itemid = intval($itemid); // have we read the karma info yet? $this->inforead = intval($initread); // number of positive and negative votes $this->karmapos = intval($initpos); $this->karmaneg = intval($initneg); } function getNbPosVotes() { if (!$this->inforead) $this->readFromDatabase(); return $this->karmapos; } function getNbNegVotes() { if (!$this->inforead) $this->readFromDatabase(); return $this->karmaneg; } function getNbOfVotes() { if (!$this->inforead) $this->readFromDatabase(); return ($this->karmapos + $this->karmaneg); } function getTotalScore() { if (!$this->inforead) $this->readFromDatabase(); return ($this->karmapos - $this->karmaneg); } function setNbPosVotes($val) { $this->karmapos = intval($val); } function setNbNegVotes($val) { $this->karmaneg = intval($val); } // adds a positive vote function votePositive() { $newKarma = $this->getNbPosVotes() + 1; $this->setNbPosVotes($newKarma); $this->writeToDatabase(); $this->saveIP(); } // adds a negative vote function voteNegative() { $newKarma = $this->getNbNegVotes() + 1; $this->setNbNegVotes($newKarma); $this->writeToDatabase(); $this->saveIP(); } // these methods shouldn't be called directly function readFromDatabase() { $query = 'SELECT ikarmapos, ikarmaneg FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE inumber=' . $this->itemid; $res = DB::getRow($query); $this->karmapos = $res['ikarmapos']; $this->karmaneg = $res['ikarmaneg']; $this->inforead = 1; } function writeToDatabase() { $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('item').' SET ikarmapos=' . $this->karmapos . ', ikarmaneg='.$this->karmaneg.' WHERE inumber=' . $this->itemid; DB::execute($query); } // checks if a vote is still allowed for an IP function isVoteAllowed($ip) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('karma')." WHERE itemid={$this->itemid} and ip=". DB::quoteValue($ip); $res = DB::getResult($query); return ($res->rowCount() == 0); } // save IP in database so no multiple votes are possible function saveIP() { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('karma') .' (itemid, ip) VALUES (' . $this->itemid . ','. DB::quoteValue(serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')) .')'; DB::execute($query); } } ?>