# Random Stuff. Bit bloated, contains both core packages and random other ones. Basically, this section is a wreck rebornos-keyring clonezilla darkhttpd ddrescue dhclient dialog elinks ethtool exfat-utils f2fs-tools fping fsarchiver gnu-netcat gpm grml-zsh-config gtk3 hdparm irssi iptables iputils iproute2 lftp linux-atm lsscsi mc ndisc6 nfs-utils nilfs-utils nmap openconnect partclone partimage ppp pptpclient refind-efi rp-pppoe sdparm sg3_utils smartmontools tcpdump testdisk vim-minimal vpnc wvdial xl2tpd yay # Yet another wreck! base base-devel # ===>>> Comsic packages <<<=== # # common-cosmic-reborn # full-macbook-base-cosmic-reborn # graphic-cosmic-reborn rebornos-cosmic-common rebornos-cosmic-full-macbook-base rebornos-cosmic-graphic # ===>>> GNOME install start here <<<=== # gnome # gnome-cosmic-reborn rebornos-cosmic-gnome gdm network-manager-applet gnome-shell-extension-appindicator gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel gvfs-google gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb hicolor-icon-theme libgnome-keyring yaru-gnome-shell-theme yaru-gtk-theme yaru-icon-theme yaru-sound-theme # ===>>> VirtualBox <<<=== # #Virtualbox and xf86 packages? Whose bright idea was it to combine these? Oh wait... probably mine at one point # virtualbox-guest-modules-arch --> It is no longer in the repository. Now present in the kernel. # virtualbox-guest-utils xf86-input-libinput #xf86-input-mouse xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-ati xf86-video-intel xf86-video-dummy xorg-apps xorg-fonts # ===>>> VMWare <<<=== # xf86-video-vmware # ===>>> Scripts to aid in installing Arch Linux <<<=== # arch-install-scripts polari python-pysmbc lightdm-webkit-theme-aether sddm-config-editor-git sddm-theme-gracilis-git xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xscreensaver # reborn-updates --> Changed now with rebornos-fire rebornos-fire bubblewrap # ===>>> Firefox web browser <<<=== # firefox firefox-adblock-plus firefox-extension-privacybadger firefox-extension-https-everywhere colord dconf-editor elfutils fwupd gcab gtkspell gvfs-mtp libgusb libsmbios libwnck3 libyaml ostree # pepper-flash rsync # Firewall ufw gufw # ===>>> Fonts <<<=== # opendesktop-fonts ttf-arphic-uming ttf-baekmuk ttf-droid gnu-free-fonts ttf-opensans ttf-ubuntu-font-family noto-fonts-cjk # ===>>> Linux-y things <<<=== # btrfs-progs linux-api-headers mtools squashfs-tools # ===>>> Things related to booting <<<=== # dmraid efitools fakeroot gparted gptfdisk grub hwdetect hwinfo ntp os-prober #Random group I sort of didn't ever pay attention to until writing this comment expect git # ===>>> Network packages <<<=== # b43-firmware broadcom-wl-dkms dnsutils netctl nss-mdns # Now why does this guy get his own group? xf86-video-nouveau # NVIDIA nvidia nvidia-settings # ===>>> Necessary for Cnchi. Enter Cnchi bloat! <<<=== # encfs pam_encfs libinput clutter clutter-gtk clutter-gst gstreamer geoip2-database python-cairo python pyalpm python-gobject python-geoip2 python-gobject python-libnacl python-dbus python-defusedxml python-feedparser python-cairo python-requests parted python-parted # Important module for cnchi and not existing # in the Arch Linux repository: python-pyparted, # for prevent module not found when "import parted" python-pyparted webkit2gtk python-mako iso-codes python-whither python-bugsnag # reborn-welcome --> Removed to allow cnchi-start.sh to be the only thing to start automatically python-lxml python-mock python-requests upower