Changelog Note: All versions < 1.0 are beta. The numbering of versions is like with the linux kernel, which means 0.9 came before 0.10 and 0.11 and so on. Version 0.13 (06/22/2002) * New parameters DEVx_DRAW_TICKS and DEVx_TICK_INTERVAL to specify if grid lines along the x-axis should be drawn, and at what interval. * Fixed bug in LongRingBuffer.class (under certain conditions, data was not correctly moved when the buffer was resized) * Added parsing for more than one cpu in the server program (tested with up to 4 CPUs) * Added support to display second cpu in all graphs Version 0.12 (12/02/2001) * Updated the server-side script (again). An old version had slipped in with version 0.9 Version 0.11 (09/08/2001) * Fixed a race condition in the applet (when paint was being called while data was being received) * Reworked the data handling code in the controls * Fixed a bug with the "alignment" parameter - this was not being correctly evaluated * Added new parameter "vertical" for the application - if you're displaying the output from several hosts, you can now choose wether they should be aligned vertically or horizontally * The Applet/Application now reconnects automatically, if the connection is to the server is dropped. * New Parameter DEVx_PERCENT which will interpret the data as a percentage (IN+OUT = 100%). To be able to draw the graphs, after the percentage has been calculated (and saved in "IN"), OUT is set to 0 - otherwise, the histogram would simply always draw 100%. Version 0.10 (07/05/2001) * Fixed bug in LrpStatApplet that prevented the -v switch from working properly * Added parameter DEVx_DONT_NORMALIZE so values will not be normalized to "values per second" * Added parameter DEVx_ABSOLUTE so the value itself rather than the change from the previous value will be displayed * Added parameters DEVx_IN_CAPTION and DEVx_OUT_CAPTION so the user can specify the strings to be drawn in the legend and in the status bar. Version 0.9 (06/23/2001) * Fixed bug in Double-Histogram view * Added new parameters DEVx_SHOW_CPU_USAGE, CPU_SYSTEM_COLOR, CPU_USER_COLOR, CPU_NICE_COLOR and CPU_IDLE_COLOR. Using these parameters components can now display cpu-usage (the new C-server component is required for this feature) * Updated scaling for Histogram view * Minor cosmetic bugfixes * More profiling/optimizations * Restructuring of the documentation Version 0.8 (04/21/2001) * Fixed several bugs in LongRingBuffer.class * Completely new server component in C (written by Dirk Gfrörer) * Added display of ISDN-status (Online/Offline/Trying to connect) (works only with new C-program) * Added timestamps for data packets (works only with new C-program) * Actions now run in their own thread, so the applet isn't blocked until the action is completed * Fixed bug in Histogram view (values were not clipped correctly) * New component Double-Histogram view, where the in- and out-values are not simply added, but in-values are painted upwards from the center of the component, out-bytes downward from the center of the component * The timespan between measurements of the server component (C-program and shell-script) can be configured (via command-line parameter) * Finally did some profiling and started to get rid of some of the worst parts in the code Version 0.7 (02/10/2001) * Fixed a rather serious memory leak in the server-side C-program * Reimplemented the buffer that holds the data in histogram and line view The buffer automatically grows if neccessary and during normal operation (that is, if the buffer does not need to be resized) no copying of the buffer's contents is needed. * Added wrapper class so LrpStat can also be run as a Java-application * Added parameter "ALIGNMENT", so the graphs can be aligned in X or Y direction * Added parameters TITLE_FONT_NAME, TITLE_FONT_SIZE, STATUS_FONT_NAME and STATUS_FONT_SIZE so the user can customize which fonts/sizes the applet should use * Added parameters DRAW_CLIENT_BORDER and DRAW_COMPONENT_BORDER to specify whether borders around each "monitor" and the client area (where the lines are drawn) should be painted * Added parameter DEVx_DRAW_TITLE to specify whether the title bar should be drawn * Added parameter DEVx_DRAW_STATUS to specify whether the status bar should be drawn * Added parameter "INSETS" to specify the inner border of each component * Changed parameter "DRAW_LEGEND" - if not specified, or specified as "0" (this is new), no legend will be drawn. This was done so DRAW_LEGEND will be consistent with DRAW_CLIENT_BORDER and DRAW_COMPONENT_BORDER. * Added the ability to monitor different servers at once (only works for the by using the application, not for the applet). Version 0.6 (12/17/2000) * Added autoscaling to line-view and histogram view * Added optional offsets to the throughput data If you have a constant load on your server that you want to filter out, you can use these parameters to do so * Added c replacement program for the server-script (note: if you want to use the program instead of the script, you'll obviously have to change the command in /etc/inetd.conf, since the installation instructions assume you're using the script) * Changed the font in the status line to something that will display correctly under linux (at least on my installation of linux) Version 0.5 (12/04/2000) * Converted the script to UNIX format * Fixed installation instructions in readme (again) * Added error-handling to the parser Version 0.4 (12/03/2000) * Fixed installation instructions in readme * Added customizable colors for the controls * Cleaned up double-buffering code for painting the applet * Modified parser so capitalization of the interface name won't matter Version 0.3 (12/02/2000) * Added DEVx_LABEL to show user-specified String * Added DEVx_DRAW_LEGEND to specify if legend should be drawn * Added DEVx_GRID_INTERVAL to specify if and at what interval grid-lines should be drawn * Added DEVx_GRID_LINECOUNT to specify if and how many grid-lines should be drawn Version 0.2 (11/18/2000) * Fixed bug in BarGraph view * "Prettier" interface * Input- and Output-Bytes are shown in all views in a status line at the bottom (basically makes numeric view obsolete) Version 0.1 (11/05/2000) * First public release