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[nvdajp/nvdajp.git] / keyCommandsDoc.py
1 #keyCommandsDoc.py\r
2 #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)\r
3 #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.\r
4 #See the file COPYING for more details.\r
5 #Copyright (C) 2010 James Teh <jamie@jantrid.net>\r
6 \r
7 """Utilities related to NVDA Key Commands documents.\r
8 """\r
9 \r
10 import os\r
11 import codecs\r
12 import re\r
13 import txt2tags\r
14 \r
15 LINE_END = u"\r\n"\r
16 \r
17 class KeyCommandsError(Exception):\r
18         """Raised due to an error encountered in the User Guide related to generation of the Key Commands document.\r
19         """\r
20 \r
21 class KeyCommandsMaker(object):\r
22         """Generates the Key Commands document from the User Guide.\r
23         To generate a Key Commands document, create an instance and then call L{make} on it.\r
24         \r
25         Generation of the Key Commands document requires certain commands to be included in the user guide.\r
26         These commands must begin at the start of the line and take the form::\r
27                 %kc:command: arg\r
28         \r
29         The kc:title command must appear first and specifies the title of the Key Commands document. For example::\r
30                 %kc:title: NVDA Key Commands\r
31         \r
32         The kc:includeconf command allows you to insert a txt2tags includeconf command in the Key Commands document. For example::\r
33                 %kc:includeconf: ../ar.t2tconf\r
34         You may use multiple kc:includeconf commands, but they must appear before any of the other commands below.\r
35         \r
36         The rest of these commands are used to include key commands into the document.\r
37         Appropriate headings from the User Guide will be included implicitly.\r
38         \r
39         The kc:beginInclude command begins a block of text which should be included verbatim.\r
40         The block ends at the kc:endInclude command.\r
41         For example::\r
42                 %kc:beginInclude\r
43                 || Name | Desktop command | Laptop command | Description |\r
44                 ...\r
45                 %kc:endInclude\r
46         \r
47         The kc:settingsSection command indicates the beginning of a section documenting individual settings.\r
48         It specifies the header row for a table summarising the settings indicated by the kc:setting command (see below).\r
49         In order, it must consist of a name column, a column for each keyboard layout and a description column.\r
50         For example::\r
51                 %kc:settingsSection: || Name | Desktop command | Laptop command | Description |\r
52         \r
53         The kc:setting command indicates a section for an individual setting.\r
54         It must be followed by:\r
55                 * A heading containing the name of the setting;\r
56                 * A table row for each keyboard layout, or if the key is common to all layouts, a single line of text specifying the key after a colon;\r
57                 * A blank line; and\r
58                 * A line describing the setting.\r
59         For example::\r
60                 %kc:setting\r
61                 ==== Braille Tethered To ====\r
62                 | Desktop command | NVDA+control+t |\r
63                 | Laptop Command | NVDA+control+t |\r
64                 This option allows you to choose whether the braille display will follow the system focus, or whether it follows the navigator object / review cursor.\r
65         """\r
66 \r
67         t2tRe = None\r
68         RE_COMMAND = re.compile(r"^%kc:(?P<cmd>[^:\s]+)(?:: (?P<arg>.*))?$")\r
69         KCSECT_HEADER = 0\r
70         KCSECT_CONFIG = 1\r
71         KCSECT_BODY = 2\r
72 \r
73         @classmethod\r
74         def _initClass(cls):\r
75                 if cls.t2tRe:\r
76                         return\r
77                 # Only fetch this once.\r
78                 cls.t2tRe = txt2tags.getRegexes()\r
79 \r
80         def __init__(self, userGuideFilename,keyCommandsFileName):\r
81                 """Constructor.\r
82                 @param userGuideFilename: The file name of the User Guide to be used as input.\r
83                 @type userGuideFilename: str\r
84                 @param keyCommandsFilename: The file name of the key commands file to be output. \r
85                 @type keyCommandsFilename: str\r
86                 """\r
87                 self._initClass()\r
88                 self.ugFn = userGuideFilename\r
89                 #: The file name of the Key Commands document that will be generated.\r
90                 #: This will be in the same directory as the User Guide.\r
91                 self.kcFn = keyCommandsFileName\r
92                 #: The current section of the key commands file.\r
93                 self._kcSect = self.KCSECT_HEADER\r
94                 #: The current stack of headings.\r
95                 self._headings = []\r
96                 #: The 0 based level of the last heading in L{_headings} written to the key commands file.\r
97                 self._kcLastHeadingLevel = -1\r
98                 #: Whether lines which aren't commands should be written to the key commands file as is.\r
99                 self._kcInclude = False\r
100                 #: The header row for settings sections.\r
101                 self._settingsHeaderRow = None\r
102                 #: The number of layouts for settings in a settings section.\r
103                 self._settingsNumLayouts = 0\r
104 \r
105         def make(self):\r
106                 """Generate the Key Commands document.\r
107                 @postcondition: If the User Guide contains appropriate commands, the Key Commands document will be generated and saved as L{kcFn}.\r
108                         Otherwise, no file will be generated.\r
109                 @return: C{True} if a document was generated, C{False} otherwise.\r
110                 @rtype: bool\r
111                 @raise IOError:\r
112                 @raise KeyCommandsError:\r
113                 """\r
114                 tKcFn=self.kcFn+'__'\r
115                 self._ug = codecs.open(self.ugFn, "r", "utf-8-sig")\r
116                 self._kc = codecs.open(tKcFn, "w", "utf-8-sig")\r
117 \r
118                 success=False\r
119                 with self._ug, self._kc:\r
120                         self._make()\r
121                         success=self._kc.tell() > 0\r
122                 if success:\r
123                         os.rename(tKcFn,self.kcFn)\r
124                 else:\r
125                         os.remove(tKcFn)\r
126                 return success\r
127 \r
128         def _make(self):\r
129                 for line in self._ug:\r
130                         line = line.rstrip()\r
131                         m = self.RE_COMMAND.match(line)\r
132                         if m:\r
133                                 self._command(**m.groupdict())\r
134                                 continue\r
135 \r
136                         m = self.t2tRe["numtitle"].match(line)\r
137                         if m:\r
138                                 self._heading(m)\r
139                                 continue\r
140 \r
141                         if self._kcInclude:\r
142                                 self._kc.write(line + LINE_END)\r
143 \r
144         def _command(self, cmd=None, arg=None):\r
145                 # Handle header commands.\r
146                 if cmd == "title":\r
147                         if self._kcSect > self.KCSECT_HEADER:\r
148                                 raise KeyCommandsError("title command is not valid here")\r
149                         # Write the title and two blank lines to complete the txt2tags header section.\r
150                         self._kc.write(arg + LINE_END * 3)\r
151                         self._kcSect = self.KCSECT_CONFIG\r
152                         self._kc.write("%%!includeconf: ../global.t2tconf%s" % LINE_END)\r
153                         return\r
154                 elif self._kcSect == self.KCSECT_HEADER:\r
155                         raise KeyCommandsError("title must be the first command")\r
156                 elif cmd == "includeconf":\r
157                         if self._kcSect > self.KCSECT_CONFIG:\r
158                                 raise KeyCommandsError("includeconf command is not valid here")\r
159                         self._kc.write("%%!includeconf: %s%s" % (arg, LINE_END))\r
160                         return\r
161                 elif self._kcSect == self.KCSECT_CONFIG:\r
162                         self._kc.write(LINE_END)\r
163                         self._kcSect = self.KCSECT_BODY\r
164 \r
165                 if cmd == "beginInclude":\r
166                         self._writeHeadings()\r
167                         self._kcInclude = True\r
168                 elif cmd == "endInclude":\r
169                         self._kcInclude = False\r
170                         self._kc.write(LINE_END)\r
171 \r
172                 elif cmd == "settingsSection":\r
173                         # The argument is the table header row for the settings section.\r
174                         self._settingsHeaderRow = arg\r
175                         # There are name and description columns.\r
176                         # Each of the remaining columns provides keystrokes for one layout.\r
177                         # There's one less delimiter than there are columns, hence subtracting 1 instead of 2.\r
178                         self._settingsNumLayouts = arg.strip("|").count("|") - 1\r
179                 elif cmd == "setting":\r
180                         self._handleSetting()\r
181 \r
182                 else:\r
183                         raise KeyCommandsError("Invalid command %s" % cmd)\r
184 \r
185         def _areHeadingsPending(self):\r
186                 return self._kcLastHeadingLevel < len(self._headings) - 1\r
187 \r
188         def _writeHeadings(self):\r
189                 level = self._kcLastHeadingLevel + 1\r
190                 # Only write headings we haven't yet written.\r
191                 for level, heading in enumerate(self._headings[level:], level):\r
192                         # We don't want numbered headings in the output.\r
193                         label=heading.group("label")\r
194                         headingText = u"{id}{txt}{id}{label}".format(\r
195                                 id="=" * len(heading.group("id")),\r
196                                 txt=heading.group("txt"),\r
197                                 label="[%s]" % label if label else "")\r
198                         # Write the heading and a blank line.\r
199                         self._kc.write(headingText + LINE_END * 2)\r
200                 self._kcLastHeadingLevel = level\r
201 \r
202         def _heading(self, m):\r
203                 # We work with 0 based heading levels.\r
204                 level = len(m.group("id")) - 1\r
205                 try:\r
206                         del self._headings[level:]\r
207                 except IndexError:\r
208                         pass\r
209                 self._headings.append(m)\r
210                 self._kcLastHeadingLevel = min(self._kcLastHeadingLevel, level - 1)\r
211 \r
212         def _handleSetting(self):\r
213                 if not self._settingsHeaderRow:\r
214                         raise KeyCommandsError("setting command cannot be used before settingsSection command")\r
215 \r
216                 if self._areHeadingsPending():\r
217                         # There are new headings to write.\r
218                         # If there was a previous settings table, it ends here, so write a blank line.\r
219                         self._kc.write(LINE_END)\r
220                         self._writeHeadings()\r
221                         # New headings were written, so we need to output the header row.\r
222                         self._kc.write(self._settingsHeaderRow + LINE_END)\r
223 \r
224                 # The next line should be a heading which is the name of the setting.\r
225                 line = next(self._ug)\r
226                 m = self.t2tRe["title"].match(line)\r
227                 if not m:\r
228                         raise KeyCommandsError("setting command must be followed by heading")\r
229                 name = m.group("txt")\r
230 \r
231                 # The next few lines should be table rows for each layout.\r
232                 # Alternatively, if the key is common to all layouts, there will be a single line of text specifying the key after a colon.\r
233                 keys = []\r
234                 for layout in xrange(self._settingsNumLayouts):\r
235                         line = next(self._ug).strip()\r
236                         if ":" in line:\r
237                                 keys.append(line.split(":", 1)[1].strip())\r
238                                 break\r
239                         elif not self.t2tRe["table"].match(line):\r
240                                 raise KeyCommandsError("setting command: There must be one table row for each keyboard layout")\r
241                         # This is a table row.\r
242                         # The key will be the second column.\r
243                         # TODO: Error checking.\r
244                         key = line.strip("|").split("|")[1].strip()\r
245                         keys.append(key)\r
246                 if 1 == len(keys) < self._settingsNumLayouts:\r
247                         # The key has only been specified once, so it is the same in all layouts.\r
248                         key = keys[0]\r
249                         keys[1:] = (key for layout in xrange(self._settingsNumLayouts - 1))\r
250 \r
251                 # There should now be a blank line.\r
252                 line = next(self._ug).strip()\r
253                 if line:\r
254                         raise KeyCommandsError("setting command: The keyboard shortcuts must be followed by a blank line. Multiple keys must be included in a table. Erroneous key: %s"%key)\r
255 \r
256                 # Finally, the next line should be the description.\r
257                 desc = next(self._ug).strip()\r
258 \r
259                 self._kc.write(u"| {name} | {keys} | {desc} |{lineEnd}".format(\r
260                         name=name,\r
261                         keys=u" | ".join(keys),\r
262                         desc=desc, lineEnd=LINE_END))\r
263 \r
264         def remove(self):\r
265                 """Remove the generated Key Commands document.\r
266                 """\r
267                 try:\r
268                         os.remove(self.kcFn)\r
269                 except OSError:\r
270                         pass\r