OSDN Git Service

descriptionGather some system information and show it in this program
last changeSun, 13 May 2018 12:02:42 +0000 (14:02 +0200)
2018-05-13 su8Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' master
2018-05-13 su8second commit
2018-05-13 su8First commit
2018-05-12 su8Add GPLv3 license
2018-05-12 su8Add additional argument to --with-colors as requested...
2018-05-06 su8Update .gitignore
2018-05-06 su8Update .gitignore
2018-04-30 su8Merge pull request #38 from lasers/readme-missing
2018-04-30 lasersREADME.md: update missing info
2018-04-30 su8Update README.md
2018-04-30 su8Update README.md
2018-04-30 su8Merge pull request #37 from lasers/readme-rust
2018-04-30 su8Merge pull request #36 from lasers/add-tput-color-support
2018-04-30 lasersREADME.md: update rust
2018-04-30 lasersadd color support for tput
2018-04-29 su8Update mail.c
5 years ago master