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[uclinux-h8/uClinux-dist.git] / freeswan / libcrypto / include / cbc_generic.h
1 #ifndef _CBC_GENERIC_H
2 #define _CBC_GENERIC_H
3 /*
4  * CBC macro helpers
5  *
6  * Author: JuanJo Ciarlante <jjo-ipsec@mendoza.gov.ar>
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11  * option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
12  * 
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16  * for more details.
17  *
18  */
20 /*
21  *      Heavily inspired in loop_AES
22  */
23 #define CBC_IMPL_BLK16(name, ctx_type, addr_type, enc_func, dec_func) \
24 int name(ctx_type *ctx, const u_int8_t * in, u_int8_t * out, int ilen, const u_int8_t * iv, int encrypt) { \
25         int ret=ilen, pos; \
26         const u_int32_t *iv_i; \
27         if ((ilen) % 16) return 0; \
28         if (encrypt) { \
29                 pos=0; \
30                 while(pos<ilen) { \
31                         if (pos==0) \
32                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) iv; \
33                         else \
34                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (out-16); \
35                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 0])) = iv_i[0]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[ 0])); \
36                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 4])) = iv_i[1]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[ 4])); \
37                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 8])) = iv_i[2]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[ 8])); \
38                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[12])) = iv_i[3]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[12])); \
39                         enc_func(ctx, (addr_type) out, (addr_type) out); \
40                         in+=16; \
41                         out+=16; \
42                         pos+=16; \
43                 } \
44         } else { \
45                 pos=ilen-16; \
46                 in+=pos; \
47                 out+=pos; \
48                 while(pos>=0) { \
49                         dec_func(ctx, (const addr_type) in, (addr_type) out); \
50                         if (pos==0) \
51                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (iv); \
52                         else \
53                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (in-16); \
54                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 0])) ^= iv_i[0]; \
55                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 4])) ^= iv_i[1]; \
56                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 8])) ^= iv_i[2]; \
57                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[12])) ^= iv_i[3]; \
58                         in-=16; \
59                         out-=16; \
60                         pos-=16; \
61                 } \
62         } \
63         return ret; \
65 #define CBC_IMPL_BLK8(name, ctx_type, addr_type,  enc_func, dec_func) \
66 int name(ctx_type *ctx, u_int8_t * in, u_int8_t * out, int ilen, const u_int8_t * iv, int encrypt) { \  int ret=ilen, pos; \
67         int ret=ilen, pos; \
68         const u_int32_t *iv_i; \
69         if ((ilen) % 8) return 0; \
70         if (encrypt) { \
71                 pos=0; \
72                 while(pos<ilen) { \
73                         if (pos==0) \
74                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) iv; \
75                         else \
76                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (out-8); \
77                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 0])) = iv_i[0]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[ 0])); \
78                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 4])) = iv_i[1]^*((const u_int32_t *)(&in[ 4])); \
79                         enc_func(ctx, (addr_type)out, (addr_type)out); \
80                         in+=8; \
81                         out+=8; \
82                         pos+=8; \
83                 } \
84         } else { \
85                 pos=ilen-8; \
86                 in+=pos; \
87                 out+=pos; \
88                 while(pos>=0) { \
89                         dec_func(ctx, (const addr_type)in, (addr_type)out); \
90                         if (pos==0) \
91                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (iv); \
92                         else \
93                                 iv_i=(const u_int32_t*) (in-8); \
94                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 0])) ^= iv_i[0]; \
95                         *((u_int32_t *)(&out[ 4])) ^= iv_i[1]; \
96                         in-=8; \
97                         out-=8; \
98                         pos-=8; \
99                 } \
100         } \
101         return ret; \
103 #define CBC_DECL(name, ctx_type) \
104 int name(ctx_type *ctx, u_int8_t * in, u_int8_t * out, int ilen, const u_int8_t * iv, int encrypt)
105 /*
106 Eg.:
107 CBC_IMPL_BLK16(AES_cbc_encrypt, aes_context, u_int8_t *, aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt);
108 CBC_DECL(AES_cbc_encrypt, aes_context);
109 */
110 #endif /* _CBC_GENERIC_H */