OSDN Git Service

refactor: update code
[bytom/Byone.git] / src / components / select / mixins / ajax.js
1 module.exports = {
2         props: {
3                 /**
4                  * Toggles the adding of a 'loading' class to the main
5                  * .v-select wrapper. Useful to control UI state when
6                  * results are being processed through AJAX.
7                  */
8                 loading: {
9                         type: Boolean,
10                         default: false
11                 },
13                 /**
14                  * Accept a callback function that will be
15                  * run when the search text changes.
16                  *
17                  * loading() accepts a boolean value, and can
18                  * be used to toggle a loading class from
19                  * the onSearch callback.
20                  *
21                  * @param {search}  String          Current search text
22                  * @param {loading} Function(bool)  Toggle loading class
23                  */
24                 onSearch: {
25                         type: Function,
26                         default: function(search, loading){}
27                 }
28         },
30         data() {
31                 return {
32       mutableLoading: false
33     }
34         },
36         watch: {
37                 /**
38                  * If a callback & search text has been provided,
39                  * invoke the onSearch callback.
40                  */
41                 search() {
42                         if (this.search.length > 0) {
43                                 this.onSearch(this.search, this.toggleLoading)
44         this.$emit('search', this.search, this.toggleLoading)
45       }
46                 },
47     /**
48                  * Sync the loading prop with the internal
49                  * mutable loading value.
50      * @param val
51      */
52                 loading(val) {
53                         this.mutableLoading = val
54                 }
55         },
57         methods: {
58                 /**
59                  * Toggle this.loading. Optionally pass a boolean
60                  * value. If no value is provided, this.loading
61                  * will be set to the opposite of it's current value.
62                  * @param toggle Boolean
63                  * @returns {*}
64                  */
65                 toggleLoading(toggle = null) {
66                         if (toggle == null) {
67                                 return this.mutableLoading = !this.mutableLoading
68                         }
69                         return this.mutableLoading = toggle
70                 }
71         }
72 }