getDirectory() . 'locales/' . i18n::get_current_locale() . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php') ) { include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'locales/' . i18n::get_current_locale() . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php'); } else { include_once($this->getDirectory() . 'locales/en_Latn_US.UTF-8.php'); } return; } public function install() { $this->createOption('collectionlist_head', 'NP_MEDIUM_COLLECTIONLIST_HEAD', 'textarea', "" . "\n"); $this->createOption('medialist_head', 'NP_MEDIUM_MEDIALIST_HEAD', 'textarea', "\">\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"); $this->createOption('medialist_body_image', 'NP_MEDIUM_MEDIALIST_BODY_IMAGE', 'textarea', "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"); $this->createOption('medialist_body_other', 'NP_MEDIUM_MEDIALIST_BODY_OTHER', 'textarea', "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"); $this->createOption('medialist_foot', 'NP_MEDIUM_MEDIALIST_FOOT', 'textarea', "\n" . "
<%text(_MEDIA_COLLECTION_LABEL)%> <%description%>
<%timestamp%>\n" . "\" onclick=\"medium.chooseImage('<%collection%>', '<%filename%>', <%width%>, <%height%>);\" title=\"<%filename%>\">\n" . "<%shortfilename%>\n" . "\n" . "(\n" . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"<%text(_MEDIA_VIEW_TT%>\">\n" . "<%text(_MEDIA_VIEW)%>\n" . "\n" . ")\n" . "<%width%> x <%height%>
<%timestamp%>\n" . "\" onclick=\"medium.chooseOther('<%collection%>', '<%filename%>');\" title=\"<%filename%>\">\n" . "<%shortfilename%>\n" . "\n" . "<%size%> KB
\n"); $this->createOption('medialist_blank', 'NP_MEDIUM_MEDIALIST_BLANK', 'textarea', "


\n"); return; } public function event_AdminPrePageHead($data) { global $CONF; if ( !in_array($data['action'], array('createitem', 'itemedit')) ) { return; } $data['extrahead'] .= "\n" . "'."\n"; return; } public function doAction($type) { global $CONF, $DIR_MEDIA, $manager, $member; /* * defines how much media items will be shown per page. You can override this * in config.php if you like. (changing it in config.php instead of here will * allow your settings to be kept even after a Nucleus upgrade) */ $CONF['MediaPerPage'] = 10; /* include all classes */ if ( !class_exists('Media', FALSE) ) { include_libs('MEDIA.php', FALSE, FALSE); } /* include all classes */ if ( !class_exists('BaseActions', FALSE) ) { include_libs('BaseActions.php', FALSE, FALSE); } if ( !class_exists('MediumActions', FALSE) ) { include($this->getDirectory() . 'MediumActions.php'); } /* get skin object */ $skinid = $CONF['AdminSkin']; if ( !Skin::existsID($skinid) ) { echo _ERROR_SKIN; exit; } $this->skin = new Skin($skinid, 'MediumActions', 'MediumSkin'); /* user needs to be logged in to use this */ if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() ) { $this->login(); exit; } /* check if member is on at least one teamlist */ $query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE tmember=%d;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('team'), $member->getID()); $teams = DB::getResult($query); if ( $teams->rowCount() == 0 && !$member->isAdmin() ) { $this->error(_ERROR_DISALLOWEDUPLOAD); return; } /* avoid directory travarsal and accessing invalid directory */ $this->collection = requestVar('collection'); $this->description = $this->collection; if ( !$this->collection || $this->collection == $member->getID() || !@is_dir("{$DIR_MEDIA}{$this->collection}") ) { $this->collection = $member->getID(); $this->description = PRIVATE_COLLECTION; } else if ( !Media::isValidCollection($this->collection) ) { $this->error(_ERROR_DISALLOWED); return; } /* check type */ if ( !in_array($type, array('select', 'choose', 'upload')) ) { $type = 'select'; } /* check ticket */ $needless_to_check = array('select', 'choose'); if ( !in_array($type, $needless_to_check) ) { if ( !$manager->checkTicket() ) { $this->error(_ERROR_BADTICKET); return; } } /* processing */ switch ( $type ) { case 'choose': if ( !$member->isAdmin() && !$CONF['AllowUpload'] ) { $this->error(_ERROR_DISALLOWED); return; } $this->choose(); break; case 'upload': if ( !$member->isAdmin() && !$CONF['AllowUpload'] ) { $this->error(_ERROR_DISALLOWED); return; } $this->upload(); break; case 'select': default: $this->select(); break; } exit; } private function select() { global $CONF; $this->type = 'select'; $this->filter = requestVar('filter'); $media = Media::getMediaListByCollection($this->collection, $this->filter); $this->amount = count($media); $this->offset = intRequestVar('offset'); if ( $this->amount > 0 ) { if ( ($this->offset + $CONF['MediaPerPage']) >= $this->amount ) { $this->offset = $this->amount - $CONF['MediaPerPage']; } if ( $this->offset < 0 ) { $this->offset = 0; } $start = $this->offset; $end = $this->offset + $CONF['MediaPerPage']; $next = $end; $prev = $start - $CONF['MediaPerPage']; if ( $prev < 0 ) { $prev = 0; } if ( $end > $this->amount ) { $end = $this->amount; } if ( $start > 0 ) { $this->prev = $prev; } if ( $end < $this->amount ) { $this->next = $next; } for( $index = $start; $index < $end; $index++ ) { $this->media[] = $media[$index]; } unset($media); } $this->skin->parse('fileparse', $this->getDirectory() . 'skins/select.skn'); return; } private function choose() { $this->type = 'choose'; $this->skin->parse('fileparse', $this->getDirectory() . 'skins/choose.skn'); } private function upload() { global $CONF; $this->type = 'upload'; $uploadInfo = postFileInfo('uploadfile'); $filename = $uploadInfo['name']; $filetype = $uploadInfo['type']; $filesize = $uploadInfo['size']; $filetempname = $uploadInfo['tmp_name']; $fileerror = (integer) $uploadInfo['error']; switch ( $fileerror ) { // include error code for debugging // (see case 0: // = UPLOAD_ERR_OK break; case 1: // = UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE case 2: // = UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE $this->error(_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG); return; case 3: // = UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL case 4: // = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE case 6: // = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR case 7: // = UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE default: $this->error(_ERROR_BADREQUEST . ' (' . $fileerror . ')'); return; } if ( $filesize > $CONF['MaxUploadSize'] ) { $this->error(_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG); return; } // check file type against allowed types $ok = 0; $allowedtypes = preg_split('#,#', $CONF['AllowedTypes']); foreach ( $allowedtypes as $type ) { if ( preg_match("#.{$type}$#i", $filename) ) { $ok = 1; } } if ( !$ok ) { $this->error(_ERROR_BADFILETYPE); return; } if ( !is_uploaded_file($filetempname) ) { $this->error(_ERROR_BADREQUEST); return; } // prefix filename with current date (YYYY-MM-DD-) // this to avoid nameclashes if ( $CONF['MediaPrefix'] ) { $filename = i18n::formatted_datetime("%Y%m%d-", time()) . $filename; } $res = Media::addMediaObject($this->collection, $filetempname, $filename); if ( $res != '' ) { $this->error($res); return; } $this->select(); return; } private function login() { $this->type = 'login'; $this->skin->parse('fileparse', $this->getDirectory() . 'skins/login.skn'); return; } private function error($msg) { $this->type = 'error'; $this->message = $msg; $this->skin->parse('fileparse', $this->getDirectory() . 'skins/error.skn'); return; } }