.8086 code SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC USE16 'CODE' ASSUME CS:code, DS:DGROUP, SS:DGROUP add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add 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byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al add byte ptr [bx+si],al cld cld jmp near ptr main L$1: call near ptr L$2 add ah,3 L$2: lodsb a_outaw: push ax push cx xchg al,ah mov dx,388H out dx,al mov cx,7 call near ptr L$3 mov dx,389H mov al,ah out dx,al mov cx,1eH call near ptr L$3 pop cx pop ax ret L$3: in al,dx loop L$3 ret a_loadinstrument: mov ah,byte ptr L$59[bx] mov cx,4 L$4: call near ptr L$1 add ah,1dH loop L$4 add ah,40H call near ptr L$1 mov ah,bl add ah,0c0H jmp L$2 a_playnote: push bx xchg ah,bl add ah,0a0H call near ptr a_outaw mov al,bl add ah,10H pop bx jmp a_outaw a_init: mov ax,120H call near ptr a_outaw mov ax,800H call near ptr a_outaw mov ah,0bdH call near ptr a_outaw mov bp,9 xor bx,bx mov di,offset L$66 L$5: mov si,word ptr [di] add di,2 call near ptr a_loadinstrument xor ax,ax call near ptr a_playnote inc bx dec bp jne L$5 ret a_dorow: sub byte ptr L$108,1 jae L$10 mov byte ptr L$108,8 mov cx,8 mov di,offset L$72 xor bx,bx L$6: sub byte ptr L$109[bx],1 jns L$9 mov si,word ptr [di] xor ax,ax call near ptr a_playnote L$7: lodsb or al,al je L$11 jns L$8 sub al,81H mov byte ptr L$110[bx],al lodsb L$8: mov dl,al and ax,0fH mov bp,ax add bp,bp mov ax,word ptr ds:L$60[bp] shr dl,2 and dl,0fcH add ah,dl call near ptr a_playnote mov al,byte ptr L$110[bx] mov byte ptr L$109[bx],al mov word ptr [di],si L$9: add di,4 inc bx loop L$6 L$10: ret L$11: mov si,word ptr 2[di] jmp L$7 L$12: add ax,word ptr [bx] mov word ptr [bx],ax L$13: add ax,4000H L$14: mov bx,ax mov cx,bx and cx,3ffH neg cx add cx,3ffH shr bx,0aH mov ah,byte ptr L$57[bx] xor al,al imul cx push ax push dx mov ah,byte ptr L$58[bx] xor al,al neg cx add cx,3ffH imul cx pop bx pop cx add ax,cx adc dx,bx shrd ax,dx,0bH ret rand: mov eax,41fbf0e7H mul dword ptr L$115 add eax,17b99H mov dword ptr L$115,eax shr eax,0fH and ax,1fffH sub ax,1000H add bx,2 mov word ptr [bx],ax ret inittimer: mov eax,dword ptr fs:[20H] mov dword ptr L$114,eax mov ax,cs shl eax,10H mov ax,offset intti8 mov dx,4268H jmp L$16 L$15: mov eax,dword ptr L$114 xor dx,dx L$16: cli mov dword ptr fs:[20H],eax mov al,36H out 43H,al mov al,dl out 40H,al mov al,dh out 40H,al sti ret intti8: push ax mov al,20H out 20H,al inc word ptr cs:L$113 pop ax iret setpal: mov dx,3c8H xor al,al out dx,al inc dx mov cx,8 L$17: xor bh,bh mov bl,byte ptr [si] shr bl,2 call near ptr L$18 mov bl,byte ptr [si] shl bx,2 call near ptr L$18 inc si loop L$17 ret L$18: and bx,1eH mov ax,word ptr L$61[bx] out dx,al mov al,ah out dx,al mov al,byte ptr L$62[bx] out dx,al ret clearcopy: xor edx,edx mov si,offset L$93 mov bx,4 mov cx,0c8H mov di,0fffcH L$19: mov bp,5 L$20: mov eax,dword ptr [si] add di,bx mov dword ptr [si],edx add si,bx mov dword ptr es:[di],eax mov eax,dword ptr [si] add di,bx mov dword ptr [si],edx add si,bx mov dword ptr es:[di],eax dec bp jne L$20 add si,bx dec cx jne L$19 ret pset1: mov al,byte ptr L$88[si] or byte ptr [di],al ret pset2: mov ax,word ptr L$91[si] or word ptr [di],ax or word ptr 2cH[di],ax cmp bp,206cH jl L$21 mov ax,word ptr L$90[si] or word ptr -2cH[di],ax or word ptr 58H[di],ax mov ax,word ptr L$89[si] or word ptr -58H[di],ax or word ptr 84H[di],ax ret L$21: or word ptr -2cH[di],ax or word ptr 58H[di],ax mov ax,word ptr L$90[si] or word ptr -58H[di],ax or word ptr 84H[di],ax ret letter3d: sub bx,41H jb L$25 shl bx,3 mov di,word ptr L$111 mov cx,8 L$22: push cx push si mov cx,8 L$23: cmp byte ptr L$94[bx],0 je L$24 mov word ptr L$96[di],si mov word ptr L$97[di],bp push si add si,word ptr L$106 sar si,6 and si,3fH mov al,byte ptr L$57[si] cbw pop si shl ax,2 mov word ptr L$98[di],ax mov word ptr L$99[di],offset pset2 add di,8 and di,7ffH L$24: inc bx add si,80H loop L$23 pop si add bx,138H add bp,80H pop cx loop L$22 mov word ptr L$111,di L$25: ret set3drot: push ax call near ptr L$14 mov word ptr 4[di],ax neg ax mov word ptr 2[di],ax pop ax call near ptr L$13 mov word ptr [di],ax mov word ptr 6[di],ax ret rotate2x2i: push bx mov ax,di imul word ptr [si] mov cx,ax mov bx,dx mov ax,bp imul word ptr 2[si] add cx,ax adc bx,dx shrd cx,bx,0eH pop bx add si,4 ret doit: mov dx,3daH L$26: in al,dx test al,8 jne L$26 L$27: in al,dx test al,8 je L$27 mov si,word ptr L$65 push si call near ptr setpal pop si add si,9 cmp si,offset L$64 jbe L$28 mov si,offset L$63 L$28: mov word ptr L$65,si mov al,2 mov ah,byte ptr 8[si] mov dx,3c4H out dx,ax call near ptr clearcopy xor cx,cx mov byte ptr L$112,0 xchg word ptr L$113,cx jcxz L$30 L$29: push cx add byte ptr L$112,5aH call near ptr doit70 pop cx loop L$29 L$30: mov cx,1bcH mov bx,offset L$96 L$31: push cx push bx mov bp,word ptr 2[bx] mov di,word ptr 4[bx] cmp word ptr 6[bx],offset pset2 jne L$32 mov cx,word ptr [bx] mov si,word ptr L$107 add si,cx sar si,7 and si,3fH mov al,byte ptr L$57[si] cbw shl ax,2 add bp,ax sub cx,word ptr L$112 mov word ptr [bx],cx cmp cx,0f0c4H jl L$33 cmp cx,0f3cH jg L$33 L$32: mov si,offset L$100 call near ptr rotate2x2i push cx call near ptr rotate2x2i pop di mov bp,word ptr [bx] mov si,offset L$101 push cx call near ptr rotate2x2i push cx call near ptr rotate2x2i pop bp pop di add bp,word ptr L$102 cmp bp,400H jl L$33 mov ax,100H imul di idiv bp add ax,64H mov di,ax mov ax,133H imul cx idiv bp add ax,0a0H mov si,ax mov ax,word ptr 6[bx] cmp si,13fH ja L$33 cmp di,0c7H ja L$33 add di,di mov di,word ptr L$86[di] add si,si add di,word ptr L$87[si] call ax L$33: pop bx pop cx add bx,8 dec cx jne L$31 ret doit70: add byte ptr L$106,46H add byte ptr L$107,0b1H add word ptr L$53,0bb8H mov bx,offset L$105 mov ax,4dH call near ptr L$12 sar ax,5 mov word ptr L$103,ax mov bx,offset L$56 mov ax,172H call near ptr L$12 sar ax,3 add ax,22b8H mov word ptr L$102,ax mov bx,offset L$104 mov ax,word ptr L$103 call near ptr L$12 imul word ptr L$54 shrd ax,dx,8 mov di,offset L$100 call near ptr set3drot mov bx,offset L$55 mov ax,0c8H call near ptr L$12 sar ax,1 mov di,offset L$101 call near ptr set3drot sub word ptr L$52,5aH jae L$36 mov word ptr L$52,3ffH mov si,word ptr L$51 mov bl,byte ptr [si] and bx,0ffH je L$35 inc si mov word ptr L$51,si cmp bl,20H jge L$34 shl bx,9 mov word ptr L$52,bx jmp L$36 L$34: mov bp,0 mov si,1004H call near ptr letter3d jmp L$36 L$35: mov si,offset L$84 mov word ptr L$51,si L$36: jmp near ptr a_dorow main: push cs push cs pop ds pop es mov cx,2627H mov di,offset L$86 xor ax,ax rep stosw mov dx,0a000H mov es,dx push sp pop dx cmp dx,sp je L$38 L$37: jmp near ptr L$47 L$38: mov bx,offset L$86 sgdt fword ptr [bx] cmp byte ptr 5[bx],0 js L$37 mov fs,ax mov ax,1a00H int 10H cmp al,1aH jne L$47 cmp bl,7 jb L$47 mov ax,13H int 10H mov cx,1aH mov bx,10H mov ax,0e41H L$39: int 10H inc al loop L$39 mov cx,500H mov bx,offset L$94 xor di,di L$40: mov ax,word ptr es:[di] mov word ptr [bx+di],ax add di,2 loop L$40 mov ax,0dH int 10H mov si,0fffeH mov di,offset L$92 mov bl,80H xor bp,bp jmp L$42 L$41: mov word ptr L$86[si],di mov byte ptr L$88[si],bl mov word ptr L$91[si],cx shr cl,1 rcr ch,1 mov word ptr L$90[si],dx shr dl,1 rcr dh,1 mov word ptr L$89[si],ax shr al,1 rcr ah,1 mov word ptr L$87[si],bp ror bl,1 jae L$43 inc bp L$42: mov cx,0feH mov dx,7cH mov ax,38H L$43: add di,2cH add si,2 cmp si,280H jle L$41 mov dx,3daH in al,dx mov dl,0c0H xor ax,ax mov cx,10H L$44: out dx,al out dx,al inc al loop L$44 mov al,20H out dx,al mov cx,1bcH mov bx,offset L$95 L$45: push cx call near ptr rand call near ptr rand call near ptr rand sar ax,2 mov word ptr [bx],ax add bx,2 mov word ptr [bx],offset pset1 pop cx loop L$45 call near ptr a_init call near ptr inittimer L$46: call near ptr doit mov ah,1 int 16H je L$46 mov ah,0 int 16H call near ptr L$15 call near ptr a_init L$47: mov ax,3 int 10H mov si,offset L$85 push 0b800H pop es xor di,di mov ah,0eH L$48: lodsb cmp al,1fH jae L$49 mov ah,al jmp L$48 L$49: je L$50 stosw jmp L$48 L$50: mov ax,4c00H int 21H L$51: DW offset L$84 L$52: DB 1, 0 L$53: DB 0, 0 L$54: DB 40H, 0 L$55: DB 0e0H, 0b1H L$56: DB 80H, 3eH L$57: DB 0 L$58: DB 0cH, 18H, 24H, 30H, 3bH, 46H, 50H, 59H DB 62H, 69H, 70H, 75H, 79H, 7cH, 7eH, 7fH DB 7eH, 7cH, 79H, 75H, 70H, 69H, 62H, 59H DB 50H, 46H, 3bH, 30H, 24H, 18H, 0cH, 0 DB 0f4H, 0e8H, 0dcH, 0d0H, 0c5H, 0baH, 0b0H, 0a7H DB 9eH, 97H, 90H, 8bH, 87H, 84H, 82H, 81H DB 82H, 84H, 87H, 8bH, 90H, 97H, 9eH, 0a7H DB 0b0H, 0baH, 0c5H, 0d0H, 0dcH, 0e8H, 0f4H, 0 DB 3, 6, 9, 0cH, 0fH, 12H, 15H, 18H DB 1bH, 1eH, 21H, 24H, 27H, 2aH, 2dH, 30H DB 33H, 36H, 39H, 3bH, 3eH, 41H, 43H, 46H L$59: DB 20H, 21H, 22H, 28H, 29H, 2aH, 30H, 31H DB 32H L$60: DB 6bH, 21H, 81H, 21H, 98H, 21H, 0b0H, 21H DB 0caH, 21H, 0e5H, 21H, 2, 22H, 20H, 22H DB 41H, 22H, 63H, 22H, 87H, 22H, 64H, 23H L$61: DB 0, 0 L$62: DB 0, 0, 0, 0fH, 23H, 0, 10H, 1eH DB 30H, 0, 20H, 2dH, 37H, 0, 3cH, 3dH DB 3eH L$63: DB 4, 34H, 24H, 34H, 14H, 34H, 24H, 34H DB 1, 3, 23H, 13H, 23H, 44H, 44H, 44H DB 44H, 8, 2, 12H, 44H, 44H, 33H, 33H DB 44H, 44H, 4 L$64: DB 1, 44H, 33H, 44H, 22H, 44H, 33H, 44H DB 2 L$65: DW offset L$63 L$66: DW offset L$71 DW offset L$68 DW offset L$70 DW offset L$69 DW offset L$69 DW offset L$67 DW offset L$67 DW offset L$70 L$67: DB 41H, 0c2H, 6, 0, 23H, 0f2H, 0f0H, 0f0H DB 1, 0, 4 L$68: DB 91H, 40H, 87H, 80H, 0f3H, 6fH, 23H, 3 DB 1, 1, 2 L$69: DB 0e1H, 21H, 11H, 80H, 11H, 13H, 22H, 22H DB 0, 0, 0cH L$70: DB 61H, 21H, 1bH, 0, 62H, 84H, 56H, 55H DB 0, 0, 0eH L$71: DB 91H, 40H, 87H, 88H, 0f3H, 6fH, 23H, 3 DB 1, 1, 2 L$72: DW offset L$73 DW offset L$74 DW offset L$75 DW offset L$76 DW offset L$77 DW offset L$78 DW offset L$79 DW offset L$79 DW offset L$80 DW offset L$80 DW offset L$81 DW offset L$81 DW offset L$82 DW offset L$82 DW offset L$83 DW offset L$83 L$73: DB 81H L$74: DB 57H, 50H, 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H, 57H DB 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H DB 0 L$75: DB 81H L$76: DB 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H DB 57H, 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H, 55H, 57H, 50H DB 0 L$77: DB 0c0H, 50H, 84H, 30H, 20H, 30H, 20H, 2aH DB 1aH, 2aH, 1aH, 30H, 20H, 30H, 20H, 2aH DB 1aH, 2aH, 1aH L$78: DB 30H, 20H, 30H, 20H, 2aH, 1aH, 2aH, 1aH DB 25H, 15H, 25H, 15H, 28H, 18H, 2aH, 1aH DB 0 L$79: DB 0a0H, 50H, 40H, 0c0H, 40H, 88H, 40H, 40H DB 3aH, 42H, 90H, 45H, 88H, 40H, 42H, 40H DB 47H, 90H, 4aH, 88H, 45H, 98H, 40H, 0 L$80: DB 0a0H, 50H, 30H, 0c0H, 47H, 88H, 47H, 43H DB 42H, 45H, 47H, 45H, 48H, 47H, 47H, 50H DB 52H, 84H, 50H, 4aH, 88H, 50H, 98H, 45H DB 0 L$81: DB 0c0H, 20H, 0a0H, 10H, 10H, 90H, 10H, 2aH DB 25H, 88H, 28H, 2aH, 90H, 10H, 2aH, 25H DB 88H, 28H, 2aH, 0 L$82: DB 0c0H, 20H, 0a0H, 20H, 20H, 90H, 20H, 1aH DB 15H, 88H, 18H, 1aH, 90H, 20H, 1aH, 15H DB 88H, 18H, 1aH, 0 L$83: DB 0c0H, 0cH, 0feH, 50H, 90H, 0cH, 81H, 4aH DB 50H, 84H, 52H, 55H, 86H, 4aH, 81H, 50H DB 4aH, 86H, 50H, 82H, 55H, 98H, 45H, 0 DB 0fcH L$84: DB 1fH, 19H, 43H, 41H, 4cH, 4cH, 20H, 53H DB 54H, 41H, 52H, 50H, 4fH, 52H, 54H, 9 DB 46H, 55H, 54H, 55H, 52H, 45H, 20H, 43H DB 52H, 45H, 57H, 20H, 57H, 4fH, 52H, 4cH DB 44H, 20H, 48H, 51H, 9, 43H, 44H, 4eH DB 9, 47H, 52H, 41H, 56H, 49H, 53H, 20H DB 45H, 55H, 52H, 4fH, 9, 41H, 4eH, 44H DB 20H, 4dH, 4fH, 52H, 45H, 0 L$85: DB 0fH, 53H, 74H, 61H, 72H, 50H, 6fH, 72H DB 74H, 3, 20H, 0c4H, 0c4H, 20H, 0bH, 56H DB 33H, 32H, 62H, 69H, 73H, 20H, 2bH, 33H DB 35H, 38H, 2dH, 30H, 2dH, 38H, 30H, 34H DB 34H, 36H, 32H, 36H, 20H, 2bH, 33H, 35H DB 38H, 2dH, 30H, 2dH, 38H, 30H, 34H, 31H DB 31H, 33H, 33H, 3, 20H, 0c4H, 0c4H, 20H DB 0fH, 46H, 43H, 2dH, 57H, 48H, 51H, 1fH DB 0fcH L$86: DB 04FH DUP(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 L$87: DB 04FH DUP(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 L$88: DB 04FH DUP(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 L$89: DB 04FH DUP(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 L$90: DB 04FH DUP(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 L$91: DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 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