OpenPTS ------- Author Seiji Munetoh ( DESCRIPTION ----------- OpenPTS is an open-source package of Platform Trust Service (PTS) defined by Trusted Computing Group (TCG). Trusted Computing is a set of specifications set forth by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). For more information on the TCG and Trusted Computing please visit the Trusted Computing Group website at: The openpts package contains PTS commands which work with TSS (TrouSerS). The openpts package is released under the Common Public License. BUILD REQUIREMENTS ----- ------------ Packages needed to build: Redhat/Fedora automake autoconf libtool gettext gettext-devel openssl openssl-devel trousers trousers-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel libuuid libuuid-devel libtnc libtnc-devel check (TBD, for unit testing) Ubuntu/Debian automake autoconf libtool cvs fakeroot debhelper gettext trousers libtspi-dev tpm-tools libxml2 libxml2-dev libuuid1 uuid-dev check (TBD, for unit testing) If libtnc is not available by package. build it from the source $ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make $ sudo make install BUILDING openpts -------- ---------------- $ sh ./ 32-bit $ ./configure --with-tss --with-aru --enable-tnc --prefix=/usr 64-bit $ ./configure --with-tss --with-aru --enable-tnc --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 $ make # make install By default the build will place everything in /usr/local. Issue ./configure --help to see how to install to a different location. --with-aide use AIDE as integrity database, (Fedora 12 and IMA) --with-tss build with tss --enable-tnc build TNC IMV/IMC libraries --with-tboot build with tboot support BUILDING a OPENPTS RPM -------- - ------- --- # yum install rpmdevtools $ rpmdev-setuptree $ sh $ ./configure $ make rpmbuild-ba BUILDING a OPENPTS DEB -------- - ------- --- $ sh $ ./configure $ make dpkg-buildpackage RUNNING the OPENPTS as TNC IMC ------- --- ------- -- --- --- TBD RUNNING the OPENPTS as TNC IMV ------- --- ------- -- --- --- TBD MODIFY MODEL ------ ----- Tool to update models/*.uml - Any text editer :-P - Eclipse MDT 1. right click *.uml file 2. select "Initialize State Machine Diagram". it create *.umlstm file 3. select all, and "Daigram->Arrange->all" to relocate objects.