for ID <%tb_id%>. " . "Below are the full details:\n\n" . "URL:\t<%url%>\nTitle:\t<%title%>\nExcerpt:\t<%excerpt%>\nBlogname:\t<%blogname%>"); define('_TB_NORTIFICATION_MAIL_TITLE', "New Trackback received for ID <%tb_id%>"); // template title define('_TB_dateFormat', 'Date format'); define('_TB_tplHeader', 'Header'); define('_TB_tplEmpty', 'Empty'); define('_TB_tplItem', 'Item'); define('_TB_tplFooter', 'Footer'); define('_TB_tplLocalHeader', 'Header (Local)'); define('_TB_tplLocalEmpty', 'Empty (Local)'); define('_TB_tplLocalItem', 'Item (Local)'); define('_TB_tplLocalFooter', 'Footer (Local)'); define('_TB_tplNO_ACCEPT', 'No accept message'); define('_TB_tplTbNone', 'Trackback count (none)'); define('_TB_tplTbOne', 'Trackback count (one)'); define('_TB_tplTbMore', 'Trackback count (more)'); // template values define('_TB_dateFormat_VAL', "%e/%m/%g"); define('_TB_tplHeader_VAL', "
<%admin%>\n\n"); define('_TB_tplEmpty_VAL', "\t
\n" . "\t\tThere are currently no trackbacks for this item.\n\t
\n\n"); define('_TB_tplItem_VAL', "\t
\n" . "\t\t
\n\t\t\t\"><%title%>: <%excerpt%>\n" . "\t\t
\n\n"); define('_TB_tplFooter_VAL', "\t
\n\t\tUse this \">TrackBack url " . "to ping this item (right-click, copy link target).\n" . "\t\tIf your blog does not support Trackbacks you can manually add your trackback by using " . "\" onclick=\", 'trackback', 'scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=340,left=10,top=10,status=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;\">" . "this form.\n\t
"); define('_TB_tplLocalHeader_VAL', "
Local Trackback
\n\n"); define('_TB_tplLocalEmpty_VAL', ""); define('_TB_tplLocalItem_VAL', "\t
\n\t\t\t<%delete%> \">" . "<%title%>: <%excerpt%>\n\t\t
\n\t\t\t<%timestamp%>\n" . "\t\t
\n\n"); define('_TB_tplLocalFooter_VAL', "\t
"); // error messages define('_TB_msgNOTALLOWED_SEND', "You're not allowed to send pings"); define('_TB_msgDISABLED_SEND', "Sending trackback pings is disabled"); define('_TB_msgNO_SENDER_URL', "No ping URL"); define('_TB_msgBAD_SENDER_URL', 'Bad ping URL'); define('_TB_msgCOULDNOT_SEND_PING', 'Could not send ping: %s'); define('_TB_msgRESP_HTTP_ERROR', 'An error occurred: HTTP Error: [%s] %s'); define('_TB_msgAN_ERROR_OCCURRED', "An error occurred: %s"); define('_TB_msgTBID_IS_MISSING', "TrackBack ID is missing (tb_id)"); define('_TB_msgTB_COULDNOT_TB_UPDATE', 'Could not update trackback data: %s'); define('_TB_msgDUPLICATED_TB_BLOCKED', "Trackback: Duplicated Blocked Trackback [ignore] (itemid:%d from: %s)"); define('_TB_msgLINK_CHECK_OK', "Trackback: LinkCheck OK. (link: %s pat: %s )"); define('_TB_msgLINK_CHECK_IGNORE', "Trackback: LinkCheck NG. [ignore] (itemid:%d from: %s cnt: %s pat: %s)"); define('_TB_msgLINK_CHECK_BLOCK', "Trackback: LinkCheck NG. [block] (itemid:%d from: %s cnt: %s pat: %s)"); define('_TB_msgCOULDNOT_SAVE_DOUBLE', 'Could not save trackback data, possibly because of a double entry: ');