TODO: * add identifier lookup restriction to upper-scope, when parsing bounds (conforming to RRA60). * add error when unary minus appears inside of an expression like (3 * -1) and the -strict option is set. * complete usage of other channels than stdin / stdout. implement a selin () selout () mechanism. * finish/verify implementation of in/out builtin's. scanning chars/tokens. * clean up order of binop-evaluation; eval left to right in binop's. I'm not sure if this is still OK. * test illegal parameter passing in all cases (typed, by name, by value). here I expect misbehavior (core dumps ...) when parsing (checking) illegal code. * test the power operator. * finish correct integer <-> real conversion (all the places were needed). Correct rounding versus truncating of values. * test (and finish ?) ``goto'' when jumping out of expressions. * cleanup various flags and global variables (nerrors and cerrors; debug flags) * finish a60.texinfo (the documentation about the interpreter and the implementation). * expand (the short manual page about usage). * implement better error checks in mkc.c. the better way would be: * write a GNU A60 frontend based on the GNU C compiler for a60 at all.