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fix make error.
[rec10/rec10-git.git] / Rec10WEBG2 / rec10webg2.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 use KCatch;
4 use Config::Simple;
5 use DBI;
6 use CGI::Minimal;
7 use SVG;
8 use Time::Piece;
9 use Encode;
10 use Text::Ngram;
11 use utf8;
12 our $svg="";
13 our $dbh;
14 my $cgi=CGI::Minimal->new;
15 my $nHTML="";
17 my $cfg = new Config::Simple;
18 if ( -e '/etc/rec10.conf' ) {
19         $cfg->read( '/etc/rec10.conf' );
20 }
21 my $sql = $cfg->param( 'db.db' );
22 if ( $sql eq 'MySQL') {
23         my $name = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_dbname' );
24         my $host = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_host' );
25         my $port = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_port' );
26         my $user = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_user' );
27         my $pass = $cfg->param( 'db.mysql_passwd' );
28         $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$name:$host:$port", $user, $pass, {
29                 AutoCommit => 1,
30                 RaiseError => 1,
31         });
32         $dbh->do( 'SET NAMES utf8' );
33 }
34 my $btimenow=localtime;
35 my $etimenow=$btimenow+12*60*60;
36 if ($cgi->param('mode') eq "graph"){
37         $nHTML ="";
38         $nHTML = qq {Content-type:image/svg+xml\n\n};
39         my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
40         my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
41         my $ddate = $date2-$date;
42         my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
43         if ($dtime<1){
44                 $dtime=1;
45         }
46         $nHTML .= chtimesvg($cgi->param('chtxt'),$date,$dtime);
47 }elsif ($cgi->param('mode') eq "timegraph"){
48         $nHTML ="";
49         $nHTML = qq {Content-type:image/svg+xml\n\n};
50         my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
51         my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
52         my $ddate = $date2-$date;
53         my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
54         if ($dtime<1){
55                 $dtime=1;
56         }
57         $nHTML .= timesvg($date,$dtime);
58 }elsif ($cgi->param('mode') eq "table"){
59         $nHTML ="";
60         $nHTML = qq {Content-type:application/xhtml+xml\n\n};
61         my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
62         my $date2 = Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
63         my $ddate = $date2-$date;
64         my $dtime = $ddate->hours;
65         if ($dtime<1){
66                 $dtime=1;
67         }
68         $nHTML .= timesvg($date,$dtime);
69 }else{
70         if ($cgi->param('btime')ne ""){
71                 $btimenow=Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('btime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
72         }
73         if ($cgi->param('etime')ne ""){
74                 $etimenow=Time::Piece->strptime($cgi->param('etime'),'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
75         }
76         my $ch1=$cgi->param('ch1');
77         my $ch2=$cgi->param('ch2');
78         my $ch3=$cgi->param('ch3');
79         my $btxt=$btimenow->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-00-00');
80         my $etxt=$etimenow->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-00-00');
81         my $btxtnew2=$etimenow;
82         my $etxtnew2=$etimenow+18*60*60;
83         my $hdate=localtime;
84         $hdate=$hdate+1*60*60;
85         my $btxtnew1;
86         my $etxtnew1;
87         if ($btimenow<$hdate){
88                 $btxtnew1=$btimenow;
89                 $etxtnew1=$etimenow;
90         }else{
91                 $btxtnew1=$btimenow-18*60*60;
92                 $etxtnew1=$btimenow;
93         }
94         my @clist=@{db_select_chlist()};
95         my $chtxtlist ="";
96         if ($ch1 eq ""){
97                 $ch1=$clist[0][0];
98         }
99         if ($ch2 eq ""){
100                 $ch2=$clist[1][0];
101         }
102         if ($ch3 eq ""){
103                 $ch3=$clist[2][0];
104         }
105         my $blink="rec10webg2.pl?ch1=$ch1&amp;ch2=$ch2&amp;ch3=$ch3&amp;btime=".$btxtnew1->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')."&amp;etime=".$etxtnew1->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
106         my $alink="rec10webg2.pl?ch1=$ch1&amp;ch2=$ch2&amp;ch3=$ch3&amp;btime=".$btxtnew2->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')."&amp;etime=".$etxtnew2->strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S');
107         foreach my $cht (@clist){
108                 my @cht2=@{$cht};
109                 my $chn=$cht2[1];
110                 utf8::decode($chn);
111                 $chtxtlist=$chtxtlist."<option value=\"$cht2[0]\">$chn</option>\n";
112         }
113         my $chtxtlist1 = $chtxtlist;
114         my $chtxtlist2 = $chtxtlist;
115         my $chtxtlist3 = $chtxtlist;
116         $chtxtlist1 =~ s/$ch1"/$ch1" selected="selected"/;
117         $chtxtlist2 =~ s/$ch2"/$ch2" selected="selected"/;
118         $chtxtlist3 =~ s/$ch3"/$ch3" selected="selected"/;
119         $nHTML .= qq {Content-type:application/xhtml+xml\n\n};
120         $nHTML .= qq {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
121         $nHTML .= qq {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n};
122         $nHTML .= qq {<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja">\n};
123         $nHTML .= qq {<head>\n};
124         $nHTML .= qq {<title>Rec10WEB G2 番組表 ver alpha 2010-03-15};
125         $nHTML .= qq {</title>\n};
126         $nHTML .= qq {</head>\n};
127         $nHTML .= qq {<body>\n};
128         $nHTML .= qq {<form action="rec10webg2.pl">\n};
129         $nHTML .= qq {<p>Rec10WEB G2 alpha</p>\n};
130         $nHTML .= qq {<p>Rec10 番組表</p>\n};
131         $nHTML .= qq {<p style="width:100%;height:10%;buttom:2%;position:relative;">};
132         $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch1" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
133         $nHTML .= $chtxtlist1;
134         $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
135         $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch2" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
136         $nHTML .= $chtxtlist2;
137         $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
138         $nHTML .= qq {<select size="1" name="ch3" style="left:3%;width:30%;height:100%;position:relative;">\n};
139         $nHTML .= $chtxtlist3;
140         $nHTML .= qq {</select>\n};
141         $nHTML .= qq {<input type="submit" name="submit" value="表示" style="left:3%;width:3%;position:relative;"/>\n};
142         $nHTML .= qq {</p>\n};
143         $nHTML .= qq {<div style="width:100%;height:82%;bottom:3%;position:fixed;">\n};
144         $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=timegraph&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:3%;height:100%;">\n};
145         $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
146         $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
147         $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch1&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
148         $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
149         $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
150         $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch2&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
151         $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
152         $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
153         $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=graph&amp;chtxt=$ch3&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:30%;height:100%;">\n};
154         $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
155         $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
156         $nHTML .= qq {<object type="image/svg+xml" data="rec10webg2.pl?mode=timegraph&amp;btime=$btxt&amp;etime=$etxt" style="width:3%;height:100%;">\n};
157         $nHTML .= qq {SVG Timeline\n};
158         $nHTML .= qq {</object>\n};
159         $nHTML .= qq {</div>\n};
160         $nHTML .= qq {<p style="bottom:1%;position:fixed;">\n};
161         $nHTML .= qq {<a href="$blink" style="left:0%;position:fixed;">前へ</a>\n};
162         $nHTML .= qq {<a href="$alink" style="right:3%;position:fixed;">次へ</a>\n};
163         $nHTML .= qq {</p>\n};
164         $nHTML .= qq {</form>\n};
165         $nHTML .= qq {</body>\n};
166         $nHTML .= qq {</html>\n};
167 }
168 print encode('utf-8',$nHTML);
169 sub db_select_auto_bayes_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
170         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
171         "SELECT chtxt,title, btime, etime, point FROM auto_timeline_bayes"
172         ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
173         ."AND "
174         ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
175         ."AND "
176         ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
177         );
178         return $ary_db;
179 }
180 sub db_select_auto_jbk_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
181         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
182         "SELECT chtxt,title, btime, etime, point FROM auto_timeline_keyword"
183         ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
184         ."AND "
185         ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
186         ."AND "
187         ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
188         );
189         return $ary_db;
190 }
191 sub db_select_timeline{
192         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
193         "SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime, deltatime ,deltaday ,opt FROM timeline"
194         );
195         return $ary_db;
196 }
197 sub db_select_chtxt_btime_etime_timeline{#chtxt,btime,etime
198         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
199         "SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime FROM timeline"
200         ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
201         ." AND "
202         ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
203         ."AND "
204         ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
205         );
206         return $ary_db;
207 }
208 sub db_select_chlist{
209         my $dbe="SELECT chtxt,chname FROM epg_ch";
210         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbe);
211         return $ary_db;
212 }
213 sub db_select_epg_ch{#chtxt#btime#etime
214         my $dbe="SELECT epg_ch.chtxt,title,start,stop,exp,longexp,category FROM epg_timeline "
215         ."INNER JOIN epg_ch "
216         ."WHERE epg_ch.ontv=epg_timeline.channel "
217         ."AND "
218         ."start >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
219         ."AND "
220         ."stop <= \"".$_[2]."\" "
221         ."AND "
222         ."epg_ch.chtxt=\"".$_[0]."\"";
223         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbe);
224         #print "$ary_db->[0][2]\n";
225         return $ary_db;
226 }
227 #該当する番組の状況を調べる
228 sub check_program{#chtxt#btime#etime#title 0:normal 1:bayesおすすめ 2:jbkおすすめ 8:予約がいっぱい 9:予約済み 10:予約済みduplicate 11: 予約済みepg変更
229         my $ret=0;
230         my $dbt="SELECT type, chtxt, title, btime, etime ,epgduplicate ,epgchange FROM timeline "
231         ."WHERE btime >= \"".$_[1]."\" "
232         ." AND "
233         ."etime <= \"".$_[2]."\""
234         ." AND "
235         ."chtxt = \"".$_[0]."\""
236         ." AND "
237         ."title = \"".$_[3]."\"";
238         my $ary_db = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($dbt);
239         my @ary=@{$ary_db};
240         if ($#ary>-1){##該当が一件以上
241                 #die @ary;
242                 my @dbl=@ary;
243                 #die @dbl;
244                 if (int($dbl[5])>0){
245                         $ret=10;
246                 }elsif (int($dbl[6])>0){
247                         $ret=11;
248                 }else{
249                         $ret=9;
250                 }
251         }else{
252                 $ret=0;
253         }
254         return $ret;
255 }
256 sub timesvg{#btime,dtime
257         $svg = SVG -> new(
258                 width=>"100%",height=>"100%",
259                 );
260         my $btime = $_[0]->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00' );
261         my $bt = Time::Piece->strptime($btime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
262         $bt = $bt + 3600;
263         for (my $i = 0; $i <= $_[1]-2;$i++){
264                 my $btt= $bt + 3600*$i;
265                 my $tit = $btt->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H' );
266                 if (substr($tit,8,2)eq "00"){
267                         $tit = substr($tit,4,2)."/".substr($tit,6,2);
268                 }else{
269                         $tit = substr($tit,8,2).":00";
270                 }
271                 my $btime2=$btt-$_[0];
272                 my $y=$btime2->minutes;
273                 $y=$y*100/60/$_[1];
274                 $svg->text(
275                         font_size => "100%",
276                         x=>"0%",y=>"$y%",
277                         -cdata=>$tit
278                 );
279         }
280         my $out = $svg->xmlify(
281                 -pubid => "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN",
282                 -dtd => "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd",
283         );
284         my $b ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/TR\/2001\/REC-SVG-20010904\/DTD\/svg10\.dtd";
285         my $e ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/Graphics\/SVG\/1\.1\/DTD\/svg11\.dtd";
286         $out =~ s/$b/$e/;
287         return $out;
288 }
289 sub chtimesvg{#chtxt,btime,dtime
290         $svg = SVG -> new(
291                 width=>"100%",height=>"100%",
292                 );
293         my $bt = $_[1];
294         my $btime = $bt->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
295         my $et = $bt + $_[2]*3600;
296         my $etime = $et->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
297         my @auto_bayes = @{db_select_epg_ch($_[0],$btime,$etime)};#chtxt#btime#etime
298         my @dbl =@{db_select_epg_ch($_[0],$btime,$etime)};
299         foreach my $tt (@dbl){
300                 my @tt2=@{$tt};
301                 my $bttime2=substr($tt2[2],0,4)."-".substr($tt2[2],4,2)."-".substr($tt2[2],6,2)
302                         ." ".substr($tt2[2],8,2).":".substr($tt2[2],10,2).":".substr($tt2[2],12,2);
303                 my $ettime2=substr($tt2[3],0,4)."-".substr($tt2[3],4,2)."-".substr($tt2[3],6,2)
304                         ." ".substr($tt2[3],8,2).":".substr($tt2[3],10,2).":".substr($tt2[3],12,2);
305                 my $bttime=Time::Piece->strptime($bttime2,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
306                 my $ettime=Time::Piece->strptime($ettime2,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
307                 my $btime2=$bttime-$bt;
308                 my $y=$btime2->minutes;
309                 #$y=$y*100/60/$_[2];
310                 $y=$y*100/60/$_[2];
311                 my $h=($ettime-$bttime);
312                 $h=$h->minutes;
313                 #$h=$h*100/60/$_[2];
314                 $h=$h*100/60/$_[2];
315                 my $colin="Snow";
316                 my $colout="LemonChiffon";
317                 my $colorchar="Black";
318                 my $cat = $tt2[6];
319                 my $type = 0;##typeは表示タイプ 0:normal 1:bayesおすすめ 2:jbkおすすめ 8:予約がいっぱい 9:予約済み
321                 foreach my $ab (@auto_bayes){
322                         my @ab2=@{$ab};
323                         #print "Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml\n\n";
324                         #print $ab2[2];
325                         my $btt=substr($ab2[2],0,4)."-".substr($ab2[2],4,2)."-".substr($ab2[2],6,2)
326                         ." ".substr($ab2[2],8,2).":".substr($ab2[2],10,2).":".substr($ab2[2],12,2);
327                         my $ett=substr($ab2[3],0,4)."-".substr($ab2[3],4,2)."-".substr($ab2[3],6,2)
328                         ." ".substr($ab2[3],8,2).":".substr($ab2[3],10,2).":".substr($ab2[3],12,2);
329                         my $tbtime=Time::Piece->strptime($btt,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
330                         my $tetime=Time::Piece->strptime($ett,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
331                         if ((($bttime-$tbtime)<30*60)&&(($tetime-$ettime)<30*60)&&(length($tt2[1])>0)&&(length($ab2[1])>0)){
332                                 my $str1=$tt2[1];
333                                 utf8::decode($str1);
334                                 my $str2=$ab2[1];
335                                 utf8::decode($str2);
336                                 my %ng=Text::Ngram->ngram_counts({spaces=>0},$str1,2);
337                                 my $ddbtime=$tbtime-$bttime+1;
338                                 $ddbtime=abs($ddbtime);
339                                 my $dp=1000-1000*$ddbtime/(7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
340                                 my $point=0;
341                                 use Data::Dumper;
342                                 while ((my $key,my $value) = each(%ng)){
343                                         my $i=$str2;
344                                         #die Dumper($key);
345                                         $i=$i=~ s/$key//g;
346                                         if ($i>0){
347                                                 #die $i;
348                                                 $i=90+10*$i;
349                                         }else{
350                                                 $i=0;
351                                         }
352                                         $point += $i;
353                                 }
354                                 if ($point>0){
355                                         $point += $dp;
356                                         die $point;
357                                 }
358                                 if ($point>1200){
359                                         $type=1;
360                                         #die $point;
361                                 }
362                         }
363                 }
364                 #epg_ch.chtxt,title,start,stop,exp,longexp,category
365                 $type = check_program($tt2[0],$bttime2,$ettime2,$tt2[1]);
366                 utf8::decode($cat);
367                 my $title;
368                 $title=$tt2[1];
369                 if ($cat eq "その他"){
370                         $colin="Snow";
371                         $colout="LemonChiffon";
372                 }elsif($cat eq "情報"){
373                         $colin="LightGoldenrodYellow";
374                         $colout="Khaki";
375                 }elsif ($cat eq "ニュース・報道"){
376                         $colin="PeachPuff";
377                         $colout="LightPink";
378                 }elsif ($cat eq "アニメ・特撮"){
379                         $colin="AliceBlue";
380                         $colout="DodgerBlue";
381                 }elsif ($cat eq "バラエティ"){
382                         $colin="LightPink";
383                         $colout="Coral";
384                 }elsif ($cat eq "スポーツ"){
385                         $colin="Honeydew";
386                         $colout="GreenYellow";
387                 }elsif ($cat eq "音楽"){
388                         $colin="Plum";
389                         $colout="Orchid";
390                 }elsif ($cat eq "映画"){
391                         $colin="BurlyWood";
392                         $colout="RosyBrown";
393                 }
394                 if ($type==1){##braviaモード
395                         #$colin="white";
396                         $colorchar="Green";
397                 }elsif ($type==2){##jbkモード
398                         $colorchar="Blue";
399                 }elsif ($type==8){##予約がいっぱい
400                         $colorchar="Gray";
401                 }elsif ($type==9){##録画予約済み
402                         $colorchar="Orange";
403                 }elsif ($type==10){##10:予約済みduplicate
404                         $colorchar="Red";
405                 }elsif ($type==11){##録画予約済みchange
406                         $colorchar="Green";
407                 }
408                 my $link="rectool.pl?mode=confirm&amp;mode_sub=reserve&amp;chtxt=".$_[0]."&amp;start=".$bttime->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' )."&amp;stop=".$ettime->strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' );
409                 getrect(0,$y,100,$h,$title,$tt2[4],$link,$colout,$colin,substr($tt2[2],8,4)." - ".substr($tt2[3],8,4),$colorchar);#x,y,width,height,title,desc,link,colorout,colorin
410         }
411         #print "</body></html>";
412         my $out = $svg->xmlify(
413                 -pubid => "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN",
414                 -dtd => "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd",
415         );
416         my $b ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/TR\/2001\/REC-SVG-20010904\/DTD\/svg10\.dtd";
417         my $e ="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/Graphics\/SVG\/1\.1\/DTD\/svg11\.dtd";
418         $out =~ s/$b/$e/;
419         return $out;
420 }
421 sub getrect(){#x,y,width,height,title,desc,link,colorout,colorin,timedesc,colorfont
422         my $x=shift;
423         my $y=shift;
424         my $width=shift;
425         my $height=shift;
426         my $title=shift;
427         my $desc= shift;
428         my $link= shift;
429         my $colorout= shift;
430         my $colorin = shift;
431         my $timechar = shift;
432         my $colorchar = shift;
433         my $ttxt=$title."    ".$desc;
434         utf8::decode($ttxt);
435         utf8::decode($title);
436         utf8::decode($desc);
437         my $anc = $svg -> anchor(
438         -href => $link,
439         'target' => '_blank',
440         -title => $ttxt
441         );
442         my $bgrec=$anc->group(
443                 style=>{stroke=>"black",fill=>"black"}
444         );
445         $bgrec->rectangle(
446                 x=>"$x%",y=>"$y%",
447                 width=>"$width%",height=>"$height%",
448                 rx=>3.0,ry=>3.0,
449                 #"stroke-width"=>"3",
450         );
451         my $rec1=$anc->group(
452                 #style=>{stroke=>$colorout,fill=>$colorin}
454                 ##############################test
455                 style=>{stroke=>$colorout,fill=>$colorin}
457         );
458         my $charcol=$anc->group(
459                 style=>{fill=>$colorchar}
460         );
461         $rec1->rectangle(
462                 x=>"$x%",y=>"$y%",
463                 width=>"$width%",height=>"$height%",
464                 rx=>3.0,ry=>3.0,
465                 #'onmouseover'=>"evt.target.setAttribute('fill','yellow');",
466                 #'onmouseout'=>"evt.target.setAttribute('fill',$colorin);"
467                 #"stroke-width"=>"3",
468         );
469         if ($height>4){
470                 $charcol ->text(
471                         style => {
472                                 'font-size' => "60%",
473                         },
475                         x=>"$x%",y=>($y+4)."%",
476                         -cdata=>$timechar,
477                 );
478         }
479         if ($height>2){
480                 $charcol ->text(
481                         style => {
482                                 'font-size' => "80%",
483                         },
484                         x=>"$x%",y=>($y+2)."%",
485                         -cdata=>$title
486                 );
487         }
488         return ;
489 }