array('緊急', '重要', '普通', '低'), 'state_list' => array('提案', '着手', '完了', '保留', '却下'), 'state_sort' => array('着手', '保留', '完了', '提案', '却下'), 'state_bgcolor' => array('#ccccff', '#ffcc99', '#ccffcc', '#ffccff', '#cccccc', '#ff3333'), 'header_bgcolor' => '#ffffcc', 'base' => 'ページ', 'summary' => 'サマリ', 'nosummary'=> 'ここにサマリを記入して下さい', 'priority' => '優先順位', 'state' => '状態', 'name' => '投稿者', 'noname' => '名無しさん', 'date' => '投稿日', 'body' => 'メッセージ', 'category' => 'カテゴリー', 'pagename' => 'ページ名', 'pagename_comment' => '空欄のままだと自動的にページ名が振られます。', 'version_comment' => '空欄でも構いません', 'version' => 'バージョン', 'submit' => '追加' ); } // #bugtrack: Show bugtrack form function plugin_bugtrack_convert() { global $vars; if (PKWK_READONLY) return ''; // Show nothing $base = $vars['page']; $category = array(); if (func_num_args()) { $category = func_get_args(); $_base = get_fullname(strip_bracket(array_shift($category)), $base); if (is_pagename($_base)) $base = $_base; } return plugin_bugtrack_print_form($base, $category); } function plugin_bugtrack_print_form($base, $category) { global $_plugin_bugtrack; static $id = 0; ++$id; $select_priority = "\n"; $count = count($_plugin_bugtrack['priority_list']); $selected = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { if ($i == ($count - 1)) $selected = ' selected="selected"'; // The last one $priority_list = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['priority_list'][$i]); $select_priority .= ' ' . "\n"; } $select_state = "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_plugin_bugtrack['state_list']); ++$i) { $state_list = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['state_list'][$i]); $select_state .= ' ' . "\n"; } if (empty($category)) { $encoded_category = ''; } else { $encoded_category = ''; } $script = get_script_uri(); $s_base = htmlsc($base); $s_name = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['name']); $s_category = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['category']); $s_priority = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['priority']); $s_state = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['state']); $s_pname = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['pagename']); $s_pnamec = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['pagename_comment']); $s_version = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['version']); $s_versionc = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['version_comment']); $s_summary = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['summary']); $s_body = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['body']); $s_submit = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['submit']); $body = <<
EOD; return $body; } // Add new issue function plugin_bugtrack_action() { global $post; if (PKWK_READONLY) die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing'); if ($post['mode'] != 'submit') return FALSE; $page = plugin_bugtrack_write($post['base'], $post['pagename'], $post['summary'], $post['name'], $post['priority'], $post['state'], $post['category'], $post['version'], $post['body']); pkwk_headers_sent(); header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?' . pagename_urlencode($page)); exit; } function plugin_bugtrack_write($base, $pagename, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $version, $body) { global $post; $base = strip_bracket($base); $pagename = strip_bracket($pagename); $postdata = plugin_bugtrack_template($base, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $version, $body); $page_list = plugin_bugtrack_get_page_list($base, false); usort($page_list, '_plugin_bugtrack_list_paganame_compare'); if (count($page_list) == 0) { $id = 1; } else { $latest_page = $page_list[count($page_list) - 1]['name']; $id = intval(substr($latest_page, strlen($base) + 1)) + 1; } $page = $base . '/' . sprintf(PLUGIN_BUGTRACK_NUMBER_FORMAT, $id); if ($pagename == '') { page_write($page, $postdata); } else { $pagename = get_fullname($pagename, $base); if (is_page($pagename) || ! is_pagename($pagename)) { $pagename = $page; // Set default } else { page_write($page, 'move to [[' . $pagename . ']]'); } page_write($pagename, $postdata); } return $page; } // Generate new page contents function plugin_bugtrack_template($base, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $version, $body) { global $_plugin_bugtrack, $WikiName; if (! preg_match("/^$WikiName$$/",$base)) $base = '[[' . $base . ']]'; if ($name != '' && ! preg_match("/^$WikiName$$/",$name)) $name = '[[' . $name . ']]'; if ($name == '') $name = $_plugin_bugtrack['noname']; if ($summary == '') $summary = $_plugin_bugtrack['nosummary']; return <<$p,'filetime'=>get_filetime($p)); } else { $page_list[] = array('name'=>$p); } } } return $page_list; } /** * #bugtrack_list plugin itself * * Cache specification * * Enable only for PHP5.4+ (Because of JSON_UNESCAPE_UNICODE) * * Use cached values for articles that have the unchaged filemtime * * Invalidate all cache data everyday */ function plugin_bugtrack_list_convert() { global $script, $vars, $_plugin_bugtrack, $_title_cannotread; $cache_format_version = 1; $cache_expire_time = 60 * 60 * 24; $cache_refresh_time_prev; static $cache_enabled; if (!isset($cache_enabled)) { $cache_enabled = defined('JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE'); // PHP 5.4+ } $page = $vars['page']; if (func_num_args()) { list($_page) = func_get_args(); $_page = get_fullname(strip_bracket($_page), $page); if (is_pagename($_page)) $page = $_page; } if (!is_page_readable($page)) { $body = str_replace('$1', htmlsc($page), $_title_cannotread); return $body; } $data = array(); $page_list = plugin_bugtrack_get_page_list($page, true); usort($page_list, '_plugin_bugtrack_list_paganame_compare'); $count_list = count($_plugin_bugtrack['state_list']); $data_map = array(); if ($cache_enabled) { // Cache management $data_updated = true; $cache_filepath = CACHE_DIR . encode($page) . '.bugtrack'; $json_cached = pkwk_file_get_contents($cache_filepath); if ($json_cached) { $wrapdata = json_decode($json_cached); if (is_object($wrapdata)) { if (isset($wrapdata->version, $wrapdata->pages, $wrapdata->refreshed_at)) { $cache_time_prev = $wrapdata->refreshed_at; if ($cache_format_version == $wrapdata->version && time() < $cache_time_prev + $cache_expire_time) { $data = $wrapdata->pages; $cache_refresh_time_prev = $cache_time_prev; } } } if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { $all_ok = true; foreach ($page_list as $i=>$page_info) { list($page_name, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $filetime) = $data[$i]; if ($filetime !== $page_info['filetime'] || $page_name !== $page_info['name']) { $all_ok = false; break; } } if (!$all_ok) { // Clear cache foreach ($data as $d) { $page_name = $d[0]; $data_map[$page_name] = $d; } $data = array(); } } } } if (empty($data) || !empty($data_map)) { // No cache foreach ($page_list as $page_info) { $page_name = $page_info['name']; $filled = false; if (isset($data_map[$page_name])) { $d = $data_map[$page_name]; list($page_name, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $filetime) = $d; if ($filetime == $page_info['filetime']) { $data[] = $d; $filled = true; } } if (!$filled) { $data[] = plugin_bugtrack_list_pageinfo($page_info['name'], null, true, $page_info['filetime']); } } foreach ($data as $i=>$line) { list($page_name, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $filetime, $state_no_cached, $html_cached) = $line; if (isset($state_no_cached) && isset($html_cached)) { continue; } foreach (array('name', 'priority', 'state', 'category') as $item) $$item = htmlsc($$item); $page_link = make_pagelink($page_name); $state_no = array_search($state, $_plugin_bugtrack['state_sort']); if ($state_no === NULL || $state_no === FALSE) $state_no = $count_list; $bgcolor = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['state_bgcolor'][$state_no]); $row = << $page_link $state $priority $category $name $summary EOD; $rec = &$data[$i]; $rec[] = $state_no; // color number $rec[] = $row; // HTML content } if ($cache_enabled) { // Save cache if (isset($cache_refresh_time_prev)) { $refreshed_at = $cache_refresh_time_prev; } else { $refreshed_at = time(); } $json = array('refreshed_at'=>$refreshed_at, 'pages'=>$data, 'version'=>$cache_format_version); $cache_body = json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE + JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); file_put_contents($cache_filepath, $cache_body, LOCK_EX); } } $table = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $count_list + 1; ++$i) $table[$i] = array(); foreach ($data as $line) { list($page_name, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $filetime, $state_no, $html) = $line; $table[$state_no][$no] = $html; } $table_html = ' ' . "\n"; $bgcolor = htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack['header_bgcolor']); foreach (array('pagename', 'state', 'priority', 'category', 'name', 'summary') as $item) $table_html .= ' ' . htmlsc($_plugin_bugtrack[$item]) . '' . "\n"; $table_html .= ' ' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $count_list; ++$i) { ksort($table[$i], SORT_NUMERIC); $table_html .= join("\n", $table[$i]); } return '' . "\n" . $table_html . "\n" . '
'; } // Get one set of data from a page (or a page moved to $page) function plugin_bugtrack_list_pageinfo($page, $no = NULL, $recurse = TRUE, $filetime = NULL) { global $WikiName, $InterWikiName, $BracketName, $_plugin_bugtrack; if ($no === NULL) $no = preg_match('/\/([0-9]+)$/', $page, $matches) ? $matches[1] : 0; $source = get_source($page); // Check 'moved' page _just once_ $regex = "/move\s*to\s*($WikiName|$InterWikiName|\[\[$BracketName\]\])/"; $match = array(); if ($recurse && preg_match($regex, $source[0], $match)) return plugin_bugtrack_list_pageinfo(strip_bracket($match[1]), $no, FALSE, $filetime); $body = join("\n", $source); foreach(array('summary', 'name', 'priority', 'state', 'category') as $item) { $regex = '/-\s*' . preg_quote($_plugin_bugtrack[$item], '/') . '\s*:(.*)/'; if (preg_match($regex, $body, $matches)) { if ($item == 'name') { $$item = strip_bracket(trim($matches[1])); } else { $$item = trim($matches[1]); } } else { $$item = ''; // Data not found } } if (preg_match("/\*([^\n]*)/", $body, $matches)) { $summary = $matches[1]; make_heading($summary); } return array($page, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category, $filetime); }