isLoggedIn() ) { $oPluginAdmin->start(); echo '


'; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } // Actions $action = requestVar('action'); $aActionsNotToCheck = array( '', 'ping', ); if (!in_array($action, $aActionsNotToCheck)) { if (!$manager->checkTicket()) doError(_ERROR_BADTICKET); } $oPluginAdmin->start(); //modify start+++++++++ $plug =& $oPluginAdmin->plugin; $tableVersion = $plug->checkTableVersion(); // include language file for this plugin $language = ereg_replace( '[\\|/]', '', getLanguageName()); if (file_exists($plug->getDirectory().'language/'.$language.'.php')) include_once($plug->getDirectory().'language/'.$language.'.php'); else include_once($plug->getDirectory().'language/'.'english.php'); //modify end+++++++++ $mTemplate = new Trackback_Template(); $mTemplate->set ('CONF', $CONF); $mTemplate->set ('plugid', $plug->getID()); $mTemplate->set ('plugindirurl', $oPluginAdmin->plugin->getAdminURL()); $mTemplate->template('templates/menu.html'); echo $mTemplate->fetch(); $oTemplate = new Trackback_Template(); $oTemplate->set ('CONF', $CONF); $oTemplate->set ('plugindirurl', $oPluginAdmin->plugin->getAdminURL()); $oTemplate->set ('ticket', $manager->_generateTicket()); $ajaxEnabled = ($oPluginAdmin->plugin->getOption('ajaxEnabled') == 'yes') ? true : false; $oTemplate->set ('ajaxEnabled', $ajaxEnabled); $whereClause = ''; if( ! $member->isAdmin() ){ // where clause $res = sql_query('SELECT tblog FROM '.sql_table('team').' WHERE tadmin = 1 AND tmember = '.$member->getID() ); $adminBlog = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $adminBlog[] = $row[0]; } if($adminBlog) $whereClause = ' i.iblog in (' . implode(', ', $adminBlog) . ') '; if( $whereClause ) $whereClause = ' AND ( i.iauthor = '.$member->getID().' OR ' . $whereClause . ' )'; else $whereClause = ' AND i.iauthor = '.$member->getID(); } //echo "

Debug: $whereClause

"; $requiredAdminRights = array( 'tableUpgrade', 'blocked_clear', 'blocked_spamclear', ); if (in_array($action, $requiredAdminRights)) { if( ! $member->isAdmin() ){ echo '


'; echo '

Reason: ' . __LINE__ . '

'; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } } $requiredItemEditRights = array( 'block', 'unblock', 'delete', ); if (in_array($action, $requiredItemEditRights)) { if( ! $member->isAdmin() ){ $tb = intRequestVar('tb'); $query = 'SELECT i.inumber FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_tb') . ' t, ' . sql_table('item') . ' i WHERE t.tb_id = i.inumber AND = '. $tb . $whereClause ; $res = sql_query($query); if( ! @mysql_num_rows($res) ){ echo '


'; echo '

Reason: ' . __LINE__ . '

'; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } } } switch($action) { //modify start+++++++++ case 'tableUpgrade': sql_query(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".sql_table('plugin_tb_lookup')." ( `link` TEXT NOT NULL, `url` TEXT NOT NULL, `title` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`link` (100)) ) "); echo $q = "ALTER TABLE ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." ADD `block` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `url` , ADD `spam` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `block` , ADD `link` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `spam` , CHANGE `url` `url` TEXT NOT NULL, CHANGE `title` `title` TEXT NOT NULL, CHANGE `excerpt` `excerpt` TEXT NOT NULL, CHANGE `blog_name` `blog_name` TEXT NOT NULL, DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST ;"; $res = @sql_query($q); if (!$res){ echo 'Could not alter table: ' . mysql_error(); }else{ $tableVersion = 1; $oTemplate->template('templates/updatetablefinished.html'); } @sql_query('ALTER TABLE `' . sql_table('plugin_tb') . '` ADD INDEX `tb_id_block_timestamp_idx` ( `tb_id`, `block`, `timestamp` DESC )'); break; //modify end+++++++++ case 'block': $tb = intRequestVar('tb'); $res = sql_query (" UPDATE ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." SET block = 1 WHERE id = '".$tb."' "); $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'blocked_clear': $res = sql_query ("DELETE FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." WHERE block = 1"); $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'blocked_spamclear': $res = sql_query ("DELETE FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." WHERE block = 1 and spam = 1"); $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'unblock': $tb = intRequestVar('tb'); $res = sql_query (" UPDATE ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." SET block = 0 WHERE id = '".$tb."' "); $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'delete': $tb = intRequestVar('tb'); $res = sql_query (" DELETE FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." WHERE id = '".$tb."' "); $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'sendping': $title = requestVar('title'); $url = requestVar('url'); $excerpt = requestVar('excerpt'); $blog_name = requestVar('blog_name'); $ping_url = requestVar('ping_url'); // No charset conversion needs to be done here, because // the charset used to receive the info is used to send // it... if ($ping_url) { $error = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->sendPing(0, $title, $url, $excerpt, $blog_name, $ping_url); if ($error) { echo 'TrackBack Error:' . $error . ''; } } $action = requestVar('next'); break; case 'ping': $id = intRequestVar('id'); $usePathInfo = ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'); if ($usePathInfo) @ include($strRel . 'fancyurls.config.php'); global $manager; $itemData = $manager->getItem($id, 0, 0); if(is_array($itemData)){ $blog =& $manager->getBlog($itemData['blogid']); $CONF['ItemURL'] = ($usePathInfo)? preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $blog->getURL()): $blog->getURL(); $itemData['url'] = createItemLink($id); $itemData['excerpt'] = shorten(strip_tags($itemData['body'].$itemData['more']), 250, '...'); $itemData['blogname'] = $blog->getName(); }else{ $itemData = array(); $itemData['url'] = $CONF['IndexURL']; $itemData['blogname'] = $CONF['SiteName']; } $oTemplate->set('item', $itemData); $oTemplate->template('templates/ping.html'); break; } // Pages switch($action) { case 'help': $oTemplate->template('help.html'); break; case 'ping': $oTemplate->template('templates/ping.html'); break; case 'blocked': case 'all': $rres = sql_query (" SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." AS t, ".sql_table('item')." AS i WHERE t.tb_id = i.inumber AND t.block = " . (( $action == 'all') ? 0 : 1) . $whereClause ); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rres)) $count = $row['count']; else $count = 0; $oTemplate->set('count', $count); if($ajaxEnabled){ if( $action == 'all') $oTemplate->template('templates/all_ajax.html'); else $oTemplate->template('templates/blocked_ajax.html'); } else { $start = intRequestVar('start') ? intRequestVar('start') : 0; $amount = intRequestVar('amount') ? intRequestVar('amount') : 25; $rres = sql_query (" SELECT i.ititle AS story, i.inumber AS story_id, AS id, t.title AS title, t.blog_name AS blog_name, t.excerpt AS excerpt, t.url AS url, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.timestamp) AS timestamp, t.spam AS spam, AS link FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." AS t, ".sql_table('item')." AS i WHERE t.tb_id = i.inumber AND t.block = " . (( $action == 'all') ? 0 : 1) . $whereClause ." ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ".$start.",".$amount); $items = array(); while ($rrow = mysql_fetch_array($rres)){ $rrow['title'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['title'], 50); $rrow['title'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['title']); $rrow['title'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['title']); $rrow['blog_name'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['blog_name'], 50); $rrow['blog_name'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['blog_name']); $rrow['blog_name'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['blog_name']); $rrow['excerpt'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['excerpt'], 800); $rrow['excerpt'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['excerpt']); $rrow['excerpt'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['excerpt']); $rrow['url'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['url'], ENT_QUOTES); $rrow['timestamp'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['timestamp'], ENT_QUOTES); $blog = & $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($item['itemid'])); $rrow['story_url'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_createItemLink($rrow['story_id'], $blog); $rrow['story'] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($rrow['story']), ENT_QUOTES); $items[] = $rrow; } $oTemplate->set('amount', $amount); $oTemplate->set('start', $start); $oTemplate->set('items', $items); if( $action == 'all') $oTemplate->template('templates/all.html'); else $oTemplate->template('templates/blocked.html'); } break; case 'list': $id = requestVar('id'); $start = intRequestVar('start') ? intRequestVar('start') : 0; $amount = intRequestVar('amount') ? intRequestVar('amount') : 25; $ires = sql_query (" SELECT i.ititle, i.inumber FROM ".sql_table('item')." i WHERE i.inumber = '".$id."' ". $whereClause ); if ($irow = mysql_fetch_array($ires)) { $story['id'] = $id; $story['title'] = $irow['ititle']; $rres = sql_query (" SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." AS t WHERE t.tb_id = '".$id."' AND t.block = 0 "); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rres)) $count = $row['count']; else $count = 0; $rres = sql_query (" SELECT AS id, t.title AS title, t.blog_name AS blog_name, t.excerpt AS excerpt, t.url AS url, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.timestamp) AS timestamp FROM ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." AS t WHERE t.tb_id = '".$id."' AND t.block = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ".$start.",".$amount." "); $items = array(); while ($rrow = mysql_fetch_array($rres)) { $rrow['title'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['title'], 50); $rrow['title'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['title']); $rrow['title'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['title']); // $rrow['title'] = _CHARSET == 'UTF-8' ? $rrow['title'] : $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_utf8_to_entities($rrow['title']); $rrow['blog_name'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['blog_name'], 50); $rrow['blog_name'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['blog_name']); $rrow['blog_name'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['blog_name']); // $rrow['blog_name'] = _CHARSET == 'UTF-8' ? $rrow['blog_name'] : $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_utf8_to_entities($rrow['blog_name']); $rrow['excerpt'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_cut_string($rrow['excerpt'], 800); $rrow['excerpt'] = $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_strip_controlchar($rrow['excerpt']); $rrow['excerpt'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['excerpt']); // $rrow['excerpt'] = _CHARSET == 'UTF-8' ? $rrow['excerpt'] : $oPluginAdmin->plugin->_utf8_to_entities($rrow['excerpt']); $rrow['url'] = htmlspecialchars($rrow['url'], ENT_QUOTES); $rrow['story'] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($rrow['story']), ENT_QUOTES); $items[] = $rrow; } $oTemplate->set ('amount', $amount); $oTemplate->set ('count', $count); $oTemplate->set ('start', $start); $oTemplate->set ('items', $items); $oTemplate->set ('story', $story); $oTemplate->template('templates/list.html'); } break; case 'index': $bres = sql_query (" SELECT bnumber AS bnumber, bname AS bname, burl AS burl FROM ".sql_table('blog')." ORDER BY bname "); $blogs = array(); while ($brow = mysql_fetch_array($bres)) { if( !$member->isTeamMember($brow['bnumber']) ) continue; $ires = sql_query (" SELECT i.inumber AS inumber, i.ititle AS ititle, COUNT(*) AS total FROM ".sql_table('item')." AS i, ".sql_table('plugin_tb')." AS t WHERE i.iblog = ".$brow['bnumber']." AND t.tb_id = i.inumber AND t.block = 0 ".$whereClause." GROUP BY i.inumber ORDER BY i.inumber DESC "); $items = array(); while ($irow = mysql_fetch_array($ires)) { $items[] = $irow; } $brow['items'] = $items; $blogs[] = $brow; } $oTemplate->set ('blogs', $blogs); $oTemplate->template('templates/index.html'); break; default: //modify start+++++++++ if(!$tableVersion){ $oTemplate->template('templates/updatetable.html'); } //modify end+++++++++ break; } // Create the admin area page echo $oTemplate->fetch(); echo '
Powered by Silk icon
'; $oPluginAdmin->end();