createOption('maxwidth', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_02', 'text', '100', 'datatype=numerical'); $this->createOption('maxheight', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_03', 'text', '100', 'datatype=numerical'); $this->createOption('save_thumb', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_04', 'select', 'filesystem', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_05|no|_NP_THUMBNAIL_06|filesystem'); $this->createBlogOption('force_thumb', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_07', 'yesno', 'yes'); $this->createBlogOption('thumb_template', '_NP_THUMBNAIL_08', 'textarea', '<%popuptext%>'); return; } /* * plugin options are purged automatically when uninstalled. */ public function uninstall() { global $DIR_MEDIA; MediaUtils::purgeDir($DIR_MEDIA . self::$thumbdir); return; } public function init() { global $DIR_MEDIA; if (!class_exists('Medium', FALSE)) { include(MediaUtils::$lib_path . '/Medium.php'); } $language = preg_replace('#[/|\\\\]#', '', getLanguageName()); if (!defined('_NP_THUMBNAIL_01')) { if (file_exists($this->getDirectory() . $language.'.php')) { include($this->getDirectory() . $language.'.php'); } else { include($this->getDirectory() . 'english.php'); } } return; } /* * for translation */ public function event_PrePluginOptionsEdit ($data) { if ($data['context'] != 'global') { foreach($data['options'] as $key => $option) { if ($option['pid'] == $this->getID()) { if (defined($option['description'])) { $data['options'][$key]['description'] = constant($option['description']); } if ($option['type'] == 'select') { foreach (explode('|', $option['typeinfo']) as $option) { if (defined($option)) { $data['options'][$key]['typeinfo'] = str_replace($option, constant($option), $data['options'][$key]['typeinfo']); } } } } } } else if ($data['plugid'] == $this->getID()) { foreach($data['options'] as $key => $option){ if (defined($option['description'])) { $data['options'][$key]['description'] = constant($option['description']); } if ($option['type'] == 'select') { foreach (explode('|', $option['typeinfo']) as $option) { if (defined($option)) { $data['options'][$key]['typeinfo'] = str_replace($option, constant($option), $data['options'][$key]['typeinfo']); } } } } } return; } /* * for translation */ static private function t ($text, $array=array()){ if (is_array($array)) { $search = array(); $replace = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value){ if (is_array($value)) { continue; } $search[] = '<%'.preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/','',$key).'%>'; $replace[] = $value; } } return htmlspecialchars (str_replace($search, $replace, $text), ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET); } public function event_QuickMenu ($data) { global $CONF; if($this->getOption('save_thumb') !== 'no') { array_push( $data['options'], array ( 'title' => 'NP_Thumbnail', 'url' => "{$CONF['ActionURL']}?action=plugin&name={$this->getname()}&type=admin", 'tooltip' => _NP_THUMBNAIL_09)); } return; } public function event_PostAuthentication ($data) { if (array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('name', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('type', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('width', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('height', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'plugin' && $_REQUEST['name'] === $this->getName() && $_REQUEST['type'] !== '') { self::$buffering = ob_start; } return; } public function doAction ($type) { global $DIR_MEDIA, $member; $type = (string) $type; $path = ''; $maxwidth = ''; $maxheight = ''; if (array_key_exists('path', $_GET)) { $path = (string) $_GET['path']; } if (array_key_exists('width', $_GET)) { $maxwidth = (integer) $_GET['width']; } if (array_key_exists('height', $_GET)) { $maxheight = (integer) $_GET['height']; } if (in_array($type, array('admin', 'clear', 'sync')) && $member->isAdmin()) { $this->showAdmin($type); exit; } if (self::$buffering) { ob_end_clean(); } if ($maxwidth <= 0 || $maxwidth > 1000 || $maxheight <= 0 || $maxheight > 1000 ) { MediaUtils::error ($this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_10, array($maxwidth, $maxheight))); return; } if (FALSE === ($medium = new Medium($DIR_MEDIA, $path, MediaUtils::$prefix))) { MediaUtils::error ($this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_11, array($path))); return; } if (FALSE === $medium->setResampledSize($maxwidth, $maxheight)) { MediaUtils::error ($this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_10, array($maxwidth, $maxheight))); return; } MediaUtils::responseResampledImage($medium); return; } public function doSkinVar ($skinType, $path, $maxwidth=0, $maxheight=0, $alt) { $path = (string) $path; $maxwidth = (integer) $maxwidth; $maxheight = (integer) $maxheight; $alt = (string) $alt; if ($this->getBlogOption(MediaUtils::$blogid, 'force_thumb') == 'yes') { echo $this->getParsedTag(array('', '', $path, 0, 0, $alt), $maxwidth, $maxheight); } return; } public function event_PreItem($data) { $item =& $data["item"]; self::$authorid = $item->authorid; $item->body = preg_replace_callback("#<\%(Thumbnail)\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%\>#", array(&$this, 'getParsedTag'), $item->body); $item->more = preg_replace_callback("#<\%(Thumbnail)\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%\>#", array(&$this, 'getParsedTag'), $item->more); if ($this->getBlogOption(MediaUtils::$blogid, 'force_thumb') == 'yes') { $item->body = preg_replace_callback("#<\%(popup)\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%\>#", array(&$this, 'getParsedTag'), $item->body); $item->more = preg_replace_callback("#<\%(popup)\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%\>#", array(&$this, 'getParsedTag'), $item->more); } return; } public function event_PostMediaUpload ($data) { global $DIR_MEDIA; if ($this->getOption('save_thumb') == 'no') { return; } $root = rtrim($DIR_MEDIA, '/'); $path = trim($data['collection'], '/'); $filename = trim($data['filename'], '/'); $maxwidth = $this->getOption('maxwidth'); $maxheight = $this->getOption('maxheight'); if (!MediaUtils::checkDir ($root . '/' . self::$thumbdir)) { return; } if (FALSE === ($medium = new Medium($root, "{$path}/{$filename}", MediaUtils::$prefix))) { return; } if (!array_key_exists($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime)) { return; } if (FALSE === $medium->setResampledSize($maxwidth, $maxheight)) { return; } $target = $this->getThumbPath($medium); if ($this->getOption('save_thumb') == 'filesystem') { if (!file_exists("{$root}/{$target}") && !MediaUtils::storeResampledImage ($DIR_MEDIA, $target, $medium)) { return; } } return; } public function getParsedTag ($match, $maxwidth=0, $maxheight=0) { global $DIR_MEDIA, $member; list($code, $tag, $path, $width, $height, $alt) = $match; if (!preg_match("#^.+?/.+$#", $path) && self::$authorid) { $path = self::$authorid . '/' . $path; } if (FALSE === ($medium = new Medium($DIR_MEDIA, $path, MediaUtils::$prefix))) { return $this->t('NP_Thumbnail: 指定したメディアファイルを読み込めませんでした。', array($path)); } if (!array_key_exists($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime)) { return $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_12, array($path)); } if ($tag == 'Thumbnail') { $maxwidth = (integer) $width; $maxheight = (integer) $height; } if (($maxwidth == 0) && ($maxheight == 0)) { $maxwidth = (integer) $this->getOption('maxwidth'); $maxheight = (integer) $this->getOption('maxheight'); } if ($maxwidth < 0 || $maxwidth > 1000 || $maxheight < 0 || $maxheight > 1000) { return $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_10, array($path)); } if (FALSE === $medium->setResampledSize($maxwidth, $maxheight)) { return $this->t('NP_Thumbnail: サムネイルのサイズが不正です。', array($path)); } if (!$alt) { $alt =& $path; } return $this->generateTag($this->getBlogOption(MediaUtils::$blogid, 'thumb_template'), $medium, $alt); } public function generateTag($template, $medium, $alt) { global $DIR_LIBS; if (!class_exists('BODYACTIONS', FALSE)) { include($DIR_LIBS . 'BODYACTIONS.php'); } $action = new BODYACTIONS; if (array_key_exists($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime) && $this->getOption('save_thumb') == 'filesystem') { if (!MediaUtils::checkDir ($medium->root . '/' . self::$thumbdir)) { return $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_13, array(self::$thumbdir)); } if (!file_exists("{$medium->root}/{$this->getThumbPath($medium)}")) { MediaUtils::storeResampledImage ($medium->root, $this->getThumbPath($medium), $medium); } } ob_start(); if (array_key_exists($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime) && $this->getThumbURL($medium)) { $action->template['POPUP_CODE'] = $template; $replacements = array( '<%thumb_width%>' => $medium->resampledwidth, '<%thumb_height%>' => $medium->resampledheight, '<%thumb_url%>' => $this->getThumbURL($medium) ); foreach ($replacements as $target => $replacement) { $action->template['POPUP_CODE'] = str_replace ($target, $replacement, $action->template['POPUP_CODE']); } $action->createPopupCode ("{$medium->path}/{$medium->name}", $medium->width, $medium->height, $alt); } else { $action->template['MEDIA_CODE'] = $template; $action->createMediaCode("{$medium->path}/{$medium->name}", $alt); } $tag = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); return preg_replace('#href="(.*?)imagetext(.*?)"#', 'href="$1imagetext$2&blogid='.MediaUtils::$blogid . '"', $tag); } private function showAdmin ($type) { global $CONF, $DIR_LIBS, $DIR_MEDIA, $manager; $type = (string) $type; if (!class_exists ('PLUGINADMIN', FALSE)) { include ($DIR_LIBS . 'PLUGINADMIN.php'); } $oPluginAdmin = new PluginAdmin('Thumbnail'); $oPluginAdmin->start(); echo "


\n"; if($this->getOption('save_thumb') === 'no') { echo '

' . $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_14) . "

\n"; $oPluginAdmin->end(); return; } if ($type == 'clear') { if ($this->getOption('save_thumb') == 'filesystem') { $logs = MediaUtils::purgeDir($DIR_MEDIA, self::$thumbdir . '/'); } } else if ($type == 'sync') { $maxwidth = $this->getOption('maxwidth'); $maxheight = $this->getOption('maxheight'); if ($this->getOption('save_thumb') == 'filesystem') { $logs = $this->syncFilesystem ($DIR_MEDIA, self::$thumbdir, $maxwidth, $maxheight); } } else { $logs = array (); } $media = MediaUtils::getMediaList($DIR_MEDIA); $elected = array(); $rejected = array(); foreach ($media as $medium) { if (!array_key_exists($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime)) { continue; } if (file_exists ($DIR_MEDIA . $this->getThumbPath($medium))) { $rejected[] = &$medium; continue; } else { $elected[] = &$medium; continue; } } $total_media = count ($media); $total_elected = count ($elected); $total_rejected = count ($rejected); $total_candidates = count ($rejected) + $total_elected; echo "

" . $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_15, array(self::$thumbdir)) . "
\n"; echo $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_16, array(self::$max_sync)) . "
\n"; echo $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_17) . "

\n"; /* * NOTICE: NP_Improvededia with eachblogdir option rewrite * global variables of "DIR_MEDIA" and "$CONF['MediaURL']" * in its initializing process. * Here are based on its rewriting system. */ if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_ImprovedMedia')) { $NP_ImprovedMedia =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_ImprovedMedia'); if ($NP_ImprovedMedia->getOption('IM_EACHBLOGDIR') == 'yes') { echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; } } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; if ($logs) { echo "

" . $this->t(_NP_THUMBNAIL_21) . "

\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; $oPluginAdmin->end(); return; } public function syncFilesystem ($root, $dest, $maxwidth, $maxheight) { $logs = array (); $root = rtrim($root, '/'); if(!$root || !file_exists($root)) { return FALSE; } if (!MediaUtils::checkDir(rtrim($root, '/') . '/' . trim($dest, '/'))) { return FALSE; } $media = MediaUtils::getMediaList($root); $targets = array(); $count = 1; foreach ($media as $medium) { if ($count > self::$max_sync) { break; } if (!array_key_exists ($medium->mime, MediaUtils::$image_mime)) { continue; } if (FALSE === $medium->setResampledSize($maxwidth, $maxheight)) { continue; } $destination = $this->getThumbPath($medium); if (!file_exists (rtrim($root, '/') . '/' . $destination)) { if (!MediaUtils::storeResampledImage ($root, $destination, $medium)) { $logs[] = "Fail: {$medium->name}"; } else { $logs[] = "Success: {$medium->name}"; } $count++; } } return $logs; } public function getThumbPath($medium) { if ('Medium' !== get_class($medium)) { return FALSE; } return self::$thumbdir . '/' . $medium->getHashedName(MediaUtils::$algorism) . MediaUtils::$image_mime[$medium->mime]; } public function getThumbURL($medium) { global $CONF, $DIR_MEDIA; if ('Medium' !== get_class($medium)) { return FALSE; } if (($medium->width < $medium->resampledwidth && $medium->height < $medium->resampledheight) || ($medium->width <= $this->getOption('maxwidth') && $medium->height <= $this->getOption('maxheight'))) { $url = "{$CONF['MediaURL']}{$medium->path}/{$medium->name}"; } else if ($medium->resampledwidth > $this->getOption('maxwidth') && $medium->resampledheight > $this->getOption('maxheight')) { $url = "{$CONF['ActionURL']}?action=plugin&name={$this->getName()}&path={$medium->path}/{$medium->name}&width={$medium->resampledwidth}&height={$medium->resampledheight}&blogid=" . MediaUtils::$blogid; } else if (file_exists($DIR_MEDIA . $this->getThumbPath($medium))) { $url = "{$CONF['MediaURL']}{$this->getThumbPath($medium)}"; } else { $url = FALSE; } return $url; } }