OSDN Git Service

last changeWed, 5 Feb 2020 16:02:20 +0000 (01:02 +0900)
2020-02-05 yamadfix errors plymouth when installing master
2020-02-04 yamad整理した
2020-02-03 yamaddelete serenelinux-resources
2020-02-01 yamadfixed fps of a plymouth themes
2020-01-31 yamadedit 依存関係
2020-01-31 yamadbuild new deb of plymouth
2020-01-31 daichiadd some themes for plymouth
2019-05-19 yamad-linuxerupload
2019-05-19 yamad-linuxerupload
2019-05-17 yamad-linuxerupload
2019-05-15 hayao複数解像度の対応化と背景パスの変更
2019-05-15 hayao背景画像の移動
2019-05-14 Hayao0819Merge pull request #2 from Yukidaruma-dev/ottosei-depends
2019-05-13 Yukidaruma-dev一時的な修正等
2019-05-13 Yukidaruma-devUpdate control
2019-05-12 Yukidaruma-devMerge branch 'master' of https://git.yuki-lab.xyz/git...
4 years ago master
4 years ago test