SIE - SVG's JavaScript Library 1, What's SIE SIE is a OpenSource JavaScript library to display SVG files on the almost browser. SVG is a standard language for drawing vector graphics. 2, Licenses SIE is distributed under the MIT License. You may copy, modify and re-distribute it. 3, Usage 3.1, Requirements IE 11, or other browser. The HTTP server (as like Apache) 3.1, Edit HTML file To display SVG files on the web browser, you need to edit the HTML file as the next: Your Web Page 3.2, The 'script' element Upload the 'sie.js' file to your web server, and write this in the 'head' element of your HTML document. 3.3, The 'object' element Upload the 'zeimusu_sakura_.svg' file to your web server, and write in your HTML document as the next: 4, Community 4.1 Mailing List 4.2 Twitter 5, Acknowledgement revulo, bellbind, (http://osdn.JP/). Thank you