr:write('Error: ' .. s .. '\n'); stderr:write('Usage: jfm-convert [-J|-U] \n'); stderr:write('-J: JIS mode, -U: UCS mode \n'); stderr:write(' * The output will be written to stdout.\n'); stderr:write(' * I do not read virtual fonts which corresponded to .\n'); stderr:write(" You will need to adjust 'align', 'left', 'down' entries by hand.\n"); stderr:write(" * In JIS mode, characters which are not included in JIS X 0208\n"); stderr:write(" (e.g., 0x2257) are written as 0x202577.\n"); os.exit(1) end require('unicode'); local uchar = unicode.utf8.char kpse.set_program_name('luatex') jisx0208 = require('ltj-jisx0208.lua').table_jisx0208_uptex local function pass_ucs(s) return "'" .. uchar(s) .. "'" end local function jis_to_ucs(s) local a = jisx0208[s-0x2020] return a and pass_ucs(a) or string.format('0x%X',s+0x200000) end -------- 引数解釈 -------- require('unicode') local filename local mode for i=1,#arg do if arg[i]=='-u' or arg[i]=='-U' then mode = pass_ucs elseif arg[i]=='-j' or arg[i]=='-J' then mode = jis_to_ucs elseif filename then show_usage('Multiple JFM files.') else filename = arg[i] end end if not filename then show_usage('Missing JFM file argument.') end kpse.set_program_name('ptex') local nf = kpse.find_file(filename, 'tfm') if not nf then show_usage("JFM file can't be opened: " .. filename) end -------- OPEN -------- local jfm_ptex = io.open(nf, 'rb') local function get_word() local d = table.pack(string.byte(jfm_ptex:read(4),1,4)) return d[1]*16777216+d[2]*65536+d[3]*256+d[4] end local function get_signed_word() local d = get_word() return (d>=2147483648) and -(4294967296-d) or d end local extract = bit32.extract local function get_two() local d = get_word() return extract(d,16,16), extract(d,0,16) end local function get_four() local d = get_word() return extract(d,24,8), extract(d,16,8), extract(d,8,8), extract(d,0,8) end local id, nt = get_two() local lf, lh = get_two() local bc, ec = get_two() local nw, nh = get_two() local nd, ni = get_two() local nl, nk = get_two() local ng, np = get_two() if bc~=0 or lf~= 7 + lh + nt + (ec - bc + 1) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nl + nk + ng + np or (id~=11 and id~=9) then stderr:write('Bad JFM "' .. filename .. '".\n'); jfm_ptex:close(); os.exit(1) end local result = {} result.dir = (id==11) and 'yoko' or 'tate' -------- HEADER -------- _ = get_word() -- checksum, unused local designsize = get_word()/1048576 -- ignored local encoding if lh>=3 then encoding = '' for i=1,math.min(10,lh-2) do encoding = encoding .. jfm_ptex:read(4) end encoding = encoding:sub(2, 1+string.byte(encoding)) end if not encoding then encoding = 'UNSPECIFIED' end local family = '' if lh>=13 then for i=1,math.min(5,lh-12) do family = family .. jfm_ptex:read(4) end family = family:sub(2, 1+string.byte(family)) end local face = 0 if lh>=18 then _, _, _, face = get_four() for i=1,lh-19 do jfm_ptex:read(4) end -- ignored end -------- CHAR_TYPE -------- result[0] = {} local all_ctype = {} for i=1,nt do local ccode, ctype = get_two() if ccode~=0 then all_ctype[#all_ctype+1] = ccode end if ctype~=0 then if not result[ctype] then result[ctype] = {} end if not result[ctype].chars then result[ctype].chars = {} end local t = result[ctype].chars t[#t+1] = ccode end end -------- CHAR_INFO -------- for i=0,ec do if not result[i] then result[i] = {} end local t, info = result[i], get_word() t.align, t.left, t.down = 'left', 0, 0 t.width = extract(info, 24, 8) t.height = extract(info, 20, 4) t.depth = extract(info, 16, 4) t.italic = extract(info, 10, 6) t.tag = extract(info, 8, 2) t.rem = extract(info, 0, 8) end local wi, hi, di, ii = {}, {}, {}, {} for i=0,nw-1 do wi[i] = get_signed_word() end for i=0,nh-1 do hi[i] = get_signed_word() end for i=0,nd-1 do di[i] = get_signed_word() end for i=0,ni-1 do ii[i] = get_signed_word() end -------- GLUE/KERN -------- local gk_table = {} for i=0,nl-1 do gk_table[i] = table.pack(get_four()) end local kerns = {} for i=0,nk-1 do kerns[i] = get_signed_word() end local glues = {} for i=0,ng/3-1 do glues[i] = { get_signed_word(), get_signed_word(), get_signed_word() } end -------- PARAM -------- local param = {} for i=1,math.min(9, np) do param[i] = get_word() end local zw = param[6] result.kanjiskip = { param[2]/zw, param[3]/zw, param[4]/zw } result.xkanjiskip = { param[7]/zw, param[8]/zw, param[9]/zw } result.zw, result.zh = 1.0, param[5]/zw -------- 各種 index の解決 -------- for i=0,ec do local t = result[i] t.width = wi[t.width]/zw t.height = hi[t.height]/zw t.depth = di[t.depth]/zw t.italic = ii[t.italic]/zw if t.tag==1 then local j = t.rem while j do local gkp = gk_table[j] j = (gkp[1]<128) and j+gkp[1]+1 or nil if gkp[3]<128 then if not t.glue then t.glue = {} end t.glue[gkp[2]] = { glues[gkp[4]][1]/zw, glues[gkp[4]][2]/zw, glues[gkp[4]][3]/zw, } else if not t.kern then t.kern = {} end t.kern[gkp[2]] = kerns[gkp[4]]/zw end end end t.tag, t.rem = nil, nil end jfm_ptex:close() -------- モード判定 -------- if not mode then mode = jis_to_ucs for i=1, #all_ctype do if not jisx0208[all_ctype[i]-0x2020] then mode = pass_ucs; break end end end -------- 出力 -------- local function S(a) if type(a)=='number' then return tostring(math.floor(a*1000000+0.5)/1000000) elseif type(a)=='table' then -- glue return '{ ' .. S(a[1]) .. ', ' .. S(a[2]) .. ', ' .. S(a[3]) .. '},' elseif type(a)=='string' then return "'" .. a .. "'" else tostring(a) end end print('-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*-') print('-- converted from ' .. filename .. ' by jfm_convert.lua') print('-- assumed encoding: ' .. (mode==jis_to_ucs and 'JIS' or 'UCS') .. '\n') print('luatexja.jfont.define_jfm {') print(' -- original design size = ' .. S(designsize)) print(' -- original encoding = (' .. encoding .. ')') print(' -- original family = (' .. family .. ')') print(" dir = " .. S(result.dir) .. ",") print(' zw = ' .. S(result.zw) .. ', zh = ' .. S(result.zh) .. ', ') print(' kanjiskip = ' .. S(result.kanjiskip)) print(' xkanjiskip = ' .. S(result.xkanjiskip)) for i=0, ec do local t = result[i] print(' [' .. tostring(i) .. '] = {') if t.chars then print(' chars = {') local d = ' ' for j=1,#(t.chars) do d = d .. mode(t.chars[j]) .. ', ' if j%8==0 and j<#(t.chars) then d = d .. '\n ' end end print(d) print(' },') end print(' align = ' .. S(t.align) .. ', left = ' .. S(0.0) .. ', down = ' .. S(0.0) .. ', ') print(' width = ' .. S(t.width) .. ', height = ' .. S(t.height) .. ', depth = ' .. S(t.depth) .. ', italic = ' .. S(t.italic) .. ',') if t.glue then print(' glue = {') local gi = {} for m,_ in pairs(t.glue) do gi[#gi+1]=m end table.sort(gi) for _,m in ipairs(gi) do print(' [' .. tostring(m) .. '] = ' .. S(t.glue[m])) end print(' },') end if t.kern then print(' kern = {') local gi = {} for m,_ in pairs(t.kern) do gi[#gi+1]=m end table.sort(gi) for _,m in ipairs(gi) do print(' [' .. tostring(m) .. '] = ' .. S(t.kern[m]) .. ',') end print(' },') end print(' },') end print('}')