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[nvdajp/nvdajp.git] / source / characterProcessing.py
1 #characterProcessing.py\r
2 #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)\r
3 #Copyright (C) 2010-2011 NV Access Inc, World Light Information Limited, Hong Kong Blind Union\r
4 #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.\r
5 #See the file COPYING for more details.\r
6 \r
7 import time\r
8 import os\r
9 import codecs\r
10 import collections\r
11 import re\r
12 from logHandler import log\r
13 import globalVars\r
14 \r
15 class LocaleDataMap(object):\r
16         """Allows access to locale-specific data objects, dynamically loading them if needed on request"""\r
17 \r
18         def __init__(self,localeDataFactory):\r
19                 """\r
20                 @param localeDataFactory: the factory to create data objects for the requested locale.\r
21                 """ \r
22                 self._localeDataFactory=localeDataFactory\r
23                 self._dataMap={}\r
24 \r
25         def fetchLocaleData(self,locale,fallback=True):\r
26                 """\r
27                 Fetches a data object for the given locale. \r
28                 This may mean that the data object is first created and stored if it does not yet exist in the map.\r
29                 The locale is also simplified (country is dropped) if the fallback argument is True and the full locale can not be used to create a data object.\r
30                 @param locale: the locale of the data object requested\r
31                 @type locale: string\r
32                 @param fallback: if true and there is no data for the locale, then the country (if it exists) is stripped and just the language is tried.\r
33                 @type fallback: boolean\r
34                 @return: the data object for the given locale\r
35                 """\r
36                 localeList=[locale]\r
37                 if fallback and '_' in locale:\r
38                         localeList.append(locale.split('_')[0])\r
39                 for l in localeList:\r
40                         data=self._dataMap.get(l)\r
41                         if data: return data\r
42                         try:\r
43                                 data=self._localeDataFactory(l)\r
44                         except LookupError:\r
45                                 data=None\r
46                         if not data: continue\r
47                         self._dataMap[l]=data\r
48                         return data\r
49                 raise LookupError(locale)\r
50 \r
51         def invalidateLocaleData(self, locale):\r
52                 """Invalidate the data object (if any) for the given locale.\r
53                 This will cause a new data object to be created when this locale is next requested.\r
54                 @param locale: The locale for which the data object should be invalidated.\r
55                 @type locale: str\r
56                 """\r
57                 try:\r
58                         del self._dataMap[locale]\r
59                 except KeyError:\r
60                         pass\r
61 \r
62 class CharacterDescriptions(object):\r
63         """\r
64         Represents a map of characters to one or more descriptions (examples) for that character.\r
65         The data is loaded from a file from the requested locale.\r
66         """\r
67 \r
68         def __init__(self,locale):\r
69                 """\r
70                 @param locale: The characterDescriptions.dic file will be found by using this locale.\r
71                 @type locale: string\r
72                 """\r
73                 self._entries = {}\r
74                 fileName=os.path.join('locale',locale,'characterDescriptions.dic')\r
75                 if not os.path.isfile(fileName): \r
76                         raise LookupError(fileName)\r
77                 f = codecs.open(fileName,"r","utf_8_sig",errors="replace")\r
78                 for line in f:\r
79                         if line.isspace() or line.startswith('#'):\r
80                                 continue\r
81                         line=line.rstrip('\r\n')\r
82                         temp=line.split("\t")\r
83                         if len(temp) > 1:\r
84                                 key=temp.pop(0)\r
85                                 self._entries[key] = temp\r
86                         else:\r
87                                 log.warning("can't parse line '%s'" % line)\r
88                 log.debug("Loaded %d entries." % len(self._entries))\r
89                 f.close()\r
90 \r
91         def getCharacterDescription(self, character):\r
92                 """\r
93                 Looks up the given character and returns a list containing all the description strings found.\r
94                 """\r
95                 return self._entries.get(character)\r
96 \r
97 _charDescLocaleDataMap=LocaleDataMap(CharacterDescriptions)\r
98 \r
99 def getCharacterDescription(locale,character):\r
100         """\r
101         Finds a description or examples for the given character, which makes sence in the given locale.\r
102         @param locale: the locale (language[_COUNTRY]) the description should be for.\r
103         @type locale: string\r
104         @param character: the character  who's description should be retreaved.\r
105         @type character: string\r
106         @return:  the found description for the given character\r
107         @rtype: list of strings\r
108         """\r
109         try:\r
110                 l=_charDescLocaleDataMap.fetchLocaleData(locale)\r
111         except LookupError:\r
112                 if not locale.startswith('en'):\r
113                         return getCharacterDescription('en',character)\r
114                 raise LookupError("en")\r
115         desc=l.getCharacterDescription(character)\r
116         if not desc and not locale.startswith('en'):\r
117                 desc=getCharacterDescription('en',character)\r
118         return desc\r
119  \r
120 # Speech symbol levels\r
121 SYMLVL_NONE = 0\r
122 SYMLVL_SOME = 100\r
123 SYMLVL_MOST = 200\r
124 SYMLVL_ALL = 300\r
125 SYMLVL_CHAR = 1000\r
127         # Translators: The level at which the given symbol will be spoken.\r
128         SYMLVL_NONE: pgettext("symbolLevel", "none"),\r
129         # Translators: The level at which the given symbol will be spoken.\r
130         SYMLVL_SOME: pgettext("symbolLevel", "some"),\r
131         # Translators: The level at which the given symbol will be spoken.\r
132         SYMLVL_MOST: pgettext("symbolLevel", "most"),\r
133         # Translators: The level at which the given symbol will be spoken.\r
134         SYMLVL_ALL: pgettext("symbolLevel", "all"),\r
135         # Translators: The level at which the given symbol will be spoken.\r
136         SYMLVL_CHAR: pgettext("symbolLevel", "character"),\r
137 }\r
140 \r
141 # Speech symbol preserve modes\r
145 \r
146 class SpeechSymbol(object):\r
147         __slots__ = ("identifier", "pattern", "replacement", "level", "preserve", "displayName")\r
148 \r
149         def __init__(self, identifier, pattern=None, replacement=None, level=None, preserve=None, displayName=None):\r
150                 self.identifier = identifier\r
151                 self.pattern = pattern\r
152                 self.replacement = replacement\r
153                 self.level = level\r
154                 self.preserve = preserve\r
155                 self.displayName = displayName\r
156 \r
157         def __repr__(self):\r
158                 attrs = []\r
159                 for attr in self.__slots__:\r
160                         attrs.append("{name}={val!r}".format(\r
161                                 name=attr, val=getattr(self, attr)))\r
162                 return "SpeechSymbol(%s)" % ", ".join(attrs)\r
163 \r
164 class SpeechSymbols(object):\r
165         """\r
166         Contains raw information about the pronunciation of symbols.\r
167         It does not handle inheritance of data from other sources, processing of text, etc.\r
168         This is all handled by L{SpeechSymbolProcessor}.\r
169         """\r
170 \r
171         def __init__(self):\r
172                 """Constructor.\r
173                 """\r
174                 self.complexSymbols = collections.OrderedDict()\r
175                 self.symbols = collections.OrderedDict()\r
176                 self.fileName = None\r
177 \r
178         def load(self, fileName, allowComplexSymbols=True):\r
179                 """Load symbol information from a file.\r
180                 @param fileName: The name of the file from which to load symbol information.\r
181                 @type fileName: str\r
182                 @param allowComplexSymbols: Whether to allow complex symbols.\r
183                 @type allowComplexSymbols: bool\r
184                 @raise IOError: If the file cannot be read.\r
185                 """\r
186                 self.fileName = fileName\r
187                 with codecs.open(fileName, "r", "utf_8_sig", errors="replace") as f:\r
188                         handler = None\r
189                         for line in f:\r
190                                 if line.isspace() or line.startswith("#"):\r
191                                         # Whitespace or comment.\r
192                                         continue\r
193                                 line = line.rstrip("\r\n")\r
194                                 try:\r
195                                         if line == "complexSymbols:" and allowComplexSymbols:\r
196                                                 handler = self._loadComplexSymbol\r
197                                         elif line == "symbols:":\r
198                                                 handler = self._loadSymbol\r
199                                         elif handler:\r
200                                                 # This is a line within a section, so handle it according to which section we're in.\r
201                                                 handler(line)\r
202                                         else:\r
203                                                 raise ValueError\r
204                                 except ValueError:\r
205                                         log.warning(u"Invalid line in file {file}: {line}".format(\r
206                                                 file=fileName, line=line))\r
207 \r
208         def _loadComplexSymbol(self, line):\r
209                 try:\r
210                         identifier, pattern = line.split("\t")\r
211                 except TypeError:\r
212                         raise ValueError\r
213                 self.complexSymbols[identifier] = pattern\r
214 \r
215         def _loadSymbolField(self, input, inputMap=None):\r
216                 if input == "-":\r
217                         # Default.\r
218                         return None\r
219                 if not inputMap:\r
220                         return input\r
221                 try:\r
222                         return inputMap[input]\r
223                 except KeyError:\r
224                         raise ValueError\r
225 \r
227                 "0": "\0",\r
228                 "t": "\t",\r
229                 "n": "\n",\r
230                 "r": "\r",\r
231                 "f": "\f",\r
232                 "v": "\v",\r
233                 "#": "#",\r
234                 "\\": "\\",\r
235         }\r
236         IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES_OUTPUT = {v: k for k, v in IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES_INPUT.iteritems()}\r
237         LEVEL_INPUT = {\r
238                 "none": SYMLVL_NONE,\r
239                 "some": SYMLVL_SOME,\r
240                 "most": SYMLVL_MOST,\r
241                 "all": SYMLVL_ALL,\r
242                 "char": SYMLVL_CHAR,\r
243         }\r
244         LEVEL_OUTPUT = {v:k for k, v in LEVEL_INPUT.iteritems()}\r
245         PRESERVE_INPUT = {\r
246                 "never": SYMPRES_NEVER,\r
247                 "always": SYMPRES_ALWAYS,\r
248                 "norep": SYMPRES_NOREP,\r
249         }\r
250         PRESERVE_OUTPUT = {v: k for k, v in PRESERVE_INPUT.iteritems()}\r
251 \r
252         def _loadSymbol(self, line):\r
253                 line = line.split("\t")\r
254                 identifier = replacement = level = preserve = displayName = None\r
255                 if line[-1].startswith("#"):\r
256                         # Regardless of how many fields there are,\r
257                         # if the last field is a comment, it is the display name.\r
258                         displayName = line[-1][1:].lstrip()\r
259                         del line[-1]\r
260                 line = iter(line)\r
261                 try:\r
262                         identifier = next(line)\r
263                         if not identifier:\r
264                                 # Empty identifier is not allowed.\r
265                                 raise ValueError\r
266                         if identifier.startswith("\\") and len(identifier) >= 2:\r
267                                 identifier = self.IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES_INPUT.get(identifier[1], identifier[1]) + identifier[2:]\r
268                         replacement = self._loadSymbolField(next(line))\r
269                 except StopIteration:\r
270                         # These fields are mandatory.\r
271                         raise ValueError\r
272                 try:\r
273                         level = self._loadSymbolField(next(line), self.LEVEL_INPUT)\r
274                         preserve = self._loadSymbolField(next(line), self.PRESERVE_INPUT)\r
275                 except StopIteration:\r
276                         # These fields are optional. Defaults will be used for unspecified fields.\r
277                         pass\r
278                 self.symbols[identifier] = SpeechSymbol(identifier, None, replacement, level, preserve, displayName)\r
279 \r
280         def save(self, fileName=None):\r
281                 """Save symbol information to a file.\r
282                 @param fileName: The name of the file to which to save symbol information,\r
283                         C{None} to use the file name last passed to L{load} or L{save}.\r
284                 @type fileName: str\r
285                 @raise IOError: If the file cannot be written.\r
286                 @raise ValueError: If C{fileName} is C{None}\r
287                         and L{load} or L{save} has not been called.\r
288                 """\r
289                 if fileName:\r
290                         self.fileName = fileName\r
291                 elif self.fileName:\r
292                         fileName = self.fileName\r
293                 else:\r
294                         raise ValueError("No file name")\r
295 \r
296                 with codecs.open(fileName, "w", "utf_8_sig", errors="replace") as f:\r
297                         if self.complexSymbols:\r
298                                 f.write(u"complexSymbols:\r\n")\r
299                                 for identifier, pattern in self.complexSymbols.iteritems():\r
300                                         f.write(u"%s\t%s\r\n" % (identifier, pattern))\r
301                                 f.write(u"\r\n")\r
302 \r
303                         if self.symbols:\r
304                                 f.write(u"symbols:\r\n")\r
305                                 for symbol in self.symbols.itervalues():\r
306                                         f.write(u"%s\r\n" % self._saveSymbol(symbol))\r
307 \r
308         def _saveSymbolField(self, output, outputMap=None):\r
309                 if output is None:\r
310                         return "-"\r
311                 if not outputMap:\r
312                         return output\r
313                 try:\r
314                         return outputMap[output]\r
315                 except KeyError:\r
316                         raise ValueError\r
317 \r
318         def _saveSymbol(self, symbol):\r
319                 identifier = symbol.identifier\r
320                 try:\r
321                         identifier = u"\\%s%s" % (\r
322                                 self.IDENTIFIER_ESCAPES_OUTPUT[identifier[0]], identifier[1:])\r
323                 except KeyError:\r
324                         pass\r
325                 fields = [identifier,\r
326                         self._saveSymbolField(symbol.replacement),\r
327                         self._saveSymbolField(symbol.level, self.LEVEL_OUTPUT),\r
328                         self._saveSymbolField(symbol.preserve, self.PRESERVE_OUTPUT)\r
329                 ]\r
330                 # Strip optional fields with default values.\r
331                 for field in reversed(fields[2:]):\r
332                         if field == "-":\r
333                                 del fields[-1]\r
334                         else:\r
335                                 # This field specifies a value, so no more fields can be stripped.\r
336                                 break\r
337                 if symbol.displayName:\r
338                         fields.append("# %s" % symbol.displayName)\r
339                 return u"\t".join(fields)\r
340 \r
341 def _getSpeechSymbolsForLocale(locale):\r
342         builtin = SpeechSymbols()\r
343         try:\r
344                 builtin.load(os.path.join("locale", locale, "symbols.dic"))\r
345         except IOError:\r
346                 raise LookupError("No symbol information for locale %s" % locale)\r
347         user = SpeechSymbols()\r
348         try:\r
349                 # Don't allow users to specify complex symbols\r
350                 # because an error will cause the whole processor to fail.\r
351                 user.load(os.path.join(globalVars.appArgs.configPath, "symbols-%s.dic" % locale),\r
352                         allowComplexSymbols=False)\r
353         except IOError:\r
354                 # An empty user SpeechSymbols is okay.\r
355                 pass\r
356         return builtin, user\r
357 \r
358 class SpeechSymbolProcessor(object):\r
359         """\r
360         Handles processing of symbol pronunciation for a locale.\r
361         Pronunciation information is taken from one or more L{SpeechSymbols} instances.\r
362         """\r
363 \r
364         #: Caches symbol data for locales.\r
365         localeSymbols = LocaleDataMap(_getSpeechSymbolsForLocale)\r
366 \r
367         def __init__(self, locale):\r
368                 """Constructor.\r
369                 @param locale: The locale for which symbol pronunciation should be processed.\r
370                 @type locale: str\r
371                 """\r
372                 self.locale = locale\r
373 \r
374                 # We need to merge symbol data from several sources.\r
375                 sources = self.sources = []\r
376                 builtin, user = self.localeSymbols.fetchLocaleData(locale,fallback=False)\r
377                 self.userSymbols = user\r
378                 sources.append(user)\r
379                 sources.append(builtin)\r
380 \r
381                 # Always use English as a base.\r
382                 if locale != "en":\r
383                         # Only the builtin data.\r
384                         sources.append(self.localeSymbols.fetchLocaleData("en")[0])\r
385 \r
386                 # The computed symbol information from all sources.\r
387                 symbols = self.computedSymbols = collections.OrderedDict()\r
388                 # An indexable list of complex symbols for use in building/executing the regexp.\r
389                 complexSymbolsList = self._computedComplexSymbolsList = []\r
390                 # A list of multi-character simple symbols for use in building the regexp.\r
391                 multiChars = []\r
392                 # A list of single character symbols for use in building the regexp.\r
393                 characters = []\r
394 \r
395                 # Add all complex symbols first, as they take priority.\r
396                 for source in sources:\r
397                         for identifier, pattern in source.complexSymbols.iteritems():\r
398                                 if identifier in symbols:\r
399                                         # Already defined.\r
400                                         continue\r
401                                 symbol = SpeechSymbol(identifier, pattern)\r
402                                 symbols[identifier] = symbol\r
403                                 complexSymbolsList.append(symbol)\r
404 \r
405                 # Supplement the data for complex symbols and add all simple symbols.\r
406                 for source in sources:\r
407                         for identifier, sourceSymbol in source.symbols.iteritems():\r
408                                 try:\r
409                                         symbol = symbols[identifier]\r
410                                         # We're updating an already existing symbol.\r
411                                 except KeyError:\r
412                                         # This is a new simple symbol.\r
413                                         # (All complex symbols have already been added.)\r
414                                         symbol = symbols[identifier] = SpeechSymbol(identifier)\r
415                                         if len(identifier) == 1:\r
416                                                 characters.append(identifier)\r
417                                         else:\r
418                                                 multiChars.append(identifier)\r
419                                 # If fields weren't explicitly specified, inherit the value from later sources.\r
420                                 if symbol.replacement is None:\r
421                                         symbol.replacement = sourceSymbol.replacement\r
422                                 if symbol.level is None:\r
423                                         symbol.level = sourceSymbol.level\r
424                                 if symbol.preserve is None:\r
425                                         symbol.preserve = sourceSymbol.preserve\r
426                                 if symbol.displayName is None:\r
427                                         symbol.displayName = sourceSymbol.displayName\r
428 \r
429                 # Set defaults for any fields not explicitly set.\r
430                 for symbol in symbols.values():\r
431                         if symbol.replacement is None:\r
432                                 # Symbols without a replacement specified are useless.\r
433                                 log.warning(u"Replacement not defined in locale {locale} for symbol: {symbol}".format(\r
434                                         symbol=symbol.identifier, locale=self.locale))\r
435                                 del symbols[symbol.identifier]\r
436                                 try:\r
437                                         complexSymbolsList.remove(symbol)\r
438                                 except ValueError:\r
439                                         pass\r
440                                 continue\r
441                         if symbol.level is None:\r
442                                 symbol.level = SYMLVL_ALL\r
443                         if symbol.preserve is None:\r
444                                 symbol.preserve = SYMPRES_NEVER\r
445                         if symbol.displayName is None:\r
446                                 symbol.displayName = symbol.identifier\r
447 \r
448                 # Make characters into a regexp character set.\r
449                 characters = "[%s]" % re.escape("".join(characters))\r
450                 # The simple symbols must be ordered longest first so that the longer symbols will match.\r
451                 multiChars.sort(key=lambda identifier: len(identifier), reverse=True)\r
452 \r
453                 # Build the regexp.\r
454                 patterns = [\r
455                         # Strip repeated spaces from the end of the line to stop them from being picked up by repeated.\r
456                         r"(?P<rstripSpace>  +$)",\r
457                         # Repeated characters: more than 3 repeats.\r
458                         r"(?P<repeated>(?P<repTmp>%s)(?P=repTmp){3,})" % characters\r
459                 ]\r
460                 # Complex symbols.\r
461                 # Each complex symbol has its own named group so we know which symbol matched.\r
462                 patterns.extend(\r
463                         u"(?P<c{index}>{pattern})".format(index=index, pattern=symbol.pattern)\r
464                         for index, symbol in enumerate(complexSymbolsList))\r
465                 # Simple symbols.\r
466                 # These are all handled in one named group.\r
467                 # Because the symbols are just text, we know which symbol matched just by looking at the matched text.\r
468                 patterns.append(ur"(?P<simple>{multiChars}|{singleChars})".format(\r
469                         multiChars="|".join(re.escape(identifier) for identifier in multiChars),\r
470                         singleChars=characters\r
471                 ))\r
472                 pattern = "|".join(patterns)\r
473                 try:\r
474                         self._regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.UNICODE)\r
475                 except re.error as e:\r
476                         log.error("Invalid complex symbol regular expression in locale %s: %s" % (locale, e))\r
477                         raise LookupError\r
478 \r
479         def _regexpRepl(self, m):\r
480                 group = m.lastgroup\r
481 \r
482                 if group == "rstripSpace":\r
483                         return ""\r
484 \r
485                 elif group == "repeated":\r
486                         # Repeated character.\r
487                         text = m.group()\r
488                         symbol = self.computedSymbols[text[0]]\r
489                         if self._level >= symbol.level:\r
490                                 return u" {count} {char} ".format(count=len(text), char=symbol.replacement)\r
491                         else:\r
492                                 return " "\r
493 \r
494                 else:\r
495                         # One of the defined symbols.\r
496                         text = m.group()\r
497                         if group == "simple":\r
498                                 # Simple symbol.\r
499                                 symbol = self.computedSymbols[text]\r
500                         else:\r
501                                 # Complex symbol.\r
502                                 index = int(group[1:])\r
503                                 symbol = self._computedComplexSymbolsList[index]\r
504                         if symbol.preserve == SYMPRES_ALWAYS or (symbol.preserve == SYMPRES_NOREP and self._level < symbol.level):\r
505                                 suffix = text\r
506                         else:\r
507                                 suffix = " "\r
508                         if self._level >= symbol.level and symbol.replacement:\r
509                                 return u" {repl}{suffix}".format(repl=symbol.replacement, suffix=suffix)\r
510                         else:\r
511                                 return suffix\r
512 \r
513         def processText(self, text, level):\r
514                 self._level = level\r
515                 return self._regexp.sub(self._regexpRepl, text)\r
516 \r
517         def updateSymbol(self, newSymbol):\r
518                 """Update information for a symbol if it has changed.\r
519                 If there is a change, the changed information will be added to the user's symbol data.\r
520                 These changes do not take effect until the symbol processor is reinitialised.\r
521                 @param newSymbol: The symbol to update.\r
522                 @type newSymbol: L{SpeechSymbol}\r
523                 @return: Whether there was a change.\r
524                 @rtype: bool\r
525                 """\r
526                 identifier = newSymbol.identifier\r
527                 oldSymbol = self.computedSymbols[identifier]\r
528                 if oldSymbol is newSymbol:\r
529                         return False\r
530                 try:\r
531                         userSymbol = self.userSymbols.symbols[identifier]\r
532                 except KeyError:\r
533                         userSymbol = SpeechSymbol(identifier)\r
534 \r
535                 changed = False\r
536                 if newSymbol.pattern != oldSymbol.pattern:\r
537                         userSymbol.pattern = newSymbol.pattern\r
538                         changed = True\r
539                 if newSymbol.replacement != oldSymbol.replacement:\r
540                         userSymbol.replacement = newSymbol.replacement\r
541                         changed = True\r
542                 if newSymbol.level != oldSymbol.level:\r
543                         userSymbol.level = newSymbol.level\r
544                         changed = True\r
545                 if newSymbol.preserve != oldSymbol.preserve:\r
546                         userSymbol.preserve = newSymbol.preserve\r
547                         changed = True\r
548                 if newSymbol.displayName != oldSymbol.displayName:\r
549                         userSymbol.displayName = newSymbol.displayName\r
550                         changed = True\r
551 \r
552                 if not changed:\r
553                         return False\r
554 \r
555                 # Do this in case the symbol wasn't in userSymbols before.\r
556                 self.userSymbols.symbols[identifier] = userSymbol\r
557                 return True\r
558 \r
559 _localeSpeechSymbolProcessors = LocaleDataMap(SpeechSymbolProcessor)\r
560 \r
561 def processSpeechSymbols(locale, text, level):\r
562         """Process some text, converting symbols according to desired pronunciation.\r
563         @param locale: The locale of the text.\r
564         @type locale: str\r
565         @param text: The text to process.\r
566         @type text: str\r
567         @param level: The symbol level to use; one of the SYMLVL_* constants.\r
568         """\r
569         try:\r
570                 ss = _localeSpeechSymbolProcessors.fetchLocaleData(locale)\r
571         except LookupError:\r
572                 if not locale.startswith("en_"):\r
573                         return processSpeechSymbols("en", text, level)\r
574                 raise\r
575         return ss.processText(text, level)\r
576 \r
577 def processSpeechSymbol(locale, symbol):\r
578         """Process a single symbol according to desired pronunciation.\r
579         @param locale: The locale of the symbol.\r
580         @type locale: str\r
581         @param symbol: The symbol.\r
582         @type symbol: str\r
583         """\r
584         try:\r
585                 ss = _localeSpeechSymbolProcessors.fetchLocaleData(locale)\r
586         except LookupError:\r
587                 if not locale.startswith("en_"):\r
588                         return processSpeechSymbol("en", symbol)\r
589                 raise\r
590         try:\r
591                 return ss.computedSymbols[symbol].replacement\r
592         except KeyError:\r
593                 pass\r
594         return symbol\r