= 4.3.0): preg_match_all(PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE): $method['uri_XXX'] related feature if (! defined('SPAM_INI_FILE')) define('SPAM_INI_FILE', 'spam.ini.php'); if (! defined('DOMAIN_INI_FILE')) define('DOMAIN_INI_FILE', 'domain.ini.php'); // --------------------- // Compat etc // (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0): var_export(): mail-reporting and dump related if (! function_exists('var_export')) { function var_export() { return 'var_export() is not found on this server' . "\n"; } } // (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0): preg_grep() enables invert option function preg_grep_invert($pattern = '//', $input = array()) { static $invert; if (! isset($invert)) $invert = defined('PREG_GREP_INVERT'); if ($invert) { return preg_grep($pattern, $input, PREG_GREP_INVERT); } else { $result = preg_grep($pattern, $input); if ($result) { return array_diff($input, preg_grep($pattern, $input)); } else { return $input; } } } // --------------------- // Utilities // Very roughly, shrink the lines of var_export() // NOTE: If the same data exists, it must be corrupted. function var_export_shrink($expression, $return = FALSE, $ignore_numeric_keys = FALSE) { $result = var_export($expression, TRUE); $result = preg_replace( // Remove a newline and spaces '# => \n *array \(#', ' => array (', $result ); if ($ignore_numeric_keys) { $result =preg_replace( // Remove numeric keys '#^( *)[0-9]+ => #m', '$1', $result ); } if ($return) { return $result; } else { echo $result; return NULL; } } // Reverse $string with specified delimiter function delimiter_reverse($string = 'foo.bar.example.com', $from_delim = '.', $to_delim = '.') { if (! is_string($string) || ! is_string($from_delim) || ! is_string($to_delim)) return $string; // com.example.bar.foo return implode($to_delim, array_reverse(explode($from_delim, $string))); } // ksort() by domain function ksort_by_domain(& $array) { $sort = array(); foreach(array_keys($array) as $key) { $sort[delimiter_reverse($key)] = $key; } ksort($sort, SORT_STRING); $result = array(); foreach($sort as $key) { $result[$key] = & $array[$key]; } $array = $result; } // Roughly strings(1) using PCRE // This function is useful to: // * Reduce the size of data, from removing unprintable binary data // * Detect _bare_strings_ from binary data // References: // http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=strings (Man-page of GNU strings) // http://www.pcre.org/pcre.txt // Note: mb_ereg_replace() is one of mbstring extension's functions // and need to init its encoding. function strings($binary = '', $min_len = 4, $ignore_space = FALSE, $multibyte = FALSE) { // String only $binary = (is_array($binary) || $binary === TRUE) ? '' : strval($binary); $regex = $ignore_space ? '[^[:graph:] \t\n]+' : // Remove "\0" etc, and readable spaces '[^[:graph:][:space:]]+'; // Preserve readable spaces if possible $binary = $multibyte ? mb_ereg_replace($regex, "\n", $binary) : preg_replace('/' . $regex . '/s', "\n", $binary); if ($ignore_space) { $binary = preg_replace( array( '/[ \t]{2,}/', '/^[ \t]/m', '/[ \t]$/m', ), array( ' ', '', '' ), $binary); } if ($min_len > 1) { // The last character seems "\n" or not $br = (! empty($binary) && $binary[strlen($binary) - 1] == "\n") ? "\n" : ''; $min_len = min(1024, intval($min_len)); $regex = '/^.{' . $min_len . ',}/S'; $binary = implode("\n", preg_grep($regex, explode("\n", $binary))) . $br; } return $binary; } // --------------------- // Utilities: Arrays // Count leaves (A leaf = value that is not an array, or an empty array) function array_count_leaves($array = array(), $count_empty = FALSE) { if (! is_array($array) || (empty($array) && $count_empty)) return 1; // Recurse $count = 0; foreach ($array as $part) { $count += array_count_leaves($part, $count_empty); } return $count; } // Merge two leaves // Similar to PHP array_merge_leaves(), except strictly preserving keys as string function array_merge_leaves($array1, $array2, $sort_keys = TRUE) { // Array(s) only $is_array1 = is_array($array1); $is_array2 = is_array($array2); if ($is_array1) { if ($is_array2) { ; // Pass } else { return $array1; } } else if ($is_array2) { return $array2; } else { return $array2; // Not array ($array1 is overwritten) } $keys_all = array_merge(array_keys($array1), array_keys($array2)); if ($sort_keys) sort($keys_all, SORT_STRING); $result = array(); foreach($keys_all as $key) { $isset1 = isset($array1[$key]); $isset2 = isset($array2[$key]); if ($isset1 && $isset2) { // Recurse $result[$key] = array_merge_leaves($array1[$key], $array2[$key], $sort_keys); } else if ($isset1) { $result[$key] = & $array1[$key]; } else { $result[$key] = & $array2[$key]; } } return $result; } // An array-leaves to a flat array function array_flat_leaves($array, $unique = TRUE) { if (! is_array($array)) return $array; $tmp = array(); foreach(array_keys($array) as $key) { if (is_array($array[$key])) { // Recurse foreach(array_flat_leaves($array[$key]) as $_value) { $tmp[] = $_value; } } else { $tmp[] = & $array[$key]; } } return $unique ? array_values(array_unique($tmp)) : $tmp; } // $array['something'] => $array['wanted'] function array_rename_keys(& $array, $keys = array('from' => 'to'), $force = FALSE, $default = '') { if (! is_array($array) || ! is_array($keys)) return FALSE; // Nondestructive test if (! $force) foreach(array_keys($keys) as $from) if (! isset($array[$from])) return FALSE; foreach($keys as $from => $to) { if ($from === $to) continue; if (! $force || isset($array[$from])) { $array[$to] = & $array[$from]; unset($array[$from]); } else { $array[$to] = $default; } } return TRUE; } // Remove redundant values from array() function array_unique_recursive($array = array()) { if (! is_array($array)) return $array; $tmp = array(); foreach($array as $key => $value){ if (is_array($value)) { $array[$key] = array_unique_recursive($value); } else { if (isset($tmp[$value])) { unset($array[$key]); } else { $tmp[$value] = TRUE; } } } return $array; } // --------------------- // Part One : Checker // Rough implementation of globbing // // USAGE: $regex = '/^' . generate_glob_regex('*.txt', '/') . '$/i'; // function generate_glob_regex($string = '', $divider = '/') { static $from = array( 1 => '*', 11 => '?', // 22 => '[', // Maybe cause regex compilation error (e.g. '[]') // 23 => ']', // ); static $mid = array( 1 => '_AST_', 11 => '_QUE_', // 22 => '_RBR_', // 23 => '_LBR_', ); static $to = array( 1 => '.*', 11 => '.', // 22 => '[', // 23 => ']', ); if (! is_string($string)) return ''; $string = str_replace($from, $mid, $string); // Hide $string = preg_quote($string, $divider); $string = str_replace($mid, $to, $string); // Unhide return $string; } // Generate host (FQDN, IPv4, ...) regex // 'localhost' : Matches with 'localhost' only // 'example.org' : Matches with 'example.org' only (See host_normalize() about 'www') // '.example.org' : Matches with ALL FQDN ended with '.example.org' // '*.example.org' : Almost the same of '.example.org' except 'www.example.org' // '' : Matches with IPv4 address '' only // [TODO] '192.' : Matches with all IPv4 hosts started with '192.' // TODO: IPv4, CIDR?, IPv6 function generate_host_regex($string = '', $divider = '/') { if (! is_string($string)) return ''; if (mb_strpos($string, '.') === FALSE) return generate_glob_regex($string, $divider); $result = ''; if (is_ip($string)) { // IPv4 return generate_glob_regex($string, $divider); } else { // FQDN or something $part = explode('.', $string, 2); if ($part[0] == '') { $part[0] = '(?:.*\.)?'; // And all related FQDN } else if ($part[0] == '*') { $part[0] = '.*\.'; // All subdomains/hosts only } else { return generate_glob_regex($string, $divider); } $part[1] = generate_glob_regex($part[1], $divider); return implode('', $part); } } // Rough hostname checker // [OK] 192.168. // TODO: Strict digit, 0x, CIDR, IPv6 function is_ip($string = '') { if (preg_match('/^' . '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' . '|' . '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){1,3}' . '$/', $string)) { return 4; // Seems IPv4(dot-decimal) } else { return 0; // Seems not IP } } function get_blocklist($list = '') { static $regexes; if ($list === NULL) { $regexes = NULL; // Unset return array(); } if (! isset($regexes)) { $regexes = array(); if (file_exists(SPAM_INI_FILE)) { $blocklist = array(); include(SPAM_INI_FILE); // $blocklist['badhost'] = array( // '*.blogspot.com', // Blog services's subdomains (only) // 'IANA-examples' => '#^(?:.*\.)?example\.(?:com|net|org)$#', // ); if (isset($blocklist['list'])) { $regexes['list'] = & $blocklist['list']; } else { // Default $blocklist['list'] = array( 'goodhost' => FALSE, 'badhost' => TRUE, ); } foreach(array_keys($blocklist['list']) as $_list) { if (! isset($blocklist[$_list])) continue; foreach ($blocklist[$_list] as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $regexes[$_list][$key] = array(); foreach($value as $_key => $_value) { get_blocklist_add($regexes[$_list][$key], $_key, $_value); } } else { get_blocklist_add($regexes[$_list], $key, $value); } } unset($blocklist[$_list]); } } } if ($list === '') { return $regexes; // ALL } else if (isset($regexes[$list])) { return $regexes[$list]; } else { return array(); } } // Subroutine of get_blocklist() function get_blocklist_add(& $array, $key = 0, $value = '*.example.org') { if (is_string($key)) { $array[$key] = & $value; // Treat $value as a regex } else { $array[$value] = '/^' . generate_host_regex($value, '/') . '$/i'; } } // Blocklist metrics: Separate $host, to $blocked and not blocked function blocklist_distiller(& $hosts, $keys = array('goodhost', 'badhost'), $asap = FALSE) { if (! is_array($hosts)) $hosts = array($hosts); if (! is_array($keys)) $keys = array($keys); $list = get_blocklist('list'); $blocked = array(); foreach($keys as $key){ foreach (get_blocklist($key) as $label => $regex) { if (is_array($regex)) { foreach($regex as $_label => $_regex) { $group = preg_grep($_regex, $hosts); if ($group) { $hosts = array_diff($hosts, $group); $blocked[$key][$label][$_label] = $group; if ($asap && $list[$key]) break; } } } else { $group = preg_grep($regex, $hosts); if ($group) { $hosts = array_diff($hosts, $group); $blocked[$key][$label] = $group; if ($asap && $list[$key]) break; } } } } return $blocked; } // --------------------- // Default (enabled) methods and thresholds (for content insertion) function check_uri_spam_method($times = 1, $t_area = 0, $rule = TRUE) { $times = intval($times); $t_area = intval($t_area); $positive = array( // Thresholds 'quantity' => 8 * $times, // Allow N URIs 'non_uniqhost' => 3 * $times, // Allow N duped (and normalized) Hosts //'non_uniquri'=> 3 * $times, // Allow N duped (and normalized) URIs // Areas 'area_anchor' => $t_area, // Using HTML tag 'area_bbcode' => $t_area, // Using [url] or [link] BBCode //'uri_anchor' => $t_area, // URI inside HTML tag //'uri_bbcode' => $t_area, // URI inside [url] or [link] BBCode ); if ($rule) { $bool = array( // Rules //'asap' => TRUE, // Quit or return As Soon As Possible 'uniqhost' => TRUE, // Show uniq host (at block notification mail) 'badhost' => TRUE, // Check badhost ); } else { $bool = array(); } // Remove non-$positive values foreach (array_keys($positive) as $key) { if ($positive[$key] < 0) unset($positive[$key]); } return $positive + $bool; } // Simple/fast spam check function check_uri_spam($target = '', $method = array()) { // Return value $progress = array( 'method' => array( // Theme to do => Dummy, optional value, or optional array() //'quantity' => 8, //'uniqhost' => TRUE, //'non_uniqhost'=> 3, //'non_uniquri' => 3, //'badhost' => TRUE, //'area_anchor' => 0, //'area_bbcode' => 0, //'uri_anchor' => 0, //'uri_bbcode' => 0, ), 'sum' => array( // Theme => Volume found (int) ), 'is_spam' => array( // Flag. If someting defined here, // one or more spam will be included // in this report ), 'blocked' => array( // Hosts blocked //'category' => array( // 'host', //) ), 'hosts' => array( // Hosts not blocked ), ); // Aliases $sum = & $progress['sum']; $is_spam = & $progress['is_spam']; $progress['method'] = & $method; // Argument $blocked = & $progress['blocked']; $hosts = & $progress['hosts']; $asap = isset($method['asap']); // Init if (! is_array($method) || empty($method)) { $method = check_uri_spam_method(); } foreach(array_keys($method) as $key) { if (! isset($sum[$key])) $sum[$key] = 0; } if (! isset($sum['quantity'])) $sum['quantity'] = 0; if (is_array($target)) { foreach($target as $str) { if (! is_string($str)) continue; $_progress = check_uri_spam($str, $method); // Recurse // Merge $sum $_sum = & $_progress['sum']; foreach (array_keys($_sum) as $key) { if (! isset($sum[$key])) { $sum[$key] = & $_sum[$key]; } else { $sum[$key] += $_sum[$key]; } } // Merge $is_spam $_is_spam = & $_progress['is_spam']; foreach (array_keys($_is_spam) as $key) { $is_spam[$key] = TRUE; if ($asap) break; } if ($asap && $is_spam) break; // Merge only $blocked = array_merge_leaves($blocked, $_progress['blocked'], FALSE); $hosts = array_merge_leaves($hosts, $_progress['hosts'], FALSE); } // Unique values $blocked = array_unique_recursive($blocked); $hosts = array_unique_recursive($hosts); // Recount $sum['badhost'] $sum['badhost'] = array_count_leaves($blocked); return $progress; } // Area: There's HTML anchor tag if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['area_anchor'])) { $key = 'area_anchor'; $_asap = isset($method['asap']) ? array('asap' => TRUE) : array(); $result = area_pickup($target, array($key => TRUE) + $_asap); if ($result) { $sum[$key] = $result[$key]; if (isset($method[$key]) && $sum[$key] > $method[$key]) { $is_spam[$key] = TRUE; } } } // Area: There's 'BBCode' linking tag if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['area_bbcode'])) { $key = 'area_bbcode'; $_asap = isset($method['asap']) ? array('asap' => TRUE) : array(); $result = area_pickup($target, array($key => TRUE) + $_asap); if ($result) { $sum[$key] = $result[$key]; if (isset($method[$key]) && $sum[$key] > $method[$key]) { $is_spam[$key] = TRUE; } } } // Return if ... if ($asap && $is_spam) return $progress; // URI: Pickup $pickups = uri_pickup_normalize(spam_uri_pickup($target, $method)); // Return if ... if (empty($pickups)) return $progress; // URI: Check quantity $sum['quantity'] += count($pickups); // URI quantity if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['quantity']) && $sum['quantity'] > $method['quantity']) { $is_spam['quantity'] = TRUE; } // URI: used inside HTML anchor tag pair if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['uri_anchor'])) { $key = 'uri_anchor'; foreach($pickups as $pickup) { if (isset($pickup['area'][$key])) { $sum[$key] += $pickup['area'][$key]; if(isset($method[$key]) && $sum[$key] > $method[$key]) { $is_spam[$key] = TRUE; if ($asap && $is_spam) break; } if ($asap && $is_spam) break; } } } // URI: used inside 'BBCode' pair if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['uri_bbcode'])) { $key = 'uri_bbcode'; foreach($pickups as $pickup) { if (isset($pickup['area'][$key])) { $sum[$key] += $pickup['area'][$key]; if(isset($method[$key]) && $sum[$key] > $method[$key]) { $is_spam[$key] = TRUE; if ($asap && $is_spam) break; } if ($asap && $is_spam) break; } } } // URI: Uniqueness (and removing non-uniques) if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['non_uniquri'])) { $uris = array(); foreach (array_keys($pickups) as $key) { $uris[$key] = uri_pickup_implode($pickups[$key]); } $count = count($uris); $uris = array_unique($uris); $sum['non_uniquri'] += $count - count($uris); if ($sum['non_uniquri'] > $method['non_uniquri']) { $is_spam['non_uniquri'] = TRUE; } if (! $asap || ! $is_spam) { foreach (array_diff(array_keys($pickups), array_keys($uris)) as $remove) { unset($pickups[$remove]); } } unset($uris); } // Return if ... if ($asap && $is_spam) return $progress; // Host: Uniqueness (uniq / non-uniq) foreach ($pickups as $pickup) $hosts[] = & $pickup['host']; $hosts = array_unique($hosts); if (isset($sum['uniqhost'])) $sum['uniqhost'] += count($hosts); if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['non_uniqhost'])) { $sum['non_uniqhost'] = $sum['quantity'] - $sum['uniqhost']; if ($sum['non_uniqhost'] > $method['non_uniqhost']) { $is_spam['non_uniqhost'] = TRUE; } } // Return if ... if ($asap && $is_spam) return $progress; // URI: Bad host (Separate good/bad hosts from $hosts) if ((! $asap || ! $is_spam) && isset($method['badhost'])) { // is_badhost() $list = get_blocklist('list'); $blocked = blocklist_distiller($hosts, array_keys($list), $asap); foreach($list as $key=>$type){ if (! $type) unset($blocked[$key]); // Ignore goodhost etc } unset($list); if (! empty($blocked)) $is_spam['badhost'] = TRUE; } return $progress; } // --------------------- // Reporting // Summarize $progress (blocked only) function summarize_spam_progress($progress = array(), $blockedonly = FALSE) { if ($blockedonly) { $tmp = array_keys($progress['is_spam']); } else { $tmp = array(); $method = & $progress['method']; if (isset($progress['sum'])) { foreach ($progress['sum'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($method[$key]) && $value) { $tmp[] = $key . '(' . $value . ')'; } } } } return implode(', ', $tmp); } function summarize_detail_badhost($progress = array()) { if (! isset($progress['blocked']) || empty($progress['blocked'])) return ''; // Flat per group $blocked = array(); foreach($progress['blocked'] as $list => $lvalue) { foreach($lvalue as $group => $gvalue) { $flat = implode(', ', array_flat_leaves($gvalue)); if ($flat === $group) { $blocked[$list][] = $flat; } else { $blocked[$list][$group] = $flat; } } } // Shrink per list // From: 'A-1' => array('ie.to') // To: 'A-1' => 'ie.to' foreach($blocked as $list => $lvalue) { if (is_array($lvalue) && count($lvalue) == 1 && is_numeric(key($lvalue))) { $blocked[$list] = current($lvalue); } } return var_export_shrink($blocked, TRUE, TRUE); } function summarize_detail_newtral($progress = array()) { if (! isset($progress['hosts']) || ! is_array($progress['hosts']) || empty($progress['hosts'])) return ''; // Generate a responsible $trie $trie = array(); foreach($progress['hosts'] as $value) { // 'A.foo.bar.example.com' $resp = whois_responsibility($value); // 'example.com' if (empty($resp)) { // One or more test, or do nothing here $resp = strval($value); $rest = ''; } else { $rest = rtrim(substr($value, 0, - strlen($resp)), '.'); // 'A.foo.bar' } $trie = array_merge_leaves($trie, array($resp => array($rest => NULL)), FALSE); } // Format: var_export_shrink() -like output $result = array(); ksort_by_domain($trie); foreach(array_keys($trie) as $key) { ksort_by_domain($trie[$key]); if (count($trie[$key]) == 1 && key($trie[$key]) == '') { // Just one 'responsibility.example.com' $result[] = ' \'' . $key . '\','; } else { // One subdomain-or-host, or several ones $subs = array(); foreach(array_keys($trie[$key]) as $sub) { if ($sub == '') { $subs[] = $key; } else { $subs[] = $sub . '.' . $key; } } $result[] = ' \'' . $key . '\' => \'' . implode(', ', $subs) . '\','; } unset($trie[$key]); } return 'array (' . "\n" . implode("\n", $result) . "\n" . ')'; } // Check responsibility-root of the FQDN // 'foo.bar.example.com' => 'example.com' (.com has the last whois for it) // 'foo.bar.example.au' => 'example.au' (.au has the last whois for it) // 'foo.bar.example.edu.au' => 'example.edu.au' (.edu.au has the last whois for it) // 'foo.bar.example.act.edu.au' => 'example.act.edu.au' (.act.edu.au has the last whois for it) function whois_responsibility($fqdn = 'foo.bar.example.com', $parent = FALSE, $implicit = TRUE) { static $domain; if ($fqdn === NULL) { $domain = NULL; // Unset return ''; } if (! is_string($fqdn)) return ''; if (is_ip($fqdn)) return $fqdn; if (! isset($domain)) { $domain = array(); if (file_exists(DOMAIN_INI_FILE)) { include(DOMAIN_INI_FILE); // Set } } $result = array(); $dcursor = & $domain; $array = array_reverse(explode('.', $fqdn)); $i = 0; while(TRUE) { if (! isset($array[$i])) break; $acursor = $array[$i]; if (is_array($dcursor) && isset($dcursor[$acursor])) { $result[] = & $array[$i]; $dcursor = & $dcursor[$acursor]; } else { if (! $parent && isset($acursor)) { $result[] = & $array[$i]; // Whois servers must know this subdomain } break; } ++$i; } // Implicit responsibility: Top-Level-Domains must not be yours // 'bar.foo.something' => 'foo.something' if ($implicit && count($result) == 1 && count($array) > 1) { $result[] = & $array[1]; } return $result ? implode('.', array_reverse($result)) : ''; } // --------------------- // Exit // Freeing memories function spam_dispose() { get_blocklist(NULL); whois_responsibility(NULL); } // Common bahavior for blocking // NOTE: Call this function from various blocking feature, to disgueise the reason 'why blocked' function spam_exit($mode = '', $data = array()) { $exit = TRUE; switch ($mode) { case '': echo("\n"); break; case 'dump': echo('
' . "\n");
			echo htmlspecialchars(var_export($data, TRUE));
' . "\n"); break; }; if ($exit) exit; // Force exit } // --------------------- // Simple filtering // TODO: Record them // Simple/fast spam filter ($target: 'a string' or an array()) function pkwk_spamfilter($action, $page, $target = array('title' => ''), $method = array(), $exitmode = '') { $progress = check_uri_spam($target, $method); if (empty($progress['is_spam'])) { spam_dispose(); } else { // TODO: detect encoding from $target for mbstring functions // $tmp = array(); // foreach(array_keys($target) as $key) { // $tmp[strings($key, 0, FALSE, TRUE)] = strings($target[$key], 0, FALSE, TRUE); // Removing "\0" etc // } // $target = & $tmp; pkwk_spamnotify($action, $page, $target, $progress, $method); spam_exit($exitmode, $progress); } } // --------------------- // PukiWiki original // Mail to administrator(s) function pkwk_spamnotify($action, $page, $target = array('title' => ''), $progress = array(), $method = array()) { global $notify, $notify_subject; if (! $notify) return; $asap = isset($method['asap']); $summary['ACTION'] = 'Blocked by: ' . summarize_spam_progress($progress, TRUE); if (! $asap) { $summary['METRICS'] = summarize_spam_progress($progress); } $tmp = summarize_detail_badhost($progress); if ($tmp != '') $summary['DETAIL_BADHOST'] = $tmp; $tmp = summarize_detail_newtral($progress); if (! $asap && $tmp != '') $summary['DETAIL_NEUTRAL_HOST'] = $tmp; $summary['COMMENT'] = $action; $summary['PAGE'] = '[blocked] ' . (is_pagename($page) ? $page : ''); $summary['URI'] = get_script_uri() . '?' . rawurlencode($page); $summary['USER_AGENT'] = TRUE; $summary['REMOTE_ADDR'] = TRUE; pkwk_mail_notify($notify_subject, var_export($target, TRUE), $summary, TRUE); } ?>