OSDN Git Service

remove old programs
authoryukikaze <yukikaze@refugee.orz.hm>
Sat, 23 Mar 2013 02:49:23 +0000 (11:49 +0900)
committeryukikaze <yukikaze@refugee.orz.hm>
Sat, 23 Mar 2013 02:49:23 +0000 (11:49 +0900)
17 files changed:
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/fin.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_add.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_show.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/readme.txt [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web.py [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web_dbMySQL.py [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rswi.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEB/trunk/src/schedule.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEBG2/rec10webg2.pl [deleted file]
Rec10WEBG3/trunk/rec10webg3.htm [deleted file]
Rec10WEBG3/trunk/rec10webg3.py [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/dist/iRec10EPG-Setup_0.3.3.exe [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/src/HP-TV-Dock.ico [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/src/iRec10EPG.py [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/src/readme.txt [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setting.ini [deleted file]
iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setup.py [deleted file]

diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/fin.htm b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/fin.htm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a25c12d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
-    <head>
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=<!--url_for_replace_fin//-->">
-        <title>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.0</title>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <h1>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.0</h1><br>
-        <br>
-        <!--text_for_replace_fin//-->
-        予約が終了しました。移動します。
-    </body>
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_add.htm b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_add.htm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7277b3f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-    <head>
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-        <title>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.1 iEPGデータ追加</title>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="./dojo/dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true">
-        </script>
-        <!-- テーマの読み込み -->
-        <style type="text/css">
-            @import "./dojo/dojo/resources/dojo.css";
-            @import "./dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css";
-        </style>
-        <script type="text/javascript">
-            dojo.require("dojo.parser");
-            // ※ ここで、使用するウィジェットの読み込みを行う
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Form");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect");
-        </script>
-    </head>
-    <body class="tundra">
-        <div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" action="rec10web.py" onExecute="this.submit()">
-            <h1>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.1 iEPGデータ追加</h1><br>
-            <input type="text"
-                   length="40"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
-                   value="<!--iepg_title-value//-->"
-                   id="iepg_station"
-                   name="iepg_station">
-            <select name="iepg_chtxt"
-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
-                    autocomplete="false"
-                    value="<!--ch-value//-->"
-                    onChange="setType">
-                <!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->
-            </select>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">追加</div>
-            <div name="exec"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
-                 value="iepg-add_yes"
-                 style="display:none">
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </body>
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_show.htm b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/iepg_show.htm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index df7f8b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-    <head>
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
-        <title>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.1 iEPGデータ表示</title>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="./dojo/dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true">
-        </script>
-        <!-- テーマの読み込み -->
-        <style type="text/css">
-            @import "./dojo/dojo/resources/dojo.css";
-            @import "./dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css";
-            @import "./dojo/dojox/grid/resources/Grid.css";
-            @import "./dojo/dojox/grid/resources/tundraGrid.css";
-        </style>
-        <script type="text/javascript">
-            dojo.require("dojo.parser");
-            // ※ ここで、使用するウィジェットの読み込みを行う
-            dojo.require('dojox.grid.DataGrid');
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Form"); 
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox");
-            dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore");
-            dojo.require("dojox.data.CsvStore");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox");
-            dojo.require("dojox.grid.Selection");
-            var iepgstore = new dojox.data.CsvStore({url:'./iepgdatum.csv'});
-            function click(){
-                var items=dijit.byId("iepgGrid").selection.getSelected();
-                var str="";
-                for (i=0;i<items.length;i++){
-                    var s=dijit.byId("iepgGrid").store.getValue(items[i],"id");
-                    str=str+s+",";
-                }
-                dijit.byId("iepgdelnum").setValue(str);
-            }
-        </script>
-    </head>
-    <body class="tundra">
-        <div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" action="rec10web.py" onExecute="this.submit()">
-            <h1>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.1 iEPGデータ表示</h1><br>
-            <table dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid"
-                   id="iepgGrid"
-                   jsid="iepgGrid"
-                   store="iepgstore"
-                   query="{id:'*'}"
-                   width="100%"
-                   autoHeight="true"
-                   autoWidth="true"
-                   clientSort="true"
-                   onClick="click"
-                   >
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <th field="id" width="30px">ID</th>
-                        <th field="name" width="200px">チャンネル</th>
-                        <th field="chtxt" width="100px">chtxt</th>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-            </table>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">DEL</div>
-            <div name="exec"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
-                 value="iepg-del"
-                 style="display:none">
-            </div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
-                 name="iepgdelnum"
-                 id="iepgdelnum"
-                 value=""
-                 style="display:none">
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </body>
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/readme.txt b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c5ceab1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Rec10Web is Web Interface for Rec10
-Copyright (C) 2009 Yukikaze
-LicenseはLGPL v3に準拠します
-dojo ライセンス
-The "New" BSD License:
-Copyright (c) 2005-2009, The Dojo Foundation
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
-    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-  * Neither the name of the Dojo Foundation nor the names of its contributors
-    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-    without specific prior written permission.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web.py b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8e2f93f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-# coding: UTF-8
-# Rec10 TS Recording Tools
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Yukikaze
-import cgi
-import cgitb
-import rec10web_dbMySQL
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-import datetime
-import ConfigParser
-import time
-path = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/"
-confp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
-Conf = 'rec10.conf'
-if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join(path,Conf)
-elif (os.path.exists(os.path.join("/etc/rec10",Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join("/etc/rec10",Conf)
-elif (os.path.exists(os.path.join("/etc",Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join("/etc",Conf)
-global f
-f = cgi.FieldStorage()
-def getpath(string):
-    global confp
-    return confp.get('path', string)
-def getdbpath(string):
-    global confp
-    return confp.get('db', string)
-def getdb():
-    retdb = ""
-    if getdbpath('db') == 'MySQL':
-        dbn = getdbpath("mysql_dbname")
-        dbh = getdbpath("mysql_host")
-        dbu = getdbpath("mysql_user")
-        dbpwd = getdbpath("mysql_passwd")
-        dbport = int(getdbpath("mysql_port"))
-        retdb = rec10web_dbMySQL.DB_MySQL(dbname=dbn, host=dbh, user=dbu, passwd=dbpwd, port=dbport)
-    return retdb
-def getRecDate():
-    dl = database.select_all_timeline()
-    recdata = "id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltaday,opt\n"
-    #print dl
-    for d in dl:
-        id = d['id']
-        typet = d['type']
-        chtxt = d['chtxt']
-        title = d['title']
-        btime = d['btime']
-        etime = d['etime']
-        deltatime = d['deltatime']
-        deltaday = d['deltaday']
-        opt = d['opt']
-        if deltaday == None:
-            deltaday = u"なし"
-        elif deltaday == "":
-            deltaday = u"なし"
-        if opt == None:
-            opt = u"なし"
-        if typet == "reserve_flexible":
-            typet = u"浮動予約"
-        elif typet == "search_today":
-            typet = u"当日予約"
-        elif typet == "search_everyday":
-            typet = u"隔日予約"
-        elif typet == "reserve_fixed":
-            typet = u"確定予約"
-        elif typet == "grid":
-            typet = u"外部委託"
-        elif typet == "convert_ts_mp4":
-            typet = u"縁故予約"
-        elif typet == "convert_b25_ts":
-            typet = u"解読予約"
-        #print btime
-        btime = btime[5:16]
-        etime = etime[5:16]
-        btime = btime.replace("-", "/")
-        etime = etime.replace("-", "/")
-        if btime[0:5] == etime[0:5]:
-            etime = etime[6:]
-        s = "\"" + str(id) + "\",\"" + typet + "\",\"" + chtxt + "\",\"" + title + "\",\"" + btime + "\",\"" + etime + "\",\"" + deltaday + "\",\"" + opt + "\"\n"
-        s = str(id) + "," + typet + "," + chtxt + "," + title + "," + btime + "," + etime + "," + deltaday + "," + opt + "\n"
-        recdata = recdata + s
-    f = open(path + "/recdatum.csv", "w")
-    f.write(recdata.encode('utf-8'))
-    f.close()
-def getiEPGDate():
-    dl = database.select_all_iepg()
-    recdata = "id,name,chtxt\n"
-    #print dl
-    s = ""
-    for d in dl:
-        s = s + d[0] + "," + d[1] + "," + d[2] + "\n"
-    recdata = recdata + s
-    f = open(path + "/iepgdatum.csv", "w")
-    f.write(recdata.encode('utf-8'))
-    f.close()
-def getchtxt():
-    dl = database.select_all_epg_ch()
-    chopt = ""
-    for bctype, ontv, chtxt, chname, ch, csch, updatetime in dl:
-        chopt = chopt + "<option  value=" + chtxt + ">" + chname + "</option>\n                "
-    return chopt
-def edit_date(id):
-    ret = database.select_by_id_timeline(id)
-    return ret[0]
-def reserv_recday(keyword, chtxt, btime, etime, deltatime, opt, deltaday, day):
-    """
-    dayは月曜日を1日曜日を7とした数字
-    """
-    #bt=datetime.datetime.strptime(btime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    #et=datetime.datetime.strptime(etime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    bt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(btime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-    et = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(etime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-    dt = int(day)-bt.isoweekday()
-    if dt < 0:
-        dt = dt + 7
-    dbt = bt + datetime.timedelta(days=dt)
-    det = et + datetime.timedelta(days=dt)
-    btime = dbt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    etime = det.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    return reserv("keyevery", keyword, chtxt, btime, etime, deltatime, opt, "7")
-def reserv(type, keyword, chtxt, btime, etime, deltatime, opt, deltaday):
-    MaxT = 2
-    MaxS = 2
-    tsnum = count_schedule(btime, etime)
-    MaxT = MaxT-tsnum[0]
-    MaxS = MaxS-tsnum[1]
-    bctype = ""
-    rett = ""
-    bctypegetdb = database.select_by_chtxt_epg_ch(chtxt)
-    for bctypet, ontvt, chtxtt, cht, cscht, updatetimet in bctypegetdb:
-        bctype = bctypet
-    if (type == "reserve_fixed") or (type == "reserve_flexible") or (type == "search_today") or (type == "search_everyday"):
-        if bctype.find("cs") > -1:
-            MaxS = MaxS-1
-        elif bctype.find("bs") > -1:
-            MaxS = MaxS-1
-        elif bctype.find("te") > -1:
-            MaxT = MaxT-1
-    if MaxS > -1 and MaxT > -1:
-        database.add_timeline(type=type, chtxt=chtxt, title=keyword, btime=btime, etime=etime, deltatime=deltatime, deltaday=deltaday, opt=opt)
-        rett = ""
-    else:
-        rett = "over"
-    return rett
-def count_schedule(btime, etime):
-    """
-    return rec num (int return[0]:TE /int return[1]:BS/CS)
-    """
-    def cmpare(x, y):
-        #xt=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(x,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-        #yt=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(y,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-        xt = x
-        yt = y
-        if xt > yt:
-            return -1
-        elif xt == yt:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return 1
-    dls = database.schedule_timeline(btime, etime)
-    times = []
-    btd = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(btime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-    etd = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(etime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-    for dl in dls:
-        dd1 = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(dl[4], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-        dd2 = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(dl[5], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-        if dd1 < btd:
-            dd1 = btd
-        if dd2 > etd:
-            dd2 = etd
-        times.append(dd1)
-        times.append(dd2)
-    times = list(set(times))
-    times.sort(cmpare)
-    times.reverse()
-    retcount = [0, 0]
-    for i in xrange(0, len(times)-2, 1):
-        bt1 = times[i]
-        et1 = times[i + 1]
-        btime1 = bt1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-        etime1 = et1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-        ret1 = database.count_schedule_timeline(btime1, etime1)
-        if retcount[0] < ret1[0]:
-            retcount[0] = ret1[0]
-        if retcount[1] < ret1[1]:
-            retcount[1] = ret1[1]
-    return retcount
-def change_reserv(id, type, keyword, chtxt, btime, etime, deltatime, opt, deltaday):
-    """
-    idはテキスト
-    """
-    MaxT = 2
-    MaxS = 2
-    tsnum = count_schedule(btime, etime)
-    MaxT = MaxT-tsnum[0]
-    MaxS = MaxS-tsnum[1]
-    bctype = ""
-    rett = ""
-    for dl in database.select_by_chtxt_epg_ch(chtxt):
-        bctype = dl[0]
-    if (type == "reserve_fixed") or (type == "reserve_flexible") or (type == "search_today") or (type == "search_everyday"):
-        if bctype.find("cs") > -1:
-            MaxS = MaxS-1
-        elif bctype.find("bs") > -1:
-            MaxS = MaxS-1
-        elif bctype.find("te") > -1:
-            MaxT = MaxT-1
-    if MaxS > -1 and MaxT > -1:
-        database.del_by_id_timeline(id)
-        database.add_timeline(type=type, chtxt=chtxt, title=keyword, btime=btime, etime=etime, deltatime=deltatime, deltaday=deltaday, opt=opt)
-    else:
-        rett = "over"
-    return rett
-def station2chtxt(station):
-    ret = ""
-    #try:
-    database.new_iepg()
-    #except:
-    #    ""
-    sta = database.select_by_station_iepg(station)
-    if len(sta) > 0:
-        ret = sta[0][2]
-    else:
-        ret = "n\/a"
-    return ret
-def readHtmlSrcSimple():
-    f = open(path + 'rswi.htm')
-    ret = f.read()
-    f.close()
-    return unicode(ret,'utf-8')
-def readRecFinisSimple():
-    f = open(path + 'fin.htm')
-    ret = f.read()
-    f.close()
-    return unicode(ret,'utf-8')
-def readRecSchedule():
-    f = open(path + 'schedule.htm')
-    ret = f.read()
-    f.close()
-    return unicode(ret,'utf-8')
-def readiEPGadd():
-    f = open(path + 'iepg_add.htm')
-    ret = f.read()
-    f.close()
-    return unicode(ret,'utf-8')
-def readiEPGshow():
-    f = open(path + 'iepg_show.htm')
-    ret = f.read()
-    f.close()
-    return unicode(ret,'utf-8')
-def get_fin(string, refreshurl):
-    htmdate = readRecFinisSimple()
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace('<!--text_for_replace_fin//-->', string)
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace('<!--url_for_replace_fin//-->', refreshurl)
-    return htmdate
-def mode_iepg_add(station):
-    htmdate = readiEPGadd()
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->", getchtxt())
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", "")
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--iepg_title-value//-->", station)
-    return htmdate
-def mode_iepg_fin():
-    s = u"epgデータの追加を完了しました。<br>\n録画を行う場合はもう一度おねがいします。<br>"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=iepg-show"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_iepg_show():
-    htmdate = readiEPGshow()
-    return htmdate
-def mode_iepg_del():
-    s = u"epgデータを削除しました。"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=iepg-show"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_iepg_del_miss():
-    s = u"epgデータの削除に失敗しました。"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=iepg-show"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_schedule():
-    htmdate = readRecSchedule()
-    return htmdate
-def mode_recfin():
-    s = u"予約が終了しました。移動します。"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=schedule"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_recover():
-    s = u"最大予約可能数を超えています"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=schedule"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_normal():
-    htmdate = readHtmlSrcSimple()
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--exec-value//-->", "yes")
-    return htmdate
-def mode_del():
-    s = u"予約を削除しました。"
-    u = "rec10web.py?exec=schedule"
-    return get_fin(s, u)
-def mode_edit_rec10web(tasknum):
-    #editnum=exect.replace("edit:","")
-    htmdate = readHtmlSrcSimple()
-    iddata = edit_date(tasknum)
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->", getchtxt())
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", iddata['chtxt'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--btime-value//-->", iddata['btime'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--etime-value//-->", iddata['etime'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--type-value//-->", iddata['type'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", iddata['chtxt'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--title-value//-->", iddata['title'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--size-value//-->", size)
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--opts-value//-->", iddata["opt"])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--exec-value//-->", "edit-exec:" + tasknum)
-    return htmdate
-def mode_edit():
-    editnum = exect.replace("edit:", "")
-    htmdate = readHtmlSrcSimple()
-    iddata = edit_date(editnum)
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->", getchtxt())
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", iddata['chtxt'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--btime-value//-->", iddata['btime'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--etime-value//-->", iddata['etime'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--type-value//-->", iddata['type'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", iddata['chtxt'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--title-value//-->", iddata['title'])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--size-value//-->", size)
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--opts-value//-->", iddata["opt"])
-    htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--exec-value//-->", "edit-exec:" + editnum)
-    return htmdate
-dbpath = path + "ch.db"
-database = getdb()
-btime = ""
-etime = ""
-title = ""
-chtxt = ""
-type = "reserve_flexible"
-bt = ""
-station_name = ""
-mode = ""
-if f.getfirst('station_name'):
-    station = f.getfirst('station_name')
-    chtxt = station2chtxt(station)
-    if chtxt == "n\/a":
-        mode = "iepg-add"
-        station_name = station
-        exect = "iepg-add"
-if f.getfirst('station'):
-    station = f.getfirst('station')
-    chtxt = station2chtxt(station)
-    if chtxt == "n\/a":
-        mode = "iepg-add"
-        station_name = station
-        exect = "iepg-add"
-if f.getfirst('type'):
-    type = unicode(f.getfirst('type'),'utf-8')
-if f.getfirst('title'):
-    title = unicode(f.getfirst('title'),'utf-8')
-if f.getfirst('chtxt'):
-    chtxt = unicode(f.getfirst('chtxt'),'utf-8')
-if f.getfirst('btime'):
-    btime = unicode(f.getfirst('btime'),'utf-8')
-    bt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(btime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-if f.getfirst('etime'):
-    etime = unicode(f.getfirst('etime'),'utf-8')
-    et = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(etime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3])
-    if bt != "":
-        delt = et-bt
-        dt = delt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delt.seconds
-        if dt < 0:
-            dd = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-            et = et + dd
-            etime = unicode(et.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),'utf-8')
-        if dt < -1 * 24 * 60 * 60:
-            d1 = datetime.datetime(bt.year, 0, 0)
-            d2 = datetime.datetime(bt.year + 1, 0, 0)
-            dd = d2-d1
-            et = et + dd
-            etime = unicode(et.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),'utf-8')
-size = "S"
-if f.getfirst('size'):
-    size = f.getfirst('size')
-opts = ""
-if f.getfirst('opts'):
-    opts = f.getfirst('opts')
-deltahour = ""
-if f.getfirst('deltahour', ""):
-    deltahour = f.getfirst('deltahour', "")
-deltaday = ""
-if f.getfirst('deltaday', ""):
-    deltaday = f.getfirst('deltaday', "")
-exect = ""
-if f.getfirst('exec', ""):
-    exect = f.getfirst('exec', "")
-if exect == "schedule":
-    mode = "schedule"
-    getRecDate()
-elif exect == "yes":
-    mode = "yes"
-elif re.search('edit:', exect):
-    mode = "edit"
-elif re.search('edit-exec:', exect):
-    mode = "edit-exec"
-elif exect == "change":
-    mode = "edit-rec10"
-elif exect == "del":
-    mode = "del"
-elif exect == "iepg-add":
-    mode = "iepg-add"
-elif exect == "iepg-show":
-    mode = "iepg-show"
-elif exect == "iepg-add_yes":
-    mode = "iepg-add-yes"
-elif exect == "iepg-del":
-    mode = "iepg-del"
-htmdate = mode_normal()
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->", getchtxt())
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--btime-value//-->", btime)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--etime-value//-->", etime)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--type-value//-->", type)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--ch-value//-->", chtxt)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--title-value//-->", title)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--size-value//-->", size)
-htmdate = htmdate.replace("<!--opts-value//-->", opts)
-if f.getfirst('type') == "keyday":
-    rett = ""
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Mon')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Tue')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Wed')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Thu')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Fri')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Sat')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    dayt = f.getfirst('day_Sun')
-    if dayt:
-        rett = rett + reserv_recday(title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday, dayt)
-    if rett == "":
-        htmdate = mode_recfin()
-    else:
-        htmdate = mode_recover()
-    chtxt = ""
-    exect = ""
-if mode == "schedule":
-    htmdate = mode_schedule()
-elif mode == "edit":
-    htmdate = mode_edit()
-elif mode == "iepg-add":
-    htmdate = mode_iepg_add(station_name)
-elif mode == "iepg-add-yes":
-    try:
-        database.new_iepg()
-    except:
-        ""
-    if f.getfirst('iepg_station') and f.getfirst('iepg_chtxt'):
-        database.add_iepg(f.getfirst('iepg_station'), f.getfirst('iepg_chtxt'))
-    htmdate = mode_iepg_fin()
-elif mode == "iepg-show":
-    getiEPGDate()
-    htmdate = mode_iepg_show()
-elif mode == "iepg-del":
-    s = f.getfirst('iepgdelnum')
-    htmdate = ""
-    #try:
-    for st in s.split(","):
-        if st != "":
-            database.del_by_id_iepg(st)
-    htmdate = mode_iepg_del()
-    #except:
-    #    htmdate=mode_iepg_del_miss()
-elif mode == "edit-rec10":
-    s = f.getfirst('tasknum')
-    s.replace(" ", "")
-    htmdate = mode_edit_rec10web(s.split(",")[0])
-elif mode == "del":
-    s = f.getfirst('tasknum')
-    s.replace(" ", "")
-    ss = s.split(",")
-    for st in ss:
-        if st != "":
-            database.del_by_id_timeline(st)
-    htmdate = mode_del()
-elif mode == "edit-exec":
-    if (chtxt != "")and(title != "")and(btime != "")and(etime != "")and(opts != ""):
-        editnum = exect.replace("edit-exec:", "")
-        restxt = change_reserv(editnum, type, title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday)
-        if restxt == "":
-            htmdate = mode_recfin()
-        elif restxt == "over":
-            htmdate = mode_recover()
-        else:
-            htmdate = mode_recfin()
-    exect = ""
-elif mode == "yes":
-    if (chtxt != "")and(title != "")and(btime != "")and(etime != "")and(opts != ""):
-        restxt = reserv(type, title, chtxt, btime, etime, deltahour, opts, deltaday)
-        if restxt == "":
-            htmdate = mode_recfin()
-        elif restxt == "over":
-            htmdate = mode_recover()
-        else:
-            htmdate = mode_recfin()
-print "Content-Type: text/html"
-print htmdate.encode('utf-8')
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web_dbMySQL.py b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rec10web_dbMySQL.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 38a7325..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# coding: UTF-8
-# Rec10 TS Recording Tools
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Yukikaze
-import os
-import MySQLdb
-path = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/"
-dbpath = path + "ch.db"
-class DB_MySQL:
-    dbname = ""
-    dbhost = ""
-    dbusr = ""
-    dbpasswd = ""
-    dbport = 0
-    def __init__(self, dbname, user, passwd, host="localhost", port=3306):
-        self.dbname = dbname
-        self.dbhost = host
-        self.dbusr = user
-        self.dbpasswd = passwd
-        self.dbport = port
-    def connect_db(self):
-        """
-        dbへの接続
-        """
-        con = MySQLdb.connect(db=self.dbname, host=self.dbhost, port=self.dbport, user=self.dbusr, passwd=self.dbpasswd, charset="utf8")
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute('set names utf8;')
-        return [con, cur]
-    def close_db(self, db):
-        db[1].close()
-        db[0].close()
-    def select_all_timeline(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt FROM timeline")
-        dls = db[1].fetchall()
-        for id, typet, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime, deltaday, opt in dls:
-            ret = {}
-            ret['id'] = id
-            ret['type'] = typet
-            ret['chtxt'] = chtxt
-            ret['title'] = title
-            btime = btime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            etime = etime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            ret['btime'] = btime
-            ret['etime'] = etime
-            ret['opt'] = opt
-            ret['deltatime'] = ""
-            ret['deltaday'] = ""
-            if deltatime == None:
-                deltatime = "3"
-            if deltaday == None:
-                deltaday = "7"
-            if typet == 'key':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-            elif typet == 'keyevery':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-                ret['deltaday'] = deltaday
-            recdata.append(ret)
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_by_chtxt_timeline(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime ,deltaday ,opt FROM timeline WHERE chtxt = %s ", (chtxt, ))
-        d = db[1].fetchall()
-        for typet, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime, deltaday, opt in d:
-            ret = {}
-            ret['type'] = typet
-            ret['chtxt'] = chtxt
-            ret['title'] = title
-            btime = btime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            etime = etime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            ret['btime'] = btime
-            ret['etime'] = etime
-            ret['opt'] = opt
-            if deltatime == None:
-                deltatime = "3"
-            if deltaday == None:
-                deltaday = "7"
-            if typet == 'key':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-            elif typet == 'keyevery':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-                ret['deltaday'] = deltaday
-            recdata.append(ret)
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_by_id_timeline(self, id):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime ,deltaday ,opt FROM timeline WHERE id = %s ", (id, ))
-        d = db[1].fetchall()
-        for typet, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime, deltaday, opt in d:
-            ret = {}
-            ret['type'] = typet
-            ret['chtxt'] = chtxt
-            ret['title'] = title
-            btime = btime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            etime = etime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-            ret['btime'] = btime
-            ret['etime'] = etime
-            ret['opt'] = opt
-            if deltatime == None:
-                deltatime = "3"
-            if deltaday == None:
-                deltaday = "7"
-            if typet == 'key':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-            elif typet == 'keyevery':
-                ret['deltatime'] = deltatime
-                ret['deltaday'] = deltaday
-            recdata.append(ret)
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_all_epg_ch(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        ret = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,ontv,chtxt,chname,ch,csch,updatetime FROM epg_ch")
-        ret = db[1].fetchall()
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    def select_by_chtxt_epg_ch(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        ret = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,ontv,chtxt,ch,csch,updatetime FROM epg_ch WHERE chtxt=%s", (chtxt, ))
-        ret = db[1].fetchall()
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    def add_timeline(self, type="", chtxt="", title="", btime="", etime="", deltatime="", deltaday="", opt=""):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO timeline (type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime, deltaday, opt))
-        #db.commit()
-        self.close_db(db)
-    def schedule_timeline(self, btime, etime):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        dbexe = "SELECT type,epg_ch.bctype,timeline.chtxt,timeline.title,timeline.btime,timeline.etime FROM timeline INNER JOIN epg_ch ON timeline.chtxt=epg_ch.chtxt"
-        dbexe = dbexe + " WHERE NOT( ( timeline.etime <= %s ) OR ( timeline.btime >= %s ) )"
-        db[1].execute(dbexe, (btime, etime))
-        rets = []
-        for typet, bctypet, chtxtt, titlet, btimet, etimet in db[1].fetchall():
-            ret = [typet, bctypet, chtxtt, titlet, btimet.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), etimet.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
-            rets.append(ret)
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return rets
-    def count_schedule_timeline(self, btime, etime):
-        """
-        count rectasknum
-        return [te num,bs/cs num]
-        """
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        dbexe = "SELECT type,epg_ch.bctype,timeline.chtxt,title FROM timeline INNER JOIN epg_ch ON timeline.chtxt=epg_ch.chtxt"
-        dbexe = dbexe + " WHERE NOT( ( timeline.etime <= %s ) OR ( timeline.btime >= %s ) )"
-        Srec = 0
-        Trec = 0
-        db[1].execute(dbexe, (btime, etime))
-        for typet, bctypet, chtxtt, titlet in db[1].fetchall():
-            if (typet == "reserve_flexible") or (typet == "reserve_fixed") or (typet == "search_today") or (typet == "search_everyday"):
-                if bctypet.find("cs") > -1:
-                    Srec = Srec + 1
-                elif bctypet.find("bs") > -1:
-                    Srec = Srec + 1
-                elif bctypet.find("te") > -1:
-                    Trec = Trec + 1
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return [Trec, Srec]
-    def del_by_id_timeline(self, id):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute('DELETE FROM timeline WHERE id=' + id)
-        self.close_db(db)
-    def new_iepg(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        try:
-            db[1].execute("CREATE TABLE in_iepg \
-            (\
-            station VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,\
-            chtxt VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL\
-            )")
-        except:
-            ""
-        self.close_db(db)
-    def add_iepg(self, station, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO in_iepg (station,chtxt) VALUES (%s,%s)', (station, chtxt))
-        self.close_db(db)
-    def del_by_id_iepg(self, num):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute("DELETE FROM in_iepg \
-        WHERE id=%s", \
-                      (num, ))
-        self.close_db(db)
-    def select_by_chtxt_iepg(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute("\
-        SELECT \
-        id,station,chtxt \
-        FROM in_iepg \
-        WHERE chtxt=%s "\
-                      , (chtxt, ))
-        retall = db[1].fetchall()
-        self.close_db(db)
-        rets = []
-        if len(retall) > 0:
-            for ret in retall:
-                a = list(ret)
-                a[0] = str(ret[0])
-                rets.append(a)
-        return rets
-    def select_by_station_iepg(self, station):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute("\
-        SELECT \
-        id,station,chtxt \
-        FROM in_iepg \
-        WHERE station=%s "\
-                      , (station, ))
-        retall = db[1].fetchall()
-        self.close_db(db)
-        rets = []
-        if len(retall) > 0:
-            for ret in retall:
-                a = list(ret)
-                a[0] = str(ret[0])
-                rets.append(a)
-        return rets
-    def select_all_iepg(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute("\
-        SELECT \
-        id,station,chtxt \
-        FROM in_iepg "\
-        )
-        retall = db[1].fetchall()
-        self.close_db(db)
-        rets = []
-        if len(retall) > 0:
-            for ret in retall:
-                a = list(ret)
-                a[0] = str(ret[0])
-                rets.append(a)
-        return rets
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rswi.htm b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/rswi.htm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bd0e3da..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
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-    <head>
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-        <title>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.1</title>
-        <!-- dojo.jsの読み込み -->
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="./dojo/dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true">
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-            @import "./dojo/dojo/resources/dojo.css";
-            @import "./dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css";
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-        <script type="text/javascript">
-            dojo.require("dojo.parser");
-            // ※ ここで、使用するウィジェットの読み込みを行う
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.NumberSpinner");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox");
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Form");
-            //dojo.require("dojox.date");
-            function setType(value){
-                if (value=="reserve_flexible"){
-                    //alert("Selected "+value);
-                    dijit.byId("deltaday").setDisabled(true);
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(true);
-                    setDayopt(false);
-                }else if (value=="reserve_day"){
-                    //alert("Selected "+value);
-                    dijit.byId("deltaday").setDisabled(true);
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(false);
-                    setDayopt(false);
-                }else if (value=="search_today"){
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(false);
-                    setDayopt(true);
-                }else if (value=="search_everyday"){
-                    //alert("Selected "+value);
-                    dijit.byId("deltaday").setDisabled(false);
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(false);
-                    setDayopt(false);
-                }else if (value=="reserve_fixed"){
-                    //alert("Selected "+value);
-                    dijit.byId("deltaday").setDisabled(true);
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(true);
-                    setDayopt(false);
-                }else if (value=="convert_ts_mp4"){
-                    dijit.byId("deltaday").setDisabled(true);
-                    dijit.byId("deltahour").setDisabled(true);
-                    setDayopt(false);
-                }
-            }
-            function setDayopt(bool){
-                dijit.byId("day_Sun").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Mon").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Tue").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Wed").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Thu").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Fri").setDisabled(!bool);
-                dijit.byId("day_Sat").setDisabled(!bool);
-            }
-            function changeSize(){
-                var str=dijit.byId("opts").value;
-                var s=dijit.byId("size").value;
-                str=str.replace("S","");
-                str=str.replace("H","");
-                str=str.replace("G","");
-                str=str.replace("F","");
-                str=str.replace("L","");
-                str=str+s;
-                //alert("Selected "+str);
-                dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-            }
-            function changeMove(){
-                var str=dijit.byId("opts").value;
-                var s=dijit.byId("move").value;
-                str=str.replace("R","");
-                str=str.replace("D","");
-                str=str.replace("E","");
-                s=s.replace("None","")
-                str=str+s;
-                //alert("Selected "+str);
-                dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-            }
-            function setOpts(obj){
-                if (obj.checked){
-                    var str=dijit.byId("opts").value;
-                    str=str+obj.value;
-                }else{
-                    var str=dijit.byId("opts").value;
-                    str=str.replace(obj.value,"");
-                }
-                dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-            }
-            function changeOpts(){
-                var str=dijit.byId("opts").value;
-                if (str.indexOf("v")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("vfr").setChecked(true);
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("vfr").setChecked(false);
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("2")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(false);
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("d")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("dualaudio").setChecked(true);
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("dualaudio").setChecked(false);
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("5")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("pentaaudio").setChecked(true);
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("pentaaudio").setChecked(false);
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("N")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("datename").setChecked(true);
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("datename").setChecked(false);
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("S")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("size").setValue("S");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("H")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("size").setValue("H");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("G")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("size").setValue("G");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("F")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("size").setValue("F");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("L")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("size").setValue("L");
-                }else{
-                    changeSize();
-                }
-                if (str.indexOf("R")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("move").setValue("R");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("D")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("move").setValue("D");
-                }else if (str.indexOf("E")>-1){
-                    dijit.byId("move").setValue("E");
-                }else{
-                    dijit.byId("move").setValue("None");
-                }
-            }
-            function setbtime_now(){
-                var now =new Date();
-                now.getMinutes()
-                var nm=now.getMinutes();
-                nm=nm-nm%10;
-                nm=nm+10;
-                now.setMinutes(nm,0,0);
-                setbtime(now);
-            }
-            function setetime_now(){
-                var ds=dijit.byId("btime").value;
-                var d=txt2date(ds);
-                setetime(d);
-            }
-            function setnow(){
-                var now =new Date();
-                var nm=now.getMinutes();
-                nm=nm-nm%10;
-                nm=nm+10;
-                now.setMinutes(nm,0,0);
-                setbtime(now);
-                setetime(now);
-            }
-            function txt2date(txt){
-                var d=new Date;
-                var ds=txt;
-                if (ds.length>3){
-                    d.setYear(parseInt(ds.substring(0,4),10));
-                }
-                if (ds.length>6){
-                    d.setMonth(parseInt(ds.substring(5,7),10)-1);
-                }
-                if (ds.length>9){
-                    d.setDate(parseInt(ds.substring(8,10),10));
-                }
-                if (ds.length>12){
-                    d.setHours(parseInt(ds.substring(11,13),10));
-                }
-                if (ds.length>15){
-                    d.setMinutes(parseInt(ds.substring(14,16),10));
-                }
-                if (ds.length>18){
-                    d.setSeconds(parseInt(ds.substring(17,19),10));
-                }
-                return d
-            }
-            function add_btimemin(min){
-                var ds=dijit.byId("btime").value;
-                var d=txt2date(ds);
-                //window.alert(ds.toString()+":"+d.toString());
-                d.setTime(d.getTime()+min*60*1000);
-                setbtime(d);
-            }
-            function add_etimemin(min){
-                var ds=dijit.byId("etime").value;
-                var d=txt2date(ds);
-                d.setTime(d.getTime()+min*60*1000);
-                setetime(d);
-            }
-            function setbtime(date){
-                var nowtxt="";
-                //window.alert("setbtime");
-                nowtxt=String(date.getFullYear())+"-";
-                if (date.getMonth()+1<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0";
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getMonth()+1)+"-";
-                if (date.getDate()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0";
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getDate())+" ";
-                if (date.getHours()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0"
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getHours())+":";
-                if (date.getMinutes()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0"
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getMinutes())+":00";
-                //console.debug("click");
-                //window.alert("test");
-                dijit.byId("btime").setValue(nowtxt);
-            }
-            function setetime(date){
-                var nowtxt="";
-                //window.alert("test");
-                nowtxt=String(date.getFullYear())+"-";
-                if (date.getMonth()+1<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0";
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getMonth()+1)+"-";
-                if (date.getDate()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0";
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getDate())+" ";
-                if (date.getHours()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0"
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getHours())+":";
-                if (date.getMinutes()<10){
-                    nowtxt=nowtxt+"0"
-                }
-                nowtxt=nowtxt+String(date.getMinutes())+":00";
-                //console.debug("click");
-                //window.alert("test");
-                dijit.byId("etime").setValue(nowtxt);
-            }
-            function title2opts(){
-                var str=dijit.byId("title").value;
-                var stropt=dijit.byId("opts").Value;
-                if (stropt==undefined){
-                    stropt="";
-                }
-                //stropt=stropt.replace("undefined","");
-                //stropt=""
-                if (str.indexOf("(2)")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"d";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("(二)")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"d";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("[二]")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"d";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("(二)")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"d";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("(二)")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"d";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("5.1")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"5";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }else if(str.indexOf("5.1")>-1){
-                    //dijit.byId("dualpass").setChecked(true);
-                    str=stropt+"5";
-                    dijit.byId("opts").setValue(str);
-                }
-            }
-            //dojo.addOnLoad(init);
-            function init(){
-                //dojo.debug("test")
-                setType("res");
-                title2opts();
-                changeSize();
-                changeOpts();
-                //changeSize();
-            }
-            dojo.addOnLoad(init);
-        </script>
-    </head>
-    <!-- テーマの読み込み -->
-    <body class="tundra">
-        <div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" action="rec10web.py" onExecute="this.submit()">
-            <h1>Rec10 Simple Web Interface ver.0.9.0</h1><br>
-            Rec10WEB MENU <a href="./rec10web.py?exec=schedule">Schedule</a>     <a href="./rec10web.py?exec=iepg-show">iEPG-Data</a><br><br><br>
-            <select name="type"
-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
-                    autocomplete="false"
-                    value="<!--type-value//-->"
-                    onChange="setType">
-                <option value="reserve_flexible">通常予約</option>
-                <option value="search_today">キーワード予約</option>
-                <option value="search_day">曜日予約</option>
-                <option value="search_everyday">隔日予約</option>
-                <option value="reserve_fixed">最終予約</option>
-                <option value="convert_ts_mp4">エンコード予約</option>
-                <option value="convert_b25_ts">復号化予約</option>
-                <option value="convert_avi_mp4">MP4化予約(AVI)</option>
-                <option value="convert_mkv_mp4">MP4化予約(MKV)</option>
-                <option value="convert_avi_mkv">MKV化予約(AVI)</option>
-            </select>番組名/キーワード
-            <input type="text"
-                   length="40"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
-                   value="<!--title-value//-->"
-                   id="title"
-                   name="title">
-            チャンネル
-            <select name="chtxt"
-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
-                    autocomplete="false"
-                    value="<!--ch-value//-->"
-                    onChange="setType">
-                <!--text_for_replace_chtxt_input//-->
-            </select>
-            <br><br>開始時刻
-            <div name="btime"
-                 id="btime"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
-                 promptmessage="年-月-日 時間:分:秒"
-                 value="<!--btime-value//-->"
-                 regexp="\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}">
-            </div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="setbtime_now()">現在</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_btimemin(5)">+5m</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_btimemin(30)">+30m</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_btimemin(180)">+3h</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_btimemin(720)">+12h</div>
-            終了時刻
-            <div name="etime"
-                 id="etime"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
-                 promptmessage="年-月-日 時間:分:秒"
-                 value="<!--etime-value//-->"
-                 regexp="\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}">
-            </div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="setetime_now()">一致</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_etimemin(1)">+1m</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_etimemin(5)">+5m</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_etimemin(30)">+30m</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="add_etimemin(60)">+1h</div>
-            <br>
-            <br>隔日周期(days)
-            <input dojoType="dijit.form.NumberSpinner"
-                   value="7"
-                   smallDelta="1"
-                   largeDelta="10"
-                   constraints="{min:0,max:24,places:0}"
-                   maxlength="2"
-                   id="deltaday"
-                   name="deltaday">
-            キーワード録画許容誤差(hours)
-            <input dojoType="dijit.form.NumberSpinner"
-                   value="3"
-                   smallDelta="1"
-                   largeDelta="10"
-                   constraints="{min:0,max:24,places:0}"
-                   maxlength="2"
-                   id="deltahour"
-                   name="deltahour"><br><br>
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Mon" name="day_Mon" value="1">月曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Tue" name="day_Tue" value="2">火曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Wed" name="day_Wed" value="3">水曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Thu" name="day_Thu" value="4">木曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Fri" name="day_Fri" value="5">金曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Sat" name="day_Sat" value="6">土曜
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="day_Sun" name="day_Sun" value="7">日曜
-              処理後自動移動オプション
-            <select name="move"
-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
-                    autocomplete="false"
-                    value="None"
-                    id="move"
-                    onChange="changeMove">
-                <option selected="selected" value="None">移動しない</option>
-                <option value="R">録画後移動</option>
-                <option value="D">復号後移動</option>
-                <option value="E">縁故後移動</option>
-            </select>
-            <br><br>
-            録画サイズ
-            <select name="size"
-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
-                    autocomplete="false"
-                    value="<!--size-value//-->"
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-                <option selected="selected" value="S">SDサイズ(720x480 1250kbps)</option>
-                <option value="L">CS放送SDサイズ(リサイズ無し 1250kbps)</option>
-                <option value="G">低画質HDサイズ(1280x720 2500kbps)</option>
-                <option value="H">HDサイズ(1280x720 3750kbps)</option>
-                <option value="F">フルハイビジョン(1920x1080 5000kbps)</option>
-            </select>
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="vfr" name="vfr" value="v"
-                   onClick="setOpts(this)">可変フレームレート
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="dualaudio" name="dualaudio" value="d"
-                   onClick="setOpts(this)">二ヶ国語放送
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-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="pentaaudio" name="pentaaudio" value="5"
-                   onClick="setOpts(this)">5.1ch放送
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="dualpass" name="dualpass" value="2"
-                   onClick="setOpts(this)">2passモード
-            <input type="checkbox"
-                   dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox"
-                   id="datename" name="datename" value="N"
-                   onClick="setOpts(this)">タイトル日付追加
-            Options
-            <div name="opts"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
-                 value="<!--opts-value//-->"
-                 onChange="changeOpts"
-                 id="opts">
-            </div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">予約</div>
-            <div name="exec"
-                 dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
-                 value="<!--exec-value//-->"
-                 style="display:none";>
-        </div>
-    </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/schedule.htm b/Rec10WEB/trunk/src/schedule.htm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 424c4bf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
-        <title>Rec10Web Schedule管理</title>
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-            dojo.require('dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore');
-            dojo.require('dojox.data.CsvStore');
-            dojo.require("dijit.form.Form");
-            dojo.require('dijit.form.FilteringSelect');
-            dojo.require('dijit.form.Button');
-            // グリッドに表示する元データをロード
-            var store = new dojox.data.CsvStore({url:'./recdatum.csv'});
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-            }
-            -->
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-    <!-- テーマの読み込み -->
-    <body class="tundra">
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-            <table
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-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <th width="30px" field="id">ID</th>
-                        <th width="90px" field="type">タイプ</th>
-                        <th width="50px" field="chtxt">チャンネル</th>
-                        <th width="150px" field="title">タイトル</th>
-                        <th width="100px" field="btime">開始</th>
-                        <th width="100px" field="etime">終了</th>
-                        <th width="30px" field="opt">オプション</th>
-                        <th width="50px" field="deltaday">周期</th>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
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-                    dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
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-                <option value="del">削除(複数同時可能)</option>
-                <option value="change">変更(最後に選択したもの)</option>
-            </select>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">実行</div>
-            <div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"
-                 name="tasknum"
-                 id="tasknum"
-                 value=""
-                 style="display:none">
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </body>
diff --git a/Rec10WEBG2/rec10webg2.pl b/Rec10WEBG2/rec10webg2.pl
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4ed7890..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use KCatch;
-use Config::Simple;
-use DBI;
-use CGI::Minimal;
-use SVG;
-use Time::Piece;
-use Encode;
-use Text::Ngram;
-use utf8;
-our $svg="";
-our $dbh;
-my $cgi=CGI::Minimal->new;
-my $nHTML="";
-my $cfg = new Config::Simple;
-if ( -e '/etc/rec10.conf' ) {
-       $cfg->read( '/etc/rec10.conf' );
-my $sql = $cfg->param( 'db.db' );
-if ( $sql eq 'MySQL') {
-       my $name = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_dbname' );
-       my $host = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_host' );
-       my $port = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_port' );
-       my $user = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_user' );
-       my $pass = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_passwd' );
-       $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$name:$host:$port", $user, $pass, {
-               AutoCommit => 1,
-               RaiseError => 1,
-       });
-       $dbh->do( 'SET NAMES utf8' );
-my $btimenow=localtime;
-my $etimenow=$btimenow+12*60*60;
-if ($cgi->param('mode') eq "graph"){
-       $nHTML ="";
-       $nHTML = qq {Content-type:image/svg+xml\n\n};
-       my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $ddate = $date2-$date;
-       my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
-       if ($dtime<1){
-               $dtime=1;
-       }
-       $nHTML .= chtimesvg($cgi->param('chtxt'),$date,$dtime);
-}elsif ($cgi->param('mode') eq "timegraph"){
-       $nHTML ="";
-       $nHTML = qq {Content-type:image/svg+xml\n\n};
-       my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $ddate = $date2-$date;
-       my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
-       if ($dtime<1){
-               $dtime=1;
-       }
-       $nHTML .= timesvg($date,$dtime);
-}elsif ($cgi->param('mode') eq "table"){
-       $nHTML ="";
-       $nHTML = qq {Content-type:application/xhtml+xml\n\n};
-       my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $ddate = $date2-$date;
-       my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
-       if ($dtime<1){
-               $dtime=1;
-       }
-       $nHTML .= timesvg($date,$dtime);
-       if ($cgi->param('btime')ne ""){
-               $btimenow=Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       }
-       if ($cgi->param('etime')ne ""){
-               $etimenow=Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       }
-       my $ch1=$cgi->param('ch1');
-       my $ch2=$cgi->param('ch2');
-       my $ch3=$cgi->param('ch3');
-       my $btxt=$btimenow->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-00-00');
-       my $etxt=$etimenow->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-00-00');
-       my $btxtnew2=$etimenow;
-       my $etxtnew2=$etimenow+18*60*60;
-       my $hdate=localtime;
-       $hdate=$hdate+1*60*60;
-       my $btxtnew1;
-       my $etxtnew1;
-       if ($btimenow<$hdate){
-               $btxtnew1=$btimenow;
-               $etxtnew1=$etimenow;
-       }else{
-               $btxtnew1=$btimenow-18*60*60;
-               $etxtnew1=$btimenow;
-       }
-       my @clist=@{db_select_chlist()};
-       my $chtxtlist ="";
-       if ($ch1 eq ""){
-               $ch1=$clist[0][0];
-       }
-       if ($ch2 eq ""){
-               $ch2=$clist[1][0];
-       }
-       if ($ch3 eq ""){
-               $ch3=$clist[2][0];
-       }
-       my $blink="rec10webg2.pl?ch1=$ch1&amp;ch2=$ch2&amp;ch3=$ch3&amp;btime=".$btxtnew1->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')."&amp;etime=".$etxtnew1->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       my $alink="rec10webg2.pl?ch1=$ch1&amp;ch2=$ch2&amp;ch3=$ch3&amp;btime=".$btxtnew2->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')."&amp;etime=".$etxtnew2->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
-       foreach my $cht (@clist){
-               my @cht2=@{$cht};
-               my $chn=$cht2[1];
-               utf8::decode($chn);
-               $chtxtlist=$chtxtlist."<option value=\"$cht2[0]\">$chn</option>\n";
-       }
-       my $chtxtlist1 = $chtxtlist;
-       my $chtxtlist2 = $chtxtlist;
-       my $chtxtlist3 = $chtxtlist;
-       $chtxtlist1 =~ s/$ch1"/$ch1" selected="selected"/;
-       $chtxtlist2 =~ s/$ch2"/$ch2" selected="selected"/;
-       $chtxtlist3 =~ s/$ch3"/$ch3" selected="selected"/;
-       $nHTML .= qq {Content-type:application/xhtml+xml\n\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<head>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<title>Rec10WEB G2 番組表 ver alpha 2010-03-15};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</title>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</head>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<body>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<form action="rec10webg2.pl">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<p>Rec10WEB G2 alpha</p>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<p>Rec10 番組表</p>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<p style="width:100%;height:10%;buttom:2%;position:relative;">};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch1" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= $chtxtlist1;
-       $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch2" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= $chtxtlist2;
-       $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch3" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= $chtxtlist3;
-       $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<input type="submit" name="submit" value="表示" style="left:3%;width:3%;position:relative;"/>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</p>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<div style="width:100%;height:82%;bottom:3%;position:fixed;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=timegraph&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:3%;height:100%;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch1&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch2&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch3&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=timegraph&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:3%;height:100%;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</div>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<p style="bottom:1%;position:fixed;">\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<a href="$blink" style="left:0%;position:fixed;">前へ</a>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {<a href="$alink" style="right:3%;position:fixed;">次へ</a>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</p>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</form>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</body>\n};
-       $nHTML .= qq {</html>\n};
-print encode('utf-8',$nHTML);
-sub db_select_auto_bayes_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
-       "SELECT chtxt,title, btime, etime, point FROM auto_timeline_bayes"
-       ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
-       ."AND "
-       ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
-       ."AND "
-       ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
-       );
-       return $ary_db;
-sub db_select_auto_jbk_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
-       "SELECT chtxt,title, btime, etime, point FROM auto_timeline_keyword"
-       ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
-       ."AND "
-       ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
-       ."AND "
-       ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
-       );
-       return $ary_db;
-sub db_select_timeline{
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
-       "SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime ,deltaday ,opt FROM timeline"
-       );
-       return $ary_db;
-sub db_select_chtxt_btime_etime_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
-       "SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime FROM timeline"
-       ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
-       ." AND "
-       ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
-       ."AND "
-       ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
-       );
-       return $ary_db;
-sub db_select_chlist{
-       my $dbe="SELECT chtxt,chname FROM epg_ch";
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbe);
-       return $ary_db;
-sub db_select_epg_ch{#chtxt#btime#etime
-       my $dbe="SELECT epg_ch.chtxt,title,start,stop,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline "
-       ."INNER JOIN epg_ch "
-       ."WHERE epg_ch.ontv=epg_timeline.channel "
-       ."AND "
-       ."start >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
-       ."AND "
-       ."stop <= \"".$_[2]."\" "
-       ."AND "
-       ."epg_ch.chtxt=\"".$_[0]."\"";
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbe);
-       #print "$ary_db->[0][2]\n";
-       return $ary_db;
-sub check_program{#chtxt#btime#etime#title 0:normal 1:bayesおすすめ 2:jbkおすすめ 8:予約がいっぱい 9:予約済み 10:予約済みduplicate 11: 予約済みepg変更
-       my $ret=0;
-       my $dbt="SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime ,epgduplicate ,epgchange FROM timeline "
-       ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
-       ." AND "
-       ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
-       ." AND "
-       ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
-       ." AND "
-       ."title = \"".$_[3]."\"";
-       my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbt);
-       my @ary=@{$ary_db};
-       if ($#ary>-1){##該当が一件以上
-               #die @ary;
-               my @dbl=@ary;
-               #die @dbl;
-               if (int($dbl[5])>0){
-                       $ret=10;
-               }elsif (int($dbl[6])>0){
-                       $ret=11;
-               }else{
-                       $ret=9;
-               }
-       }else{
-               $ret=0;
-       }
-       return $ret;
-sub timesvg{#btime,dtime
-       $svg = SVG -> new(
-               width=>"100%",height=>"100%",
-               );
-       my $btime = $_[0]->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00' );
-       my $bt = Time::Piece->strptime($btime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
-       $bt = $bt + 3600;
-       for (my $i = 0; $i <= $_[1]-2;$i++){
-               my $btt= $bt + 3600*$i;
-               my $tit = $btt->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H' );
-               if (substr($tit,8,2)eq "00"){
-                       $tit = substr($tit,4,2)."/".substr($tit,6,2);
-               }else{
-                       $tit = substr($tit,8,2).":00";
-               }
-               my $btime2=$btt-$_[0];
-               my $y=$btime2->minutes;
-               $y=$y*100/60/$_[1];
-               $svg->text(
-                       font_size => "100%",
-                       x=>"0%",y=>"$y%",
-                       -cdata=>$tit
-               );
-       }
-       my $out = $svg->xmlify(
-               -pubid => "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN",
-               -dtd => "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd",
-       );
-       my $b ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/TR\/2001\/REC-SVG-20010904\/DTD\/svg10\.dtd";
-       my $e ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/Graphics\/SVG\/1\.1\/DTD\/svg11\.dtd";
-       $out =~ s/$b/$e/;
-       return $out;
-sub chtimesvg{#chtxt,btime,dtime
-       $svg = SVG -> new(
-               width=>"100%",height=>"100%",
-               );
-       my $bt = $_[1];
-       my $btime = $bt->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
-       my $et = $bt + $_[2]*3600;
-       my $etime = $et->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
-       my @auto_bayes = @{db_select_epg_ch($_[0],$btime,$etime)};#chtxt#btime#etime
-       my @dbl =@{db_select_epg_ch($_[0],$btime,$etime)};
-       foreach my $tt (@dbl){
-               my @tt2=@{$tt};
-               my $bttime2=substr($tt2[2],0,4)."-".substr($tt2[2],4,2)."-".substr($tt2[2],6,2)
-                       ." ".substr($tt2[2],8,2).":".substr($tt2[2],10,2).":".substr($tt2[2],12,2);
-               my $ettime2=substr($tt2[3],0,4)."-".substr($tt2[3],4,2)."-".substr($tt2[3],6,2)
-                       ." ".substr($tt2[3],8,2).":".substr($tt2[3],10,2).":".substr($tt2[3],12,2);
-               my $bttime=Time::Piece->strptime($bttime2,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
-               my $ettime=Time::Piece->strptime($ettime2,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
-               my $btime2=$bttime-$bt;
-               my $y=$btime2->minutes;
-               #$y=$y*100/60/$_[2];
-               $y=$y*100/60/$_[2];
-               my $h=($ettime-$bttime);
-               $h=$h->minutes;
-               #$h=$h*100/60/$_[2];
-               $h=$h*100/60/$_[2];
-               my $colin="Snow";
-               my $colout="LemonChiffon";
-               my $colorchar="Black";
-               my $cat = $tt2[6];
-               my $type = 0;##typeは表示タイプ 0:normal 1:bayesおすすめ 2:jbkおすすめ 8:予約がいっぱい 9:予約済み
-               foreach my $ab (@auto_bayes){
-                       my @ab2=@{$ab};
-                       #print "Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml\n\n";
-                       #print $ab2[2];
-                       my $btt=substr($ab2[2],0,4)."-".substr($ab2[2],4,2)."-".substr($ab2[2],6,2)
-                       ." ".substr($ab2[2],8,2).":".substr($ab2[2],10,2).":".substr($ab2[2],12,2);
-                       my $ett=substr($ab2[3],0,4)."-".substr($ab2[3],4,2)."-".substr($ab2[3],6,2)
-                       ." ".substr($ab2[3],8,2).":".substr($ab2[3],10,2).":".substr($ab2[3],12,2);
-                       my $tbtime=Time::Piece->strptime($btt,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
-                       my $tetime=Time::Piece->strptime($ett,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
-                       if ((($bttime-$tbtime)<30*60)&&(($tetime-$ettime)<30*60)&&(length($tt2[1])>0)&&(length($ab2[1])>0)){
-                               my $str1=$tt2[1];
-                               utf8::decode($str1);
-                               my $str2=$ab2[1];
-                               utf8::decode($str2);
-                               my %ng=Text::Ngram->ngram_counts({spaces=>0},$str1,2);
-                               my $ddbtime=$tbtime-$bttime+1;
-                               $ddbtime=abs($ddbtime);
-                               my $dp=1000-1000*$ddbtime/(7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
-                               my $point=0;
-                               use Data::Dumper;
-                               while ((my $key,my $value) = each(%ng)){
-                                       my $i=$str2;
-                                       #die Dumper($key);
-                                       $i=$i=~ s/$key//g;
-                                       if ($i>0){
-                                               #die $i;
-                                               $i=90+10*$i;
-                                       }else{
-                                               $i=0;
-                                       }
-                                       $point += $i;
-                               }
-                               if ($point>0){
-                                       $point += $dp;
-                                       die $point;
-                               }
-                               if ($point>1200){
-                                       $type=1;
-                                       #die $point;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               #epg_ch.chtxt,title,start,stop,exp,longexp,category
-               $type = check_program($tt2[0],$bttime2,$ettime2,$tt2[1]);
-               utf8::decode($cat);
-               my $title;
-               $title=$tt2[1];
-               if ($cat eq "その他"){
-                       $colin="Snow";
-                       $colout="LemonChiffon";
-               }elsif($cat eq "情報"){
-                       $colin="LightGoldenrodYellow";
-                       $colout="Khaki";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "ニュース・報道"){
-                       $colin="PeachPuff";
-                       $colout="LightPink";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "アニメ・特撮"){
-                       $colin="AliceBlue";
-                       $colout="DodgerBlue";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "バラエティ"){
-                       $colin="LightPink";
-                       $colout="Coral";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "スポーツ"){
-                       $colin="Honeydew";
-                       $colout="GreenYellow";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "音楽"){
-                       $colin="Plum";
-                       $colout="Orchid";
-               }elsif ($cat eq "映画"){
-                       $colin="BurlyWood";
-                       $colout="RosyBrown";
-               }
-               if ($type==1){##braviaモード
-                       #$colin="white";
-                       $colorchar="Green";
-               }elsif ($type==2){##jbkモード
-                       $colorchar="Blue";
-               }elsif ($type==8){##予約がいっぱい
-                       $colorchar="Gray";
-               }elsif ($type==9){##録画予約済み
-                       $colorchar="Orange";
-               }elsif ($type==10){##10:予約済みduplicate
-                       $colorchar="Red";
-               }elsif ($type==11){##録画予約済みchange
-                       $colorchar="Green";
-               }
-               my $link="rectool.pl?mode=confirm&amp;mode_sub=reserve&amp;chtxt=".$_[0]."&amp;start=".$bttime->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' )."&amp;stop=".$ettime->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
-               getrect(0,$y,100,$h,$title,$tt2[4],$link,$colout,$colin,substr($tt2[2],8,4)." - ".substr($tt2[3],8,4),$colorchar);#x,y,width,height,title,desc,link,colorout,colorin
-       }
-       #print "</body></html>";
-       my $out = $svg->xmlify(
-               -pubid => "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN",
-               -dtd => "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd",
-       );
-       my $b ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/TR\/2001\/REC-SVG-20010904\/DTD\/svg10\.dtd";
-       my $e ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/Graphics\/SVG\/1\.1\/DTD\/svg11\.dtd";
-       $out =~ s/$b/$e/;
-       return $out;
-sub getrect(){#x,y,width,height,title,desc,link,colorout,colorin,timedesc,colorfont
-       my $x=shift;
-       my $y=shift;
-       my $width=shift;
-       my $height=shift;
-       my $title=shift;
-       my $desc= shift;
-       my $link= shift;
-       my $colorout= shift;
-       my $colorin = shift;
-       my $timechar = shift;
-       my $colorchar = shift;
-       my $ttxt=$title."    ".$desc;
-       utf8::decode($ttxt);
-       utf8::decode($title);
-       utf8::decode($desc);
-       my $anc = $svg -> anchor(
-       -href => $link,
-       'target' => '_blank',
-       -title => $ttxt
-       );
-       my $bgrec=$anc->group(
-               style=>{stroke=>"black",fill=>"black"}
-       );
-       $bgrec->rectangle(
-               x=>"$x%",y=>"$y%",
-               width=>"$width%",height=>"$height%",
-               rx=>3.0,ry=>3.0,
-               #"stroke-width"=>"3",
-       );
-       my $rec1=$anc->group(
-               #style=>{stroke=>$colorout,fill=>$colorin}
-               ##############################test
-               style=>{stroke=>$colorout,fill=>$colorin}
-       );
-       my $charcol=$anc->group(
-               style=>{fill=>$colorchar}
-       );
-       $rec1->rectangle(
-               x=>"$x%",y=>"$y%",
-               width=>"$width%",height=>"$height%",
-               rx=>3.0,ry=>3.0,
-               #'onmouseover'=>"evt.target.setAttribute('fill','yellow');",
-               #'onmouseout'=>"evt.target.setAttribute('fill',$colorin);"
-               #"stroke-width"=>"3",
-       );
-       if ($height>4){
-               $charcol ->text(
-                       style => {
-                               'font-size' => "60%",
-                       },
-                       x=>"$x%",y=>($y+4)."%",
-                       -cdata=>$timechar,
-               );
-       }
-       if ($height>2){
-               $charcol ->text(
-                       style => {
-                               'font-size' => "80%",
-                       },
-                       x=>"$x%",y=>($y+2)."%",
-                       -cdata=>$title
-               );
-       }
-       return ;
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-                       dojo.require("dojo.date");\r
-                       var ttch=["","",""];\r
-                       var ttlastchange=0;\r
-                       var gbtime="";\r
-                       var getime="";\r
-                       var reserve_grid_structure= [{cells:[\r
-                               {name:"ID",field:"id",width:"4em"},\r
-                               {name:"タイプ",field:"type",width:"5em",formatter:gridTypeFormatter},\r
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-                               {name:"開始",field:"btime",width:"6em"},\r
-                               {name:"終了",field:"etime",width:"3em"},\r
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-                               {name:"dd",field:"deltaday",width:"2em"}\r
-                       ]}];\r
-                       function readCh(){\r
-                               var chlistPaneTE=dojo.byId("progTableTE");\r
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-                               var chlistPaneCS=dojo.byId("progTableCS");\r
-                               dojo.xhrGet({\r
-                                       url:"rec10webg3.py?mode=chlist",\r
-                                       handleAs: "json",\r
-                                       load: function(data,ioargs){\r
-                                               //console.log("res=", data['items']);\r
-                                               for (i=0;i<data['items'].length;i++){\r
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-                                                       var child = new dijit.form.ToggleButton\r
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-                                                               iconClass: "dijitCheckBoxIcon"},node );\r
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-                                                               chlistPaneBS.appendChild(child.domNode);\r
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-                                         console.warn("error!",error);\r
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-                               dijit.byId("main_tab").selectChild(dijit.byId(tabid));\r
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-                       function setFilteringSelectValue(dijitid){\r
-                               console.warn("test");\r
-                               dijit.byId(dijitid).set('value',dijit.byId(dijitid).store._arrayOfAllItems[0]['id']);\r
-                       }\r
-                       function DateTime2dt(ttime){\r
-                               var tt=new Date(parseInt(ttime.substring(0,4)),parseInt(ttime.substring(5,7)),parseInt(ttime.substring(8,10)),parseInt(ttime.substring(11,13)),parseInt(ttime.substring(14,16),0));\r
-                               return tt\r
-                       }\r
-                       function dt2DateTime(tt){\r
-                               function get2(t){\r
-                                       if (t<10){\r
-                                               return "0"+t\r
-                                       }else{\r
-                                               return t\r
-                                       }\r
-                               }\r
-                               var month=parseInt(tt.getMonth());\r
-                               return tt.getFullYear()+"-"+get2(month)+"-"+get2(tt.getDate())+"T"+get2(tt.getHours())+":"+get2(tt.getMinutes())+":"+get2(tt.getSeconds());\r
-                       }\r
-                       function addTimetableCh(chtxt){\r
-                               var have = 0;\r
-                               console.dir(chtxt);\r
-                               for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\r
-                                       if (ttch[i] == chtxt) {\r
-                                               ttch[i] = "";\r
-                                               have = 1;\r
-                                               removeSingleCh("timetable-id"+i);\r
-                                       }\r
-                               }\r
-                               if (have == 0) {\r
-                                       var change = 0;\r
-                                       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\r
-                                               if (ttch[i].length == 0) {\r
-                                                       ttch[i] = chtxt;\r
-                                                       ttlastchange = i;\r
-                                                       change = 1;\r
-                                               }\r
-                                       }\r
-                                       if (change == 0) {\r
-                                               ttch[(ttlastchange + 1) % 3] = chtxt;\r
-                                               change = 1;\r
-                                               ttlastchange = (ttlastchange + 1) % 3;\r
-                                       }\r
-                                       showTimeTable("timetableContainer", ttch, gbtime, getime, 5);\r
-                               }\r
-                       }\r
-                       function calcMaxHeight(parentid,chlists,bt,et,fontsize){\r
-                               var maxH=0;\r
-                               var tempH=0;\r
-                               for (ch in chlists){\r
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-                       function showTimeTable(parentid,chlists,btime,etime,fontsize){\r
-                               var widthp=Math.floor(100/chlists.length);\r
-                               var every_width=20;\r
-                               var timetabelArray= new Array();\r
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-                                       bt.setMinutes(30);\r
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-                                       bt.setMinutes(0);\r
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-                                       console.dir([dt,i]);\r
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-                                                       j=chlists.length;\r
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-                                       nbt=dojo.date.add(nbt,"minute",30);\r
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-                               var keyw=dojo.byId("tb_search_keyword").value;\r
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-                                         console.warn("error!",error);\r
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-                               case "reserve_flexible":return "<span style='color:skyblue'>未確定予約</span>";
-                               case "reserve_fixed":return "<span style='color:blue'>確定予約</span>";
-                               case "convert_ts_mp4_network":return "<span style='color:black'>ネット変換予約</span>";
-                               case "convert_ts_mp4_running":return "<span style='color:orange'>動画圧縮中</span>";
-                               case "convert_ts_mp4":return "<span style='color:yellow'>圧縮予約</span>";
-                               case "convert_avi_mp4_miss":return "<span style='color:'></span>";
-                               case "search_today":return "<span style='color:skyblue'>当日予約</span>";
-                               case "search_everyday":return "<span style='color:purple'>隔日予約</span>";
-                               case "convert_ts_mp4_finished":return "<span style='color:gray'>圧縮終了</span>";
-                               case "convert_b25_ts_miss":return "<blink><span style='color:red'>解読失敗</span></blink>";
-                               case "convert_b25_ts":return "<span style='color:green'>解読予約</span>";
-                               case "convert_b25_ts_running":return "<span style='color:yellowgreen'>解読中</span>";
-                               case "reserve_running":return "<span style='color:orange'>録画中</span>";
-                               case "convert_mkv_mp4_runnings":return "<span style='color:'></span>";
-                               case "convert_avi_mkv":return "<span style='color:'></span>";
-                               case "convert_avi_mp4":return "<span style='color:'></span>";
-                               case "convert_mkv_mp4":return "<span style='color:'></span>";
-                               case "move_end":return "<span style='color:gray'>移動終了</span>";
-                               default : return type;
-                               }
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-                       (\r
-                           function(){\r
-                                       readCh();\r
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-                Rec10Suite WEB Interface version 0.0.1\r
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-                    </div>\r
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-                    </div>\r
-                    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="設定">\r
-                    </div>\r
-                    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="その他">\r
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-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:0.5em;" onClick=showTimeTable()><<前</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;right:0.5em;" onClick=showTimeTable()>次>></div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:40%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>06h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:48.5%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>12h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;right:40%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>24h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:10%;" onClick=showTimeTable("timetableContainer",["tb1","tb2","tb3"],"2001-01-01T12:00:00","2001-01-01T13:15:00",5)>test</div>\r
-                                                       </div>\r
-                                               </div>\r
-                       </div>
-                       <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="tab_timetablebasic" title="TimeTable" href="rec10webg2.pl">
-                       </div>
-                       <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="tab_epgsearch" title="Search" onClick="showSearchEPG()">
-                               <p>Program Search:<div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" id="tb_search_keyword">Keyword</div>
-                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="tb_search_button">Search</div></p>
-                       </div>
-                    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="番組表3" >
-                       <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" id="timetableContainer3" design="headline" style="width:100%;height:100%;" gutters="true">
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-                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="timetable3-id1" region="right" style="width:28%" href="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&chtxt=21&btime=2011-05-07_06-00-00&etime=2011-05-07_18-00-00"></div>\r
-                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="timetable3-id2" region="right" style="width:28%" href="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&chtxt=21&btime=2011-05-07_06-00-00&etime=2011-05-07_18-00-00"></div>\r
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-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:0.5em;" onClick=showTimeTable()><<前</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;right:0.5em;" onClick=showTimeTable()>次>></div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:40%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>06h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:48.5%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>12h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;right:40%;" onClick=showTimeTable()>24h</div>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" style="position:absolute;left:10%;" onClick=showTimeTable("timetableContainer",["tb1","tb2","tb3"],"2001-01-01T12:00:00","2001-01-01T13:15:00",5)>test</div>\r
-                                                       </div>\r
-                                               </div>\r
-                       </div>\r
-                    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="tab_list_time" title="予約確認(時間順)">\r
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-                                               url="rec10webg3.py?mode=timeline"></div>\r
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-                    </div>\r
-                    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="tab_newreserve" title="新規予約">\r
-                               <h2>新規予約</h2><br>\r
-                                                       <p>\r
-                                                       <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="chlistStore"\r
-                                               url="chlist.json"></div>\r
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-                                               url="typelist.json" ></div>\r
-                                                               <h3>タイトル:</h3>\r
-                                                               <div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" id="newreserve_title" style="width:30%"></div><br>\r
-                                                       </p>\r
-                                                       <p>\r
-                                                               <h3>詳細設定</h3>\r
-                                                               コマンド:\r
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-                                                                       autoComplete="true" store="dbtypeStore" searchAttr= "label" \r
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-                                                               チャンネル:\r
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-                                                                       autoComplete="true" store="chlistStore" searchAttr= "label" \r
-                                                                       onShow="setFilteringSelectValue('newreserve_ch_list')"></div><br>\r
-                                                               <p>\r
-                                                                       <h4>時刻設定</h4>\r
-                                                                       開始時間:\r
-                                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox" id="newreserve_bdata" constraints="{datePattern:'yyyy-MM-dd'}"></div>\r
-                                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.TimeTextBox" id="newreserve_btime"></div><br>\r
-                                                                       終了時間:\r
-                                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox" id="newreserve_edata" constraints="{datePattern:'yyyy-MM-dd'}"></div>\r
-                                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.TimeTextBox" id="newreserve_etime"></div><br><br>\r
-                                                                       <p>\r
-                                                                       隔日検索:\r
-                                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalSlider" id="newreserve_deladay" \r
-                                                                       minimum="1" maximum="7" value="7" discreteValues="7"\r
-                                                                        intermediateChanges="true" style="width:300px">\r
-                                                                               <ol dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels">\r
-                                                                                       <li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li><li>4</li><li>5</li>\r
-                                                                                       <li>6</li><li>7</li>\r
-                                                                               </ol>\r
-                                                                        </div><br>\r
-                                                                        時刻揺らぎ:\r
-                                                                        <div dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalSlider" id="newreserve_delatime" \r
-                                                                       minimum="1" maximum="10" value="3" discreteValues="10"\r
-                                                                        intermediateChanges="true" style="width:300px">\r
-                                                                               <ol dojoType="dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels">\r
-                                                                                       <li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li><li>4</li><li>5</li>\r
-                                                                                       <li>6</li><li>7</li><li>8</li><li>9</li><li>10</li>\r
-                                                                               </ol>\r
-                                                                        </div>\r
-                                                                        </p>\r
-                                                               </p>\r
-                                                       </p>\r
-                                                       <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick=showTimeTable("tab_newreserve",["tb1","tb2"],"2001-01-01T12:00:00","2001-01-01T13:15:00",5)></div>\r
-                    </div>\r
-                </div>\r
-            </div>\r
-        </div>\r
-    </body>\r
diff --git a/Rec10WEBG3/trunk/rec10webg3.py b/Rec10WEBG3/trunk/rec10webg3.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7c04f86..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# coding: UTF-8
-# Rec10 TS Recording Tools
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Yukikaze
-import cgi
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-import datetime
-import ConfigParser
-import MySQLdb
-import time
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json
-#import cgitb
-path = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/"
-confp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
-Conf = 'rec10.conf'
-if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join(path,Conf)
-elif (os.path.exists(os.path.join("/etc/rec10",Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join("/etc/rec10",Conf)
-elif (os.path.exists(os.path.join("/etc",Conf))):
-    cpath=os.path.join("/etc",Conf)
-def getpath(string):
-    global confp
-    return confp.get('path', string)
-def getdbpath(string):
-    global confp
-    return confp.get('db', string)
-def getdb():
-    retdb = ""
-    if getdbpath('db') == 'MySQL':
-        dbn = getdbpath("mysql_dbname")
-        dbh = getdbpath("mysql_host")
-        dbu = getdbpath("mysql_user")
-        dbpwd = getdbpath("mysql_passwd")
-        dbport = int(getdbpath("mysql_port"))
-        #print [dbn,dbh,dbu,dbpwd,dbport]
-        retdb = DB_MySQL(dbname=dbn, host=dbh, user=dbu, passwd=dbpwd, port=dbport)
-    return retdb
-class DB_MySQL:
-    dbname = ""
-    dbhost = ""
-    dbusr = ""
-    dbpasswd = ""
-    dbport = 0
-    def __init__(self, dbname, user, passwd, host="localhost", port=3306):
-        self.dbname = dbname
-        self.dbhost = host
-        self.dbusr = user
-        self.dbpasswd = passwd
-        self.dbport = port
-    def connect_db(self):
-        """
-        dbへの接続
-        """
-        con = MySQLdb.connect(db=self.dbname, host=self.dbhost, port=self.dbport,\
-                       user=self.dbusr, passwd=self.dbpasswd, charset="utf8")
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute('set names utf8;')
-        return [con, cur]
-    def close_db(self, db):
-        db[1].close()
-        db[0].close()
-    ###timeline系
-    def timeline2dic(self,timeline):
-        ret={}
-        ret['id']=timeline[0]
-        ret['type']=timeline[1]
-        ret['chtxt']=timeline[2]
-        ret['title']=timeline[3]
-        ret['btime']=timeline[4].strftime("%m/%d %H:%M")
-        ret['etime']=timeline[5].strftime("%H:%M")
-        ret['bt']=timeline[4]
-        ret['et']=timeline[5]
-        if not timeline[6]:
-                       ret['deltatime']=timeline[6]
-        else:
-                       ret['deltatime']="3"
-        if not timeline[7]:
-                       ret['deltaday']=timeline[7]
-        else:
-                       ret['deltaday']="7"
-        ret['opt']=timeline[8]
-        ret['epgtitle']=timeline[9]
-        ret['epgbtime']=timeline[10]
-        ret['epgetime']=timeline[11]
-        ret['epgduplicate']=timeline[12]
-        ret['epgchange']=timeline[13]
-        ret['epgexp']=timeline[14]
-        ret['counter']=timeline[15]
-        return ret
-    def select_all_timeline(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt,\
-                               epgtitle,epgbtime,epgetime,epgduplicate,epgchange,epgexp,counter FROM timeline ORDER BY btime")
-        dls = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_by_chtxt_timeline(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt,\
-                epgtitle,epgbtime,epgetime,epgduplicate,epgchange,epgexp,counter FROM timeline WHERE chtxt = %s ", (chtxt, ))
-        d = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_by_id_timeline(self, idt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt,\
-               epgtitle,epgbtime,epgetime,epgduplicate,epgchange,epgexp,counter FROM timeline WHERE id = %s ", (idt, ))
-        d = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-       def select_by_btime_etime_chtxt_timeline(self,btime,etime,chtxt):
-               db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT id,type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt,\
-        epgtitle,epgbtime,epgetime,epgduplicate,epgchange,epgexp,counter FROM timeline \
-        WHERE btime >= %s AND etime <= %s AND chtxt = %s", (btime,etime,chtxt ))
-        dls = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def add_timeline(self, type="", chtxt="", title="", btime="", etime="", deltatime="", deltaday="", opt=""):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        db[1].execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO timeline (type,chtxt,title,btime,etime,deltatime,deltaday,opt) \
-            values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime, deltaday, opt))
-        self.close_db(db)
-    ########epg_ch系
-    def epg_ch2dic(self,epg_ch):
-        ret={}
-        ret['bctype']=epg_ch[0]
-        ret['chtxt']=epg_ch[1]
-        ret['ch']=epg_ch[2]
-        ret['csch']=epg_ch[3]
-        ret['chname']=epg_ch[4]
-        ret['updatetime']=epg_ch[5]
-        ret['status']=epg_ch[6]
-        ret['visible']=epg_ch[7]
-        if ret["chtxt"].split("_")[0]=="BS":
-            ret["type"]="BS"
-        elif ret["chtxt"].split("_")[0]=="CS":
-            ret["type"]="CS"
-        else:
-            ret["type"]="TE"
-        return ret
-    def select_all_epg_ch(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        r1 = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,chtxt,ch,csch,chname,updatetime,status,visible FROM epg_ch")
-        lines = db[1].fetchall()
-        ret=[]
-        for ls in lines:
-            ret.append(self.epg_ch2dic(ls))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    def select_by_chtxt_epg_ch(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        r1 = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,chtxt,ch,csch,chname,updatetime,status,visible FROM epg_ch WHERE chtxt=%s", (chtxt, ))
-        lines = db[1].fetchall()
-        ret=[]
-        for ls in lines:
-            ret.append(epg_ch2dic(ls))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    ########epg_timeline系
-    def epg_timeline2dic(self,epg_timeline):
-        ret={}
-        ret['bctype']=epg_timeline[0]
-        ret['channel']=epg_timeline[1]
-        ret['chtxt']=epg_timeline[1]
-        ret['start']=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(epg_timeline[2], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")[:-3])
-        ret['stop']=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(epg_timeline[3], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")[:-3])
-        ret['bt']=ret['start']
-        ret['et']=ret['stop']
-        ret['btime']=ret['bt'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-        ret['etime']=ret['et'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-        ret['title']=epg_timeline[4]
-        ret['exp']=epg_timeline[5]
-        ret['longexp']=epg_timeline[6]
-        ret['category']=epg_timeline[7]
-        return ret
-    def select_all_epg_timeline(self):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        r1 = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,channel,start,stop,title,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline")
-        lines = db[1].fetchall()
-        ret=[]
-        for ls in lines:
-            ret.append(self.epg_timeline2dic(ls))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    def select_by_chtxt_epg_timeline(self, chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        r1 = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,channel,start,stop,title,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline WHERE channel=%s", (chtxt, ))
-        lines = db[1].fetchall()
-        ret=[]
-        for ls in lines:
-            ret.append(self.epg_timeline2dic(ls))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return ret
-    def select_by_btime_etime_chtxt_epg_timeline(self,btime,etime,chtxt):
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        start=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(btime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3]).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-        stop=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(etime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3]).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-        recdata = []
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,channel,start,stop,title,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline \
-        WHERE start >= %s AND stop <= %s AND channel = %s", (start,stop,chtxt ))
-        dls = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.epg_timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-    def select_by_keyword_title_epg_timeline(self,keyword="",chtxt="",btime="",etime=""):
-        keyt=""
-        chtxtt=""
-        btimet=""
-        etimet=""
-        if len(keyword)>0:
-            keyt=" AND title LIKE '%"+keyt+"%' "
-        if len(btime)>0:
-            start=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(btime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3]).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-            stop=datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(etime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[:-3]).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-            btimet=" AND start >= "+start+" "
-            etimet=" AND stop <= "+stop+" "
-        if len(chtxt)>0:
-            chtxtt=" AND channel = "+chtxt+" "
-        db = self.connect_db()
-        recdata = []
-        #print "SELECT bctype,channel,start,stop,title,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline \
-        #WHERE bctype LIKE '%' "+keyt+btimet+etimet+chtxtt+""
-        dl = db[1].execute("SELECT bctype,channel,start,stop,title,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline \
-        WHERE bctype LIKE '%' "+keyt+btimet+etimet+chtxtt+"")
-        dls = db[1].fetchall()
-        for line in dls:
-            recdata.append(self.epg_timeline2dic(line))
-        self.close_db(db)
-        return recdata
-global db
-jsonHeader="Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8\n"
-htmlHeader="Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"
-global f
-f = cgi.FieldStorage()
-if f.getfirst('mode',""):
-       mode=f.getfirst('mode', "")
-if mode=="chtypelist":
-    #print "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8\n"
-    print jsonHeader
-    typest={"identifier":"id","items":[
-               {
-                       "id":"search_everyday",
-                       "label":u"隔日検索"
-               },{
-                       "id":"search_today",
-                       "label":u"当日検索"
-               },{
-                       "id":"reserve_flexible",
-                       "label":u"浮動予約"
-               },{
-                       "id":"reserve_fixed",
-                       "label":u"確定予約"
-               },{
-                       "id":"convert_b25_ts",
-                       "label":u"解読予約"
-               },{
-                       "id":"convert_ts_mp4",
-                       "label":u"縁故予約"
-               }
-    ]}
-    print json.dumps(typest)
-if mode=="chlist":
-    chls=db.select_all_epg_ch()
-    chll={"identifier":"id","items":[]}
-    for chl in chls:
-        chll["items"].append({"id":chl["chtxt"],"type":chl["type"],"label":chl["chname"]})
-    print jsonHeader
-    print json.dumps(chll)
-if mode=="timeline":####録画一覧用
-    tlll={"identifier":"id","items":[]}
-    dbl=None
-    if f.getfirst("chtxt"):
-        dbl=db.select_by_btime_etime_chtxt_timeline(btime,etime,chtxt)
-    else:
-        dbl=db.select_all_timeline()
-    if dbl:
-        for dbi in dbl:
-            tlll["items"].append({"id":dbi["id"],"btime":dbi["btime"],"etime":dbi["etime"],
-                                  "chtxt":dbi["chtxt"],"title":dbi["title"],"type":dbi["type"],
-                                  "deltatime":dbi["deltatime"],"deltaday":dbi["deltaday"],
-                                  "opt":dbi["opt"]})
-    #print jsonHeader
-    print htmlHeader
-    print json.dumps(tlll,encoding="utf-8")
-if mode=="epg-timeline":
-    tlll={"items":[]}
-    btime=f.getfirst("btime")
-    etime=f.getfirst("etime")
-    if not btime:
-        btime=datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    if not etime:
-        et=datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=8)
-        etime=et.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    chtxt=f.getfirst("chtxt")
-    if not chtxt:
-        chtxt="18_3096"
-    if chtxt:
-        dbl=db.select_by_btime_etime_chtxt_epg_timeline(btime,etime,chtxt)
-        for dbi in dbl:
-            tlll["items"].append({"id":dbi["btime"],"btime":dbi["btime"],
-                                  "chtxt":dbi["chtxt"],"title":dbi["title"],
-                                  "exp":dbi["exp"],"longexp":dbi["longexp"],
-                                  "category":dbi["category"]})
-        print jsonHeader
-        #print htmlHeader
-        print json.dumps({"data":tlll},encoding="utf-8")
-if mode=="epg-search":
-    tlll={"items":[]}
-    btime=f.getfirst("btime")
-    etime=f.getfirst("etime")
-    if not btime:
-        bt=datetime.datetime.now()
-        btime=bt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    if not etime:
-        et=datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=8)
-        etime=et.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    chtxt=f.getfirst("chtxt")
-    if not chtxt:
-        chtxt=""
-    keyword=f.getfirst("keyword")
-    if not keyword:
-        keyword=""
-    dbl=db.select_by_keyword_title_epg_timeline(keyword=keyword,chtxt=chtxt,btime=btime,etime=etime)
-    for dbi in dbl:
-        tlll["items"].append({"id":dbi["btime"],"btime":dbi["btime"],
-       "chtxt":dbi["chtxt"],"title":dbi["title"],
-       "exp":dbi["exp"],"longexp":dbi["longexp"],
-       "category":dbi["category"]})
-    print jsonHeader
-    #print htmlHeader
-    print json.dumps({"data":tlll},encoding="utf-8")
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/dist/iRec10EPG-Setup_0.3.3.exe b/iRec10EPG/trunk/dist/iRec10EPG-Setup_0.3.3.exe
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c16a367..0000000
Binary files a/iRec10EPG/trunk/dist/iRec10EPG-Setup_0.3.3.exe and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/HP-TV-Dock.ico b/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/HP-TV-Dock.ico
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 995248f..0000000
Binary files a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/HP-TV-Dock.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/iRec10EPG.py b/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/iRec10EPG.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7c4783c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# coding: UTF-8
-# iRec10EPG Rec10 iEPG supporting tool
-#Copyright 2009 Yukikaze
-import os
-import ConfigParser
-import codecs
-import webbrowser
-import sys
-import re
-import urllib
-def rec10web(webpath,title,station,btime,etime):
-    browserpath="title="+title+"&btime="+btime+"&etime="+etime+"&station="+station
-    browserpath=urllib.quote_plus(browserpath,"=&")
-    browserpath=webpath+"?"+browserpath
-    print browserpath
-    webbrowser.open(browserpath,new=2)
-def iepg2rec10webopts(path):
-    station=""
-    year=""
-    month=""
-    date=""
-    start=""
-    end=""
-    title=""
-    for line in codecs.open(path,'r','shift_jis'):
-        if  re.search('station:',line):
-            station=line.replace("station:","")
-            station=station.replace(" ","")
-            station=station.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('year:',line):
-            year=line.replace("year:","")
-            year=year.replace(" ","")
-            year=year.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('month:',line):
-            month=line.replace("month:","")
-            month=month.replace(" ","")
-            month=month.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('date:',line):
-            date=line.replace("date:","")
-            date=date.replace(" ","")
-            date=date.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('start:',line):
-            start=line.replace("start:","")
-            start=start.replace(" ","")
-            start=start.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('end:',line):
-            end=line.replace("end:","")
-            end=end.replace(" ","")
-            end=end.replace("\r\n","")
-        elif re.search('program-title:',line):
-            title=line.replace("program-title:","")
-            title=title.replace(" ","")
-            title=title.replace("\r\n","")
-    ret={}
-    ret['title']=title.encode('UTF-8')
-    ret['btime']=year+"-"+month+"-"+date+" "+start+":00"
-    ret['btime']=ret['btime'].encode('UTF-8')
-    ret['etime']=year+"-"+month+"-"+date+" "+end+":00"
-    ret['etime']=ret['etime'].encode('UTF-8')
-    ret['station']=station.encode('UTF-8')
-    return ret
-Conf=os.path.join(mypath, 'setting.ini')
-print rec10path
-print webopt
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/readme.txt b/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 813b56e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-iRec10EPG -Rec10iEPG\91Î\89\9e\83N\83\89\83C\83A\83\93\83g- ver.0.3.1
-\96{\83\\83t\83g\82ð\8eg\82¤\82½\82ß\82É\82Í\98^\89æ\82ð\8ds\82¤\83}\83V\83\93\82ÉRec10web\82ª\90Ý\92u\82³\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82é\95K\97v\82ª\82 \82è\82Ü\82·
-\83C\83\93\83X\83g\81[\83\8b\90æ\82Ìsetting.ini(\8f\89\8aú\82Å\82ÍC:\Program Files\iRec10EPG)\82É
-Copyright (C) 2009 yukikaze(yukikaze.jp@gmail.com)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setting.ini b/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setting.ini
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 669914a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setup.py b/iRec10EPG/trunk/src/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3dac8fe..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from distutils.core import setup\r
-import py2exe\r
-py2exe_options = {\r
-  "compressed": 1,\r
-  "optimize": 2,\r
-  "bundle_files": 2}\r
-  options = {"py2exe": py2exe_options},\r
-  console = [\r
-    {"script" : "iRec10EPG.py", "icon_resources": [(1,"HP-TV-Dock.ico")]}],\r
-  zipfile = None)\r