createOption("ex", "extension of logfile (ex: log):", "text", "log"); } function init(){ global $CONF; $this->logdir = $this->getDirectory(); $this->month = date("Y-m"); $this->logfile = $this->logdir.$this->month.'.'.$this->getOption("ex"); } function doSkinVar($skinType, $show="gform", $maxtoshow = 5) { global $CONF; if($show=="list"){ $this->showGwordList($maxtoshow); } if($show=="gform"){ ?>
saveGword($gword); $gurl = $this->makeGurl($gword); header('Location: ' . $gurl); break; default: return 'Unexisting action: ' . $type; } exit; } function makeGurl($gword) { $en_gword = mb_convert_encoding($gword, "UTF-8", _CHARSET); $gurl = ''.urlencode($en_gword); return $gurl; } function saveGword($gword) { $time = time(); $gword = mb_convert_encoding($gword, "sjis", "UTF-8"); $arr_data = Array($gword,$time); $fp = @fopen($this->logfile,"a+"); if (!$fp) { if(!is_dir($this->logdir)) die("No such directory : ".$this->logdir."\n"); if(!is_writable($this->logdir)) die("Cannot write to this directory : ".$this->logdir."\n"); die("ERROR\n"); } $tmp = fread ($fp, filesize ($this->logfile)); ftruncate($fp,0); rewind($fp); fputs($fp,@join("\t",$arr_data)."\n"); fputs($fp,$tmp); fclose($fp); } function readlog($maxtoshow){ if( $handle = opendir($this->logdir)){ while( false !== $file = readdir($handle)){ sscanf($file,"%4s-%2s.%s", $y, $m, $ex); if(checkdate($m,1,$y) && $ex == $this->getOption("ex")){ $filelist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } $log = array(); for($i=0;$this->num<$maxtoshow;$i++){ if($filelist[$i]){ $data = @file($this->logdir.$filelist[$i]); $this->num += count($data); $log = array_merge($log, $data); }else{ break; } } return $log; } function showGwordList($maxtoshow){ $log = $this->readlog($maxtoshow); if(($amount = min($maxtoshow, $this->num)) >0){ for($i=0;$i<$amount;$i++){ list($word,$timestamp) = explode("\t",$log[$i]); $word = mb_convert_encoding($word, _CHARSET, "sjis"); $gtime = date("Y-m-d H:i",$timestamp); $gurl = $this->makeGurl($word); echo '
  • '.$word.' '.$gtime.'
  • '; } } } } ?>