bnumber; $query = 'INSERT INTO '.sql_table('category')." (catid, cblog, cname, cdesc) VALUES ($catid, $blogid, 'General', 'Items that do not fit in other categories')"; $r = upgrade_query("Adding category 'general' for blog " . $blogid, $query); // only perform next actions when insert went ok if ($r) { $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('blog')." SET bdefcat=$catid WHERE bnumber=$blogid"; upgrade_query("Setting the default category for blog $blogid to the 'General' category", $query); $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('item')." SET icat=$catid WHERE iblog=$blogid"; upgrade_query("Assigning all existing items of blog $blogid to the 'General' category",$query); } $catid++; } // 5. add template parts for category lists to all templates $query = 'SELECT tdnumber FROM '.sql_table('template_desc'); $res = sql_query($query); // get all template ids while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $tid = $obj->tdnumber; // template id $query = 'INSERT INTO '.sql_table('template')." VALUES ($tid, 'CATLIST_HEADER', '');"; upgrade_query("Adding categorylist header to template $tid",$query); upgrade_query("Adding categorylist item to template $tid",$query2); upgrade_query("Adding categorylist footer to template $tid",$query3); } } // 6. add content type field to skins if(!upgrade_checkIfColumnExists('skin_desc', 'sdtype')){ $query = 'ALTER TABLE '.sql_table('skin_desc')." ADD sdtype VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text/html'"; upgrade_query("Adding content type field to skins (text/html)", $query); } // 7. try to set content type for xml-rss skin to text/xml $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('skin_desc')." SET sdtype='text/xml' WHERE sdname='xmlrss'"; upgrade_query("Setting content type for xmlrss skin to text/xml", $query); // 8. add bnotifytype column to blog tables if(0==$upgrade_failures && !upgrade_checkIfColumnExists('blog', 'bnotifytype')){ upgrade_query("Adding Notify Type Setting", 'ALTER TABLE '.sql_table('blog')." ADD bnotifytype INT(11) NOT NULL default '15';"); }else{ echo "
  • Adding Notify Type Setting ... NOT EXECUTED\n
    Errors occurred during upgrade process.
    "; } } ?>