OSDN Git Service

add the corestatus and sync i18n
[bytom/bytom-electron.git] / src / locales / zh / translation.json
1 {
2   "language": "中",
3   "languageFull": "中文",
4   "asset":{
5     "asset": "资产",
6     "xpubs":"扩展公钥 __id__",
7     "assetPub":"资产公钥",
8     "formTitle": ["资产别名","资产ID"],
9     "new":"新建资产",
10     "information":"资产信息",
11     "keyAndSign":"密钥和签名",
12     "quorumHint":"所需的签名数",
13     "aliasError":"资产别名是必须项",
14     "keysError":"请输入或选择密钥",
15     "editAlias":"编辑资产别名",
16     "alias":"资产别名",
17     "aliasPlaceholder":"请输入资产别名"
18   },
19   "commonWords": {
20     "version": "版本号",
21     "viewDetails":"查看详情",
22     "language":"语言"
23   },
24   "form":{
25     "detail": "详情",
26     "alias": "别名",
27     "definition": "定义",
28     "xpubs": "扩展公钥数",
29     "quorum": "签名数",
30     "index":"索引",
31     "keys": "密钥数",
32     "key": "密钥",
33     "selectPlaceholder": "请选择..."
34   },
35   "xpub":{
36     "methodOptions" : {
37       "mockhsm": "使用已有的密钥",
38       "provide": "提供已有的扩展公钥"
39     },
40     "providePlaceholder": "输入扩展公钥"
41   },
42   "sync":{
43     "status":"同步状态",
44     "peer":"连接数",
45     "synchronizing":"区块同步中...",
46     "synced":"同步完成",
47     "disconnect":"同步中断"
48   },
49   "coreIndex":{
50     "configuration":"配置",
51     "version":"核心版本号",
52     "advanced":"高级导航选项",
53     "mining":"挖矿",
54     "unit":"比原数量单位显示",
55     "networkStatus":"网络状态",
56     "listening":"节点监听",
57     "connect": "连接",
58     "disConnect": "断开",
59     "syncStatus":"网络同步",
60     "synchronizing":"同步中",
61     "synced":"同步完成",
62     "miningStatus":"挖矿状态",
63     "miningRuning":"运行",
64     "miningStopped":"停止",
65     "peer":"连接数",
66     "currentBlock":"当前高度",
67     "highestBlock":"最高高度",
68     "networkId":"网络ID",
69     "coreStatus":"核心状态"
70   }
71 }