Skin: <%Related(mode,max,snippet,,searchcond)%> ... in item/search page <%Related(mode,max,snippet,query,searchcond)%> mode ... local / google max[option] ... max amount. default:5 snippet[option] ... true / false. default:false query[option] ... search keyword. (if in item/search page, it's filled automatically) searchcond[option] ... and / or. default:or EXAMPLE ------- In item template or item skintype: (search skintype is also available) <%Related(local,5)%> <%Related(google,5,true)%> In other skintype: <%Related(local,5,true,queryword,and)%> HISTORY ------- Ver0.4 2007/02/27: [Chg] remove Amazon mode [Chg] change to use Ajax Search API instead of Soap Search API (google) Ver0.32 2006/09/17: [Fix] remove tags from url, title, snippet (google) [Chg] change name of function soapclient() to soaplient_old() in nusoap.php (for PHP5 reason). Ver0.31 2005/10/16: [Add] option "erase cache data now", "show snippet", "no header", "search range". [Chg] delete inline style "font-size:smaller" for snippets. [Chg] cancel keyword manupilation for google search. [Chg] include multiple keywords on Amazon search. [Fix] in google search, invalid max results is set when max results is larger than 5. [Fix] version expression in delete style. [Fix] 'DONOTSEARCH' output. [Fix] encoding keyword for google search - by nakahara21 ( [Fix] set input encoding to google "more link" - by mao ( [Fix] convert encoding for Amazon search - by sakuracandle ( [Fix] remove tags from snippet in title attribute - by pushman ( Ver0.3jp 2004/11/23: [Add] Amazon search in books-jp mode. [Add] support FancyURLs - by mao ( [Fix] loop bug when "()" is used in keyword. [Fix] debug code remained. Main updates before Ver0.3jp ... - SkinVar. This plugin can be used in both skin and template. - Multi-keyword search. - Pharase search (phrase = quoted words). - Snippet for local search. */ // plugin needs to work on Nucleus versions <=2.0 as well if (!function_exists('sql_table')){ function sql_table($name) { return 'nucleus_' . $name; } } class NP_Related extends NucleusPlugin { // name of plugin function getName() { return 'Related items/sites'; } // author of plugin function getAuthor() { return 'Tim Broddin + radek + yu'; } // version of the plugin function getVersion() { return '0.4'; } function getMinNucleusVersion() { return '250'; } // an URL to the plugin website // can also be of the form function getURL() { return ''; } function supportsFeature($what) { switch($what){ case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } function getTableList() { return array( sql_table('plug_related'), sql_table('plug_related_cache') ); } function getEventList() { return array('PostAddItem','PreUpdateItem','AddItemFormExtras','EditItemFormExtras','PostPluginOptionsUpdate'); } // Let's get started function init() { global $manager, $blog, $CONF; // include language file for this plugin $language = ereg_replace( '[\\|/]', '', getLanguageName()); if (file_exists($this->getDirectory().$language.'.php')) include_once($this->getDirectory().$language.'.php'); else include_once($this->getDirectory().'english.php'); if ($blog) $b =& $blog; else $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); $bid = $b->getID(); if ($this->getBlogOption($bid, "googlekey") != '') $this->google_key = $this->getBlogOption($bid, "googlekey"); else $this->google_key = $this->getOption("googlekey"); $this->toexclude = $this->getOption("toexclude"); // $this->amazontoken = $this->getOption("amazontoken"); // $this->aso_id = $this->getOption("aso_id"); $this->header_lc = $this->getOption("header_lc"); $this->header_go = $this->getOption("header_go"); // $this->header_am = $this->getOption("header_am"); $this->header_end = $this->getOption("header_end"); $this->list_header = $this->getOption("listheading"); $this->list_footer = $this->getOption("listfooter"); $this->item_header = $this->getOption("itemheading"); $this->item_footer = $this->getOption("itemfooter"); $this->notitle = $this->getOption("notitle"); $this->noresults = $this->getOption("noresults"); $this->flg_noheader = $this->getOption("flg_noheader"); $this->morelink = $this->getOption("morelink"); $this->maxlength = $this->getOption("maxlength"); $this->maxlength2 = $this->getOption("maxlength2"); $this->flg_snippet = $this->getOption('flg_snippet'); $this->flg_timelocal = $this->getOption('flg_timelocal'); $this->currentblog = $this->getOption("currentblog"); $this->searchrange = $this->getOption("searchrange"); $this->flg_srchcond_and = $this->getOption("flg_srchcond_and"); // $this->interval = $this->getOption("interval"); $this->_check_cache_size(); } // a description to be shown on the installed plugins listing function getDescription() { return _RELATED_MESSAGE_DESC; } // Installation function install() { $this->createOption("googlekey", _RELATED_OPTION_GOOGLEKEY, "text", ""); $this->createBlogOption("googlekey", _RELATED_OPTION_GOOGLEKEY, "text", ""); $this->createOption("toexclude", _RELATED_OPTION_TOEXCLUDE, "text", ""); // $this->createOption("amazontoken", _RELATED_OPTION_AMAZONTOKEN, "text", ""); // $this->createOption("aso_id", _RELATED_OPTION_ASO_ID, "text", ""); $this->createOption("header_lc", _RELATED_OPTION_HEADER_LC, "text", "

Local search for: "); $this->createOption("header_go", _RELATED_OPTION_HEADER_GO, "text", "

Google search for: "); // $this->createOption("header_am", _RELATED_OPTION_HEADER_AM, "text", "

Amazon search for: "); $this->createOption("header_end", _RELATED_OPTION_HEADER_END, "text", "

"); $this->createOption("listheading", _RELATED_OPTION_LISTHEADING, "text", "\n"); $this->createOption("itemheading", _RELATED_OPTION_ITEMHEADING, "text", "
  • \n"); $this->createOption("itemfooter", _RELATED_OPTION_ITEMFOOTER, "text", "
  • \n"); $this->createOption("notitle", _RELATED_OPTION_NOTITLE, "text", "(no title)"); $this->createOption("noresults", _RELATED_OPTION_NORESULTS, "text", "

    No related items.

    "); $this->createOption("flg_noheader", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_NOHEADER, "yesno", "no"); $this->createOption("morelink", _RELATED_OPTION_MORELINK, "text", "and more..."); $this->createOption("maxlength", _RELATED_OPTION_MAXLENGTH, "text", "60"); $this->createOption("maxlength2", _RELATED_OPTION_MAXLENGTH2, "text", "220"); $this->createOption("flg_snippet", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_SNIPPET, "yesno", "yes"); $this->createOption("flg_timelocal", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_TIMELOCAL, "yesno", "no"); $this->createOption("currentblog", _RELATED_OPTION_CURRENTBLOG, "yesno", "yes"); $this->createOption('searchrange', _RELATED_OPTION_SEARCHRANGE, 'select', 'type2', 'Title|type1|Title, Body|type2|Title, Body, More|type3'); $this->createOption("flg_srchcond_and", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_SRCHCOND_AND, "yesno", "no"); // $this->createOption("interval", _RELATED_OPTION_INTERVAL, "text", "96"); // $this->createOption("language", _RELATED_OPTION_LANGUAGE, "text", "lang_ja|lang_en"); $this->createOption("flg_cache_erase", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_CACHE_ERASE, "yesno", "no"); $this->createOption("flg_erase", _RELATED_OPTION_FLG_ERASE, "yesno", "no"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ". sql_table("plug_related") ." ( itemid INT(9) NOT NULL, localkey VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', googlekey VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', amazonkey VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', mode VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (itemid) )"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ". sql_table("plug_related_cache") ." ( id INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, keyword VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT(9) NOT NULL, url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, stamp VARCHAR(14) NOT NULL, snippet VARCHAR(255) )"); } function uninstall() { if ($this->getOption('flg_erase') == 'yes') { mysql_query ( "DROP table IF EXISTS ". sql_table("plug_related") ); mysql_query ( "DROP table IF EXISTS ". sql_table("plug_related_cache") ); } } function event_PostPluginOptionsUpdate($data) { if ($this->getOption('flg_cache_erase') == 'yes') { sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE ". sql_table("plug_related_cache")); $this->setOption('flg_cache_erase', 'no'); return; } } //Add options to add item form/bookmarklet function event_AddItemFormExtras($data) { ?>

    Related Keyword

    0) { $localkey = mysql_result($result,0,"localkey"); $googlekey = mysql_result($result,0,"googlekey"); } ?>

    Related Keyword

    0) { // Nothing to do? Delete it!! if ((!$local) && (!$google) && (!$amazon)) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM ". sql_table("plug_related") ." WHERE itemid='$itemid'"); return; } mysql_query("UPDATE ". sql_table("plug_related") ." SET localkey='$local',googlekey='$google',amazonkey='$amazon' WHERE itemid='$itemid'"); } else { // Nothing to do? Get out!! if ((!$local) && (!$google) && (!$amazon)) return; mysql_query("INSERT INTO ". sql_table("plug_related") ." VALUES ('$itemid','$local','$google','$amazon','')"); } } // Skinvar Wrapper function doSkinVar($skinType, $mode='local', $max='5', $showsnippet='', $skinquery='', $searchcond='') { global $manager, $itemid; if ($skinType == 'item') { $item =& $manager->getItem($itemid,0,0); } else if ($skinquery != '') { $item = array( 'itemid' => 0, //dummy 'title' => $skinquery, ); } else if ($skinType == 'search') { $item = array( 'itemid' => 0, //dummy 'title' => requestVar('query'), ); } else { return; } $this->doTemplateVar($item, $mode, $max, $showsnippet, $searchcond, $skinType); } // Handle Related Items function doTemplateVar(&$item, $mode='local', $max='5', $showsnippet='', $searchcond='', $skinType='item') { global $manager, $blog, $CONF; if ($showsnippet == '') $showsnippet = $this->flg_snippet; if ($showsnippet == 'true' or $showsnippet == 'yes') $showsnippet = true; else if ($showsnippet == 'false' or $showsnippet == 'no') $showsnippet = false; $this->showsnippet = $showsnippet; if($blog){ $b =& $blog; }else{ $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); } if (is_object($item)) $item = get_object_vars($item); $max = intval($max); //$del_char['local'] = array("\\", '/'); $del_char['google'] = array('-', '+'); //$del_char['amazon'] = array('!','?'); $del_style = array("/(ver|version)[0-9.]+[0-9a-z.]*$/i", "/\.$/", "/-[0-9]+-$/"); $quote_style = _RELATED_REGEXP_QUOTESTYLE; $websvc_url['google'] = ""; $websvc_url['amazon'] = ""; //E switch($mode) { // // Related LOCAL items // case 'local': $q = ''; $id = $item['itemid']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT localkey FROM ". sql_table("plug_related") ." WHERE itemid='$id'"); if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($msg['localkey'] == "DONOTSEARCH") $donotsearch = true; else $q = $msg['localkey']; } // Is there a keyword present? if ($q == "") { $q = strip_tags($item['title']); } if ($donotsearch) { if ($this->flg_noheader == 'yes') return; $this->_show_header($mode, $q); echo $this->noresults; return; } else if ($q == ""){ if ($this->flg_noheader == 'yes') return; $this->_show_header($mode, '(No words)'); echo $this->noresults; return; } // prepare for multi-word search $q = trim($q); $dispq = $q; $str_where = ''; $ary_modq = array(); // quoted words $qt_num = 0; $ary_quote = array(); while ( preg_match($quote_style, $q, $quoted_keys) ) { $qlastidx = count($quoted_keys) -1; //E if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $quoted_keys[$qlastidx]) ) { if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", mb_convert_kana($quoted_keys[$qlastidx], 'n', _CHARSET)) ) { // delete series num $q = preg_replace("/". preg_quote($quoted_keys[0]) ."/", '', $q); continue; } $qrep = "__QUOTED{$qt_num}__"; // add comma around a quote for splitting $ary_quote[$qt_num][0] = stripslashes($quoted_keys[0]); // use first match(with quote chars) $ary_quote[$qt_num][1] = stripslashes($quoted_keys[$qlastidx]); //use last(without quote chars) $q = preg_replace("/". preg_quote($quoted_keys[0]) ."/", ",$qrep,", $q); $qt_num ++; } // split and make multi keywords $q = mb_convert_kana($q, 's', _CHARSET); $ary_q = preg_split(_RELATED_REGEXP_DELIMITER, $q, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // set search condition type if (strtoupper($searchcond) == 'AND' || strtoupper($searchcond) == 'OR') $qcat = $searchcond; else if ($this->flg_srchcond_and == 'yes') $qcat = 'AND'; else $qcat = 'OR'; foreach ($ary_q as $qpiece) { if (preg_match("/^__QUOTED([0-9]+)__$/", $qpiece, $qmatch)) { $ary_modq[] = $ary_quote[$qmatch[1]][0]; // with quote chars $qpiece = $ary_quote[$qmatch[1]][1]; // without quote chars } else { $qpiece = preg_replace($del_style, '', $qpiece); if (mb_strlen($qpiece,_CHARSET) < 2) continue; // skip if the key is one letter $ary_modq[] = $qpiece; } $qpiece = mysql_escape_string($qpiece); $str_cat = ($str_where) ? " $qcat " : ''; switch ($this->searchrange) { case 'type1': $str_where .= $str_cat ."( ititle LIKE '%$qpiece%' )"; break; case 'type2': $str_where .= $str_cat ."( ititle LIKE '%$qpiece%' OR ibody LIKE '%$qpiece%' )"; break; case 'type3': $str_where .= $str_cat ."( ititle LIKE '%$qpiece%' OR ibody LIKE '%$qpiece%' OR imore LIKE '%$qpiece%' )"; break; } if (count($ary_modq) == 3) break; // max 3 words } $qmore = join($ary_modq, ' '); // for 'and more' query link // Select only from same weblog? if ($this->currentblog == 'yes' and $skinType == 'item') { $result = mysql_query("SELECT iblog FROM ". sql_table("item") ." WHERE inumber='$item[itemid]'"); $msg = mysql_fetch_array($result); $bid = $msg['iblog']; $str_iblog = " AND iblog='$bid'"; } else { $str_iblog = ''; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT inumber, ititle, itime, ibody FROM ". sql_table("item") ." WHERE ($str_where)" . $str_iblog ." AND idraft=0 AND inumber<>'$id'" ." AND itime<=" . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()) ." ORDER BY inumber DESC LIMIT 0,$max"); // Do we have any rows? if (@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $this->_show_header($mode, $qmore); $first=true; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($first){ $first=false; echo $this->list_header; } // prepare if (empty($row->ititle)) $title = $this->notitle; else $title = shorten(strip_tags($row->ititle),$this->maxlength,'...'); $itime = "[$row->itime]"; $snippet = shorten(strip_tags($row->ibody),$this->maxlength2,'...'); $iid = $row->inumber; $bid = getBlogIDFromItemID($iid); $b_tmp =& $manager->getBlog($bid); $blogurl = $b_tmp->getURL() ; if(!$blogurl){ $blogurl = $this->defaultblogurl; } if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'){ if(substr($blogurl, -1) != '/') $blogurl .= '/'; $url = $blogurl .'item/'. $iid; } else { $url = createItemLink($iid); } $this->_show_list($mode, $url, $title, $snippet, $itime); } $this->_show_morelink($mode, $qmore, $b->getID()); if (!$first) echo $this->list_footer; } else { if ($this->flg_noheader == 'yes') return; $this->_show_header($mode, $qmore); echo $this->noresults; } break; // // Related GOOGLE sites // case 'google': $q = ''; $id = $item['itemid']; if ($max > 10) $max = 10; $apikey = $this->google_key; $result = mysql_query("SELECT googlekey FROM ". sql_table("plug_related") ." WHERE itemid='$id'"); if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($msg['googlekey'] == "DONOTSEARCH") $donotsearch = true; else $q = $msg['googlekey']; } // Search keyword if no Q is found if ($q == ""){ $q = strip_tags($item['title']); $q = str_replace($del_char[$mode], '', $q); } if ($donotsearch) { if ($this->flg_noheader == 'yes') return; $this->_show_header($mode, $q); echo $this->noresults; return; } else if ($q == "") { if ($this->flg_noheader == 'yes') return; $this->_show_header($mode, '(No words)'); echo $this->noresults; return; } $q = mb_convert_kana($q, 's', _CHARSET); //E comment out $q = trim($q); $dispq = $q; if ($this->toexclude != '') $q .= " -site:". $this->toexclude; $q = mysql_escape_string($q); $this->_show_header($mode, $dispq); echo << @import ""; .gsc-control { width: auto; }
    EOS; break; } //end of switch } // Custom functions function _make_stamp() { return strtotime ("now"); } function _check_cache_size() { // We don't have to check this every time. By creating a random number between 0 and 50 we can reduce // server load (I guess?) $rand = mt_rand (0,50); if ($rand == 50) { $cache = sql_query("SELECT * FROM ". sql_table("plug_related_cache")); if (@mysql_num_rows($cache) > 2000) { sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE ". sql_table("plug_related_cache")); } } } function _show_header($mode, $q) { switch ($mode) { case "local": echo $this->header_lc .$q. $this->header_end; break; case "google": echo $this->header_go .$q. $this->header_end; break; case "amazon": echo $this->header_am .$q. $this->header_end; break; } } function _show_list($mode, $url, $title, $snippet='', $time='') { echo "\n" . $this->item_header; switch ($mode) { case "local": if ($this->showsnippet) { if ($this->flg_timelocal == 'yes') echo ''. $title .' '. $time .''; else echo ''. $title .''; echo '
    '. $snippet .''; } else { if ($this->flg_timelocal == 'yes') echo ''. $title .' '. $time .''; else echo ''. $title . ''; } break; case "google": case "amazon": if ($this->showsnippet) { echo ''. $title .' '; echo '
    '. $snippet .''; } else { echo ''. $title .' '; } break; } echo $this->item_footer; } function _show_morelink($mode, $q, $extra='') { global $CONF; if ($this->morelink == '') return; echo "\n". $this->item_header; switch ($mode) { case 'local': $bid = $extra; if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'){ $moreurl = $CONF['BlogURL'].'?amount=0&query='. urlencode($q) .'&blogid='.$bid; } else { $moreurl = createBlogidLink($bid) . '&amount=0&query='. urlencode($q); } echo '' . $this->morelink.''; break; case 'google': $moreurl = ''. _CHARSET //E 'hl=en' .'&q='. urlencode(stripslashes($q)) .'&lr='; echo '' . $this->morelink.''; break; } echo $this->item_footer; } } ?>