The licence of this script is GPL ACKOWLEDGMENT I thank all the people of Nucleus JP forum who discussed this project. Especially, I thank kosugiatkips, mekyo, and nakahara21 for ideas of some part of code. I also thank Jon Jensen for his generous acceptance for using his PHP code in the earlier version of this library. The features that are supported by this library but not generally by SQLite are as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS, auto_increment, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, ALTER TABLE, RENAME TABLE, DESC, INSERT INTO ... SET xx=xx, xx=xx, REPLACE INTO ... SET xx=xx, xx=xx, SHOW KEYS FROM, SHOW INDEX FROM, SHOW FIELDS FROM, SHOW COLUMNS FROM, CREATE TABLE ... KEYS xxx (xxx,xxx) SHOW TABLES LIKE, TRUNCATE TABLE SHOW TABLES Following functions are available in SQL query. CONCAT, IF, IFNULL, NULLIF, SUBSTRING, match() against(), replace, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, REGEXP, DAYOFMONTH, MONTH, YEAR, ADDDATE, DATE_ADD, SUBDATE, DATE_SUB, FIND_IN_SET, CURDATE, CURRENT_DATE, CURTIME, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOCALTIME, LOCALTIMESTAMP, SYSDATE, DATE_FORMAT, TIME_FORMAT, DAYNAME, DAYOFWEEK, DAYOFYEAR, EXTRACT, FROM_DAYS, FROM_UNIXTIME, HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH, MONTHNAME, PERIOD_ADD, PERIOD_DIFF, QUARTER, SECOND, SEC_TO_TIME, SECOND, WEEK, WEEKDAY, YEAR, YEARWEEK, FORMAT, INET_ATON, INET_NTOA, MD5, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, CEIL, CEILING, COS, COT, CRC32, DEGREES, EXP, FLOOR, GREATEST, MAX, LEAST, MIN, ln, log, log2, log10, MOD, PI, POW, POWER, RADIANS, RAND, SIGN, SIN, SQRT, TAN, ASCII, BIN, BIT_LENGTH, CHAR, CHAR_LENGTH, CONCAT_WS, CONV, ELT, EXPORT_SET, FIELD, HEX, INSERT, LOCATE, INSTR, LCASE, LOWER, LEFT, LENGTH, OCTET_LENGTH, LOAD_FILE, LPAD, LTRIM, MAKE_SET, MID, SUBSTRING, OCT, ORD, QUOTE, REPEAT, REVERSE, RIGHT, RPAD, RTRIM, SOUNDEX, SPACE, SUBSTRING_INDEX, TRIM, UCASE, UPPER, Release note: Version 0.8.0 -This is the first established version and exactly the same as ver 0.7.8b. Version 0.8.1 -Execute "PRAGMA short_column_names=1" first. -Avoid executing outside php file in some very specfic environment. -Avoid executing multiple queries using ";" as delimer. -Add check routine for the installed SQLite Version 0.8.5 -Use SQLite_Functions class -'PRAGMA synchronous = off;' when installing Version - ALTER TABLE syntaxes updated, bugs fixed Version - ALTER TABLE almost completery re-written - DESC 'table' 'field' supported - The function 'php' is unregestered from SQL query. Version - Support RENAME TABLE - Some tunings are done to improve the speed. Version - Debug of CREATE TABLE routine. - NP_SQLite: trim the query when 'Copy' is used.