README for Creative Labs VoIPBlaster ------------------------------------ Craig Southeren, 15 January 2001 OpenH323 now contains preliminary support for the Creative Labs VoIPBlaster under Windows only. This support relies upon the Windows driver for the VoIP Blaster written by Dave Fobbit, which can be downloaded from Please follow the installation instructions at for this driver before using this code. The driver is in the files vblasterlid.cxx and vblasterlid.h, and the following comments apply: - The ohphone sources have been updated to include support for this device. Use the -V option to specify which VB device to open. - The openphone sources have been updated to support this device. Use the Options->Audio Device menu option to select the device. - Hook switch and DTMF detection are working, as is audio playback. - Audio recording is not working yet. I suspect I am doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what. It might also be a hardware problem, or perhaps my Australian phones aren't compatible with the US hardware - The volume functions do not currently work. - There is code to ring the handset, but I've not checked it. It will need some more work to support cadences. - Only Windows is supported, as I don't have the time to rearrange my machines to free a Linux box to do this work. The code was designed to put all of the operating system stuff into the VoipBlasterInterface class - if the correct Linux bits are added to that class it should Just Work (tm). - I've only tested this under Windows 2000. Other Windows variants may not work. - Occasionally, the driver gets out of sync with the app. This manifests itself as the application hanging during the device open. This can be fixed by stopping the app, unpluggiung the device, and plugging it back in. - There is no support for retrieving the serial number yet. - I've not tested multiple VBs on a single machine. I've got more devices coming in soon that will allow this to be tested. As always, comments, and updates are welcome. Thanks to Quicknet for sponsoring this effort, to Dave Fobbit for writing the drivers and to Jeremy McNamara for the VoIP Blaster unit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- $Log: VoIPBlaster.txt,v $ Revision 1.4 2002/01/15 07:32:25 craigs Added comment on multiple VB on single machine Revision 1.3 2002/01/15 07:29:13 craigs Added info on hanging during startup Revision 1.2 2002/01/15 05:53:14 craigs Added info on openphone and volume commands Revision 1.1 2002/01/15 05:47:30 craigs Initial version