Charater's profile documentation and description ==== 地球 (チキュウ) Chikyuu ==== The Humanoid robot of love! She is very very cute! she wears a massive white shirt with extreamly long sleeves (one sholder is exposed too) She has long Electric blue hair With an ahoge Her ahoge serves as an antenna! she doseent wear shoes either!! ==== *******0 ==== The glitch and corruption demon She is very very scary She has extremely pale skin she tends to like to wear a Nazi uniform She has black hole long hair a creepy sharptoothed smile and red eyes I just shiver in sight of her! ==== sparky4 ==== The Angel of Electrons and Positrons... Very old, mysterious, powerful, 4th wall breaking being WiP ==== Xedu ==== Village elder of the village near the time capsule Eccentric and crazy elder! He has an odd facination with older tech and the history of them