# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2002-07-15 05:49:50 danield Exp $ KLIPSDIR:= $(shell if [ "$$PWD" != "" ]; then echo $$PWD; else pwd; fi)/.. #LIBCRYPTO:=$(KLIPSDIR)/../../../libcrypto LIBCRYPTO:=$(ROOTDIR)/freeswan/libcrypto EXTRA_CFLAGS:=-I$(KLIPSDIR) -I$(KLIPSDIR)/libfreeswan -I$(LIBCRYPTO)/include -I$(LIBCRYPTO) ifeq ($(CONFIG_IPSEC_DEBUG),y) EXTRA_CFLAGS += -g endif EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes MOD_LIST_NAME := NET_MISC_MODULES #O_TARGET := ipsec_alg_static.o subdir- := subdir-n := subdir-y := subdir-m := obj-y := ipsec_alg_static_init.o ARCH_ASM-y := ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_M586) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_M586TSC) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_M586MMX) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MK6) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_M686) := i686 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII) := i686 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUM4) := i686 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MK7) := i686 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MCRUSOE) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MWINCHIP2) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D) := i586 ARCH_ASM-$(CONFIG_USERMODE) := i586 ARCH_ASM :=$(ARCH_ASM-y) ifdef NO_ASM ARCH_ASM := endif # The algorithm makefiles may put dependences, short-circuit them null: makefiles=$(wildcard Makefile.alg_*) ifneq ($(makefiles), "") #include Makefile.alg_aes #include Makefile.alg_aes-opt include $(makefiles) endif # These rules translate from new to old makefile rules # Translate to Rules.make lists. multi-used := $(filter $(list-multi), $(obj-y) $(obj-m)) multi-objs := $(foreach m, $(multi-used), $($(basename $(m))-objs)) active-objs := $(sort $(multi-objs) $(obj-y) $(obj-m)) O_OBJS := $(obj-y) M_OBJS := $(obj-m) MIX_OBJS := $(filter $(export-objs), $(active-objs)) #OX_OBJS := $(export-objs) SUB_DIRS := $(subdir-y) ALL_SUB_DIRS := $(subdir-y) $(subdir-m) MOD_SUB_DIRS := $(subdir-m) ifdef TOPDIR include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make endif ipsec_alg_static.o: $(obj-y) rm -f $@ $(LD) $(LD_EXTRAFLAGS) $(obj-y) -r -o $@ perlasm: $(LIBCRYPTO)/perlasm ln -sf $? $@ $(obj-y) $(obj-m): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/config.h $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/autoconf.h ../ipsec_alg.h $(alg_obj-y) $(alg_obj-m): perlasm $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/config.h $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/autoconf.h ../ipsec_alg.h alg_modules: perlasm $(ALG_MODULES) @echo "ALG_MODULES=$(ALG_MODULES)" # # Construct alg. init. function: call ipsec_ALGO_init() for every static algo # Needed when there are static algos (with static or modular ipsec.o) # ipsec_alg_static_init.c: $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/autoconf.h Makefile $(makefiles) $(ROOTDIR)/freeswan/klips/net/ipsec/alg/scripts/mk-static_init.c.sh @echo "Re-creating $@" $(SHELL) $(ROOTDIR)/freeswan/klips/net/ipsec/alg/scripts/mk-static_init.c.sh $(static_init-func-y) > $@ clean: @for i in $(ALG_SUBDIRS);do test -d $$i && make -C $$i clean;done;exit 0 @find . -type l -exec rm -f {} \; -rm -f perlasm -rm -rf $(ALG_SUBDIRS) -rm -f *.o ipsec_alg_static_init.c