OSDN Git Service

2016-12-07 yamat0jp重要なコミット:env flexの使用が課金対象になっているのでpytnon27に変更 gae
2016-12-07 yamat0jpstraggle to safe deploy
2016-12-07 yamat0jpdeleted bak.json file for mentenance
2016-12-07 yamat0jprequirements.txt better
2016-12-07 yamat0jpcreate app.yaml necessary to deploy
2016-12-07 yamat0jpname title error
2016-12-06 yamat0jpdarekasan useing
2016-12-06 yamat0jpage local test version
2016-12-04 yamat0jpgoogle search console retry
2016-12-04 yamat0jpgoogle search console
2016-12-03 yamat0jpUserdel corrected
2016-12-01 yamat0jppip setting
2016-12-01 yamat0jpdelete restart from wigs
2016-12-01 yamat0jpresist tag error correct
2016-12-01 yamat0jp初期データベースファイルの更新
2016-11-30 yamat0jptinydb commit
2016-11-24 yamat0jpday-month better
2016-11-24 yamat0jpeasy write
2016-11-24 yamat0jpsearch None error
2016-11-24 yamat0jptitle better
2016-11-23 yamat0jpsearch in raw
2016-11-23 yamat0jpsearch page better
2016-11-22 yamat0jp modified: index.py
2016-11-22 yamat0jpsearch better
2016-11-22 yamat0jpraw added
2016-11-22 yamat0jpsearch error
2016-11-21 yamat0jpadmin regist better
2016-11-20 yamat0jp modified: index.py
2016-11-20 yamat0jprestore better
2016-11-19 yamat0jperror better
2016-11-19 yamat0jprestart()
2016-11-19 yamat0jp__delattr__ better
2016-11-19 yamat0jpdb.close()
2016-11-19 yamat0jp>> number link
2016-11-19 yamat0jpmentenance
2016-11-19 yamat0jp modified: __pycache__/index.cpython-35.pyc
2016-11-19 yamat0jp404 disp
2016-11-18 yamat0jpfirst commit
2016-11-18 yamat0jpcss better
2016-11-18 yamat0jpcss
2016-11-18 yamat0jp modified: __pycache__/index.cpython-35.pyc
2016-11-18 yamat0jp modified: pybbs/modules/index.htm
2016-11-18 yamat0jpcookie escape
2016-11-18 yamat0jpdict sort
2016-11-18 yamat0jpsearch page
2016-11-17 yamat0jp new file: pybbs/title.htm
2016-11-17 yamat0jptitles
2016-11-17 yamat0jpadd pr
2016-11-16 yamat0jpwsgi Procfile
2016-11-16 yamat0jpget better
2016-11-16 yamat0jp new file: __pycache__/index.cpython-35.pyc
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: .DS_Store
2016-11-16 yamat0jpsuccessfully
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: .DS_Store
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: Procfile
2016-11-16 yamat0jptest
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: Procfile
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: Procfile
2016-11-16 yamat0jp modified: Procfile
2016-11-16 yamat0jpset gunicorn
2016-11-16 yamat0jptested
2016-11-16 yamat0jppython3.5.2
2016-11-15 yamat0jpnot wsgi
2016-11-15 yamat0jpbbs made by tornado