# RULP: Ru*** roLeplay Playground It is a virtual board for roleplay games, it display a table with a grid to simulate battles and scenaries. It include an editor to create your own map and events. ## Install on Linux The software is released as binaries on the osdn page in both appimage with dependencies and rpm/deb. This software uses raylib, tcl and tk to run. If you want to compile, be aware that this software is developed with Common Lisp and it is tested and deployed with the "Steel Bank Common Lisp" (sbcl), but it can work with other implementations such as GNU clisp or Clozure Common Lisp. * sbcl (or clisp, or ccl) Also the software uses sdl2 and ltk libraries for display graphics. * sdl2-devel * sdl2_image-devel * tcl * tk * quicklisp To compile you can use buildapp or just do with asdf. To compile with buildapp you just need to use the makefile $ make # make install Or if you don't use buildapp you can use the asdf tools for that: $ cd /path/to/sources $ sbcl --load rulp.asd * (require :rulp) * (asdf:make :rulp) Then use CTRL+D to exit console. ## Install on Windows To compile on windows you need sbcl and the dlls SDL2.dll, SDL2-image.dll and SDL2-ttf.dll. First you can install sbcl from the website or with chocolatey with # choco install sbcl (here the # indicate that you use administrator powershell). The dlls can be downloaded from the sdl2, sdl2-image and sdl2-ttf github pages selecting the win32-x64 version. The dlls should be copied in the rulp folders. also you need to download the libffi sources and copy the ffi.h and ffi-target.h files for later use. Start sbcl on your folder and install quicklisp as written on the website beta.quicklisp.org. With quicklisp installed, use the commands * (ql:quickload "clingon") * (ql:quickload "sdl2") * (ql:quickload "sdl2-image") * (ql:quickload "sdl2-ttf") sdl2-ttf should fail because it misses the ffi.h files. These files need to be placed into quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\libffi[whatever version]\ and retry the last command. Now you should be able to start and compile rulp. Without using the makefile just execute > sbcl --load "rulp.asd" --eval "(progn (require :rulp) (asdf:make :rulp))" The sbcl.exe executable should in the folder.