OSDN Git Service

descriptionMath Interactive's library
last changeMon, 10 May 2010 06:00:31 +0000 (15:00 +0900)
2010-05-10 Tomohiro Nishimurarefactoring decimal method master
2010-05-10 Tomohiro Nishimuraadd Rakefile into gem
2010-05-10 Tomohiro Nishimurafix zero-division bug in decimal_arithmetic
2010-04-18 Tomohiro Nishimuraimproved problem that was generated by fractional_arit...
2010-04-18 Tomohiro Nishimurafix fraction with minus numerator bug
2010-04-16 Tomohiro Nishimuraimproved fractional_arithmetic generator
2010-04-16 Tomohiro Nishimurarefactored
2010-04-15 Tomohiro Nishimurafix fraction with parenthesis bug
2010-04-15 Tomohiro Nishimurafix is_lowest_term? method for irreducible fractions
2010-04-15 Tomohiro Nishimurasquare_root_arithmetic generates more solvable problems
2010-04-14 Tomohiro Nishimuraadd factorize to Integer class
2010-04-14 Tomohiro Nishimuraadd use_coefficient option to factorization generator
2010-04-14 Tomohiro Nishimurafix some documents
2010-04-14 Tomohiro Nishimurafix root does not constract bug in solver
2010-04-02 Tomohiro Nishimurafix generation documentation
2010-03-27 Tomohiro Nishimuraremove debug code
13 years ago master