/* * If you want the statistics of per-relation or per-column, please modify * nspname, relname, and attname in 'WHERE' clause. */ BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; /* * If you want to chage the output file name, please modify the following name. */ \o export_stats.dmp COPY (SELECT n2.nspname, cl.relname, r.relpages, r.reltuples, r.relallvisible, r.curpages, r.last_analyze, r.last_autoanalyze, COALESCE(a.attname, ''), n1.nspname AS schemaname_of_atttype, t.typname, a.atttypmod, co.stainherit, co.stanullfrac, co.stawidth, co.stadistinct, co.stakind1, co.stakind2, co.stakind3, co.stakind4, co.stakind5, co.staop1, co.staop2, co.staop3, co.staop4, co.staop5, co.stanumbers1, co.stanumbers2, co.stanumbers3, co.stanumbers4, co.stanumbers5, co.stavalues1, co.stavalues2, co.stavalues3, co.stavalues4, co.stavalues5 FROM dbms_stats.column_stats_effective co JOIN pg_attribute a ON (co.starelid = a.attrelid AND co.staattnum = a.attnum) JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid JOIN pg_namespace n1 ON t.typnamespace = n1.oid RIGHT JOIN dbms_stats.relation_stats_effective r ON co.starelid = r.relid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cl ON r.relid = cl.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n2 ON cl.relnamespace = n2.oid -- WHERE n2.nspname = 'public' -- AND cl.relname = 'test' -- AND a.attname = 'id' ORDER BY starelid, staattnum) TO STDOUT (FORMAT 'binary'); \o COMMIT;