OSDN Git Service

descriptionGit repository for ozacc-mail library
last changeMon, 4 Dec 2023 13:38:46 +0000 (22:38 +0900)
2023-12-04 Iwao AVE!Migrated to jakarta namespace and bumped version number... master ozacc-mail-2.0.0
2022-11-23 Iwao AVE!Minor correction
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Release 1.3.0
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Resolved some SonarLint warnings
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Update JDOM
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Updated dependencies
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Bump required Java version from 1.4 to 1.8
2022-11-22 Iwao AVE!Updated Velocity version from 1.7 to 2.3
2016-04-27 Iwao AVE!prepare for next development iteration.
2016-04-23 Iwao AVE!Preparing 1.2.5. Maven Release Plugin didn't work :-(
2016-04-23 Iwao AVE!Added tag to scm.
2016-04-23 Iwao AVE!Migrating from the deprecated oss-parent to the Nexus...
2014-08-28 Iwao AVE!依存ライブラリを更に整理。
2014-05-15 Iwao AVE!Animal Sniffer の設定更新。
2014-05-15 Iwao AVE!sun.io.ByteToCharConverter への参照を削除。例外についても sun.io.Conve...
4 months ago ozacc-mail-2.0.0
10 years ago ozacc-mail-1.2.4 [maven-release-plugin] copy for...
12 years ago ozacc-mail-1.2.3 [maven-release-plugin] copy for...
4 months ago master