ATARI-ARAnyM ------------ The Atari/Atari vendor/target is setup to run on the ARAnyM (Atari Running on ANY Machine) emulator (see I just used the standard Ubuntu package install of aranym, which is version 0.9.9 as of this writing. You need an appropriate config file, and then you simply run something like: aranym-mmu -l -c /tmp/config And that config file contains something like: [GLOBAL] FastRAM = 196 AutoGrabMouse = No [LILO] Kernel = /home/gerg/uClinux-dist/images/vmlinux.gz Args = root=/dev/ram load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=4096 video=atafb:tthigh console=tty0 debug stram_swap=0 Ramdisk = /home/gerg/uClinux-dist/images/ramdisk [ETH0] Type = bridge Tunnel = tap0 [STARTUP] GrabMouse = No Debugger = No The target is a very small and simple configuration, nothing fancy.