MinGW.org-WSL (Windows System Libraries) ======================================== This package provides both the C Runtime (mingwrt) and the Windows API (winapi, a.k.a. w32api) system library components, which are required to support the MinGW.OSDN distribution of the GNU Compiler Collection. Important Notice ---------------- The canonical URI for this package's source code repository is: git://git.osdn.net/gitroot/mingw/mingw-org-wsl.git Alternative canonical URIs, equivalent to the above are: https://scm.osdn.net/gitroot/mingw/mingw-org-wsl.git http://scm.osdn.net/gitroot/mingw/mingw-org-wsl.git Privileged users, with SSH update rights, may clone the repository from: ssh://USERNAME@git.osdn.net:/gitroot/mingw/mingw-org-wsl.git Privileged users, who favour Mercurial over Git, may enable Mercurial's git extension, and then "hg clone" from the equivalent (hg-capable) URI: git+ssh://USERNAME@git.osdn.net:/gitroot/mingw/mingw-org-wsl.git If you obtain source code from any URI, other than those canonical URIs listed above, (or any alternative URI as may be identified subsequently, at these URIs), then you should be advised that such source code is not maintained by the MinGW.OSDN Development Team, and is likely obsolete. Description ----------- MinGW.org-WSL is provided, and maintained by the MinGW.OSDN Development Team, to furnish essential bindings between the GNU Compiler Collection and the MS-Windows operating system. Historically, development has been focused on support for the 32-bit MS-Windows platform. However, these libraries are intended for use in both 32-bit and 64-bit programming; patches to imporve support for both platforms, and in particular the 64-bit platform, will be gratefully considered. Parts of the C runtime have been adapted to improve C99 compliance, but for the most part you may find that Microsoft's documentation, provided at http://msdn.microsoft.com, offers the most useful advice on the use the MinGW.org-WSL libraries in your own programming. The GNU C++ Compiler (g++) provides its own implementation of the C++ standard; http://gcc.gnu.org offers the most useful documentation for this particular implementation of the C++ standard. (Do please note that not all features of this implementation are fully supported on the MS-Windows platforms).