NOTE: This document become old, needs help (2004-08-28) ---------------------------------------------- INCOMPATIBILITY INFORMATION =========================== INCOMPATIBILIY BETWEEN 1.3 AND 1.4 1. [[WikiName]] and WikiName means the same page. 2. 1.3.x is different from 1.4.x in the format of "Definition List": ": :" in 1.3.X and ": |" in 1.4.X 3. "List" and "Quotation" can contain the other "List" and "Quotation" as its Child Element. (1.3.x : "List" can contain only the same kind of "List",ex., "-" can contain "-","--"... . "Quataion" can contain only "Quatation".) CHANGELOG ========= * 2003-11-17 1.4.2 by PukiWiki Developers Team Fixed BugTrack/487 (AutoLink probrem) [[cvs:func.php]](v1.4:r1.54) Fixed BugTrack/488 (mb_substr() implementation) [[cvs:mbsring.php]](v1.4:r1.9) Fixed function name conflict [[cvs:convert_html.php]](v1.4:r1.57) Update plugin/ [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.18) Fixed parameter error handling [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.16) Fixed variable name mismatch [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.9) * 2003-11-10 1.4.1 by PukiWiki Developers Team Fixed BugTrack/478 Fixed BugTrack/479 Fixed BugTrack/480 Fixed BugTrack/482 Fixed BugTrack/483 Fixed BugTrack/485 Fixed BugTrack/486 Update plugin/ Fixed backup.php (array initialize) * 2003-11-03 1.4 by PukiWiki Developers Team First official release of 1.4 series