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[Modify] boostライブラリに依存した処理をコメントアウトによる一時的措置を含めて完了.
[deeangband/Deeangband-new.git] / Deeangband / Creature.cpp
2019-06-23 deskull[Modify] boostライブラリに依存した処理をコメントアウトによる一時的措置を含めて完了.
2019-06-22 deskull[Modify] boostライブラリに依存した処理を削除中.
2017-09-24 DeskullFloor::Scatter()、ACTION_RESULT列挙体を定義と適用。 / Define and...
2017-09-19 DeskullMerge branch 'master' of git.sourceforge.jp:/gitroot...
2015-10-25 Deskullゲーム進行処理ループと描画処理ループの分離とマルチスレッド化。 / Separate redraw loop...
2015-08-10 DeskullHaveGameTime::TimeProcess と HaveGameTime::TurnProcess...
2015-02-23 Deskull白兵処理の再適用 / Reapply melee process.
2015-01-26 DeskullCreature::Walk()を再実装。 / Reimplement Creature::Walk().
2015-01-20 DeskullCoordinate::operator+のバグを修正。 / Fix Coordinate::operator+.
2015-01-20 DeskullSquareクラスのコンストラクタ追加。 / Add another constructor to Squar...
2015-01-20 DeskullGameEngine::WalkCreature()をCreature::Walk()へ移設(不完全...
2015-01-12 DeskullCreature クラスに sightRange メンバ変数を追加。 / Add sightRange...
2015-01-11 Deskullいくつかのインターフェイス用 SDL_Surface データ を SDL_Texture 移行。 /...
2015-01-11 DeskullTexture 描画移行中(バグあり) / Implementing Texture drawing...
2015-01-11 DeskullField::GetSight()の速度改善。 / Improve Field::GetSight().
2015-01-11 DeskullFPS 表示機能追加。 / Add FPS display.
2015-01-10 DeskullCreature::InSight() を修正。 / Fix Creature::InSight().
2015-01-10 DeskullCreature::UpdateFieldLore()の引数削除 / Delete a argument...
2015-01-10 DeskullField::GetSight() を修正。 / Fix Field::GetSight().
2015-01-10 DeskullField::GetSight() を実装。 / Implement Field::GetSight().
2015-01-10 DeskullCreature クラスの未使用コンストラクタを2種削除。 / Delete 2 constructors...
2015-01-09 DeskullHavePosition クラスのコンストラクタを整理 / Delete some constructors...
2015-01-09 DeskullHavePosition クラスにコンストラクタ1つ追加。 / Add another constructor...
2015-01-09 DeskullCreatureクラスにコンストラクタ1つ追加。 / Add another constructor...
2015-01-07 DeskullField::UpdateSight() を追加、一部実装。 Add Field::UpdateSight...
2015-01-06 Deskull視界処理の追加実装。 / Extend implementation of creature sight.
2015-01-05 Deskullインクルード参照関係を一部修正。 / Fix some include references.
2015-01-05 Deskull視界処理を適用。 / Apply sight process.
2015-01-04 DeskullLoreによるマップ記憶に基づいた描画を実装。 / Implement drawing map by...
2015-01-04 DeskullCreature::UpdateFieldLore() を実装。 / Implement Creature...
2015-01-04 DeskullCreature::CanEnterPosition() の実装と適用。 / Implement and...
2015-01-04 Deskull記憶情報をメンバとして Creature クラスに追加。 / Add Lore to Creature...
2015-01-04 Deskull警告数件修正 / Fix some warnings.
2015-01-02 DeskullGameEngine::ProcessDeadCreatures()を実装。 / Implement...
2014-10-20 DeskullFieldクラスのスクエア範囲外参照を修正 / Fix out range error in Field...
2014-10-13 Deskullソースコード確認中。 GameWorld::GetCreatureFromPosition()のプロトタイプを...
2014-07-12 DeskullAdd GameLogger::CreatureMoved().
2014-07-12 DeskullFix Creature::Walk() for adding game logging process.
2014-07-02 DeskullAdd Creature::CanEnterPosition().
2014-06-25 DeskullFix location of Creature.
2014-06-25 DeskullImplement new GameWorld::GenerateCreature().
2014-06-25 DeskullImplement new constructor to Creature class.
2014-06-24 DeskullAdd Species::GetFirstRaceTag() and Species::GetSecondRa...
2014-06-24 DeskullAdd derived constructor to Creature class.
2014-06-23 DeskullAdd test creature on dummy map.
2014-06-19 DeskullChange ID in camp to Tag.
2014-06-19 DeskullSpecies class inherits HaveSize class.
2014-06-19 DeskullApplying HaveSize to Creature for super class.
2014-06-18 DeskullRename literals (floor to field).
2014-06-18 DeskullMove Creature::itemList to HaveInventory::itemList.
2014-06-18 DeskullOmit Getting hp, duplicated functions in Creature class.
2014-06-18 DeskullMove Creature::move() to HavePosition::Move().
2014-06-18 DeskullRemove duplicated member in Creature class by super...
2014-06-17 DeskullRemove duplicated member in Creature class.
2014-06-16 DeskullMerging member by HaveSymbol.
2014-06-11 DeskullCreature has HaveSymbol by subclass.
2014-06-09 DeskullFix argument of function for using item.
2014-06-07 DeskullAdd HeightStandardDeviation, WeightStandardDeviation...
2014-06-07 DeskullAdd GameConstant class.
2014-06-07 DeskullApply standard random in process of SetSpeciesData().
2014-06-06 DeskullRemove old constructor of Creature class.
2014-06-06 DeskullChange argument of a constructor of Creature class.
2014-06-05 DeskullRemove virtual attribute from GameInstance:WipeData().
2014-06-05 DeskullRename all of SetDammyData() to WipeData().
2014-06-02 DeskullFloor, Creature and Item classes become subclass of...
2014-06-02 DeskullDelete a constructor in GameElement class.
2014-06-01 DeskullAdd FirstRace and SecondRace to Creature class.
2014-05-31 DeskullImplement creature drawing on floor.
2014-05-31 DeskullAdd GameWorld:GetCreatureList() on implementing creatur...
2014-05-14 DeskullFix position of @todo.
2014-05-11 DeskullDefine ThrowItem() and ReadItem() to Creature class.
2014-05-11 DeskullDefine Creature::EatItem()/Creature::QuaffItem()/Creatu...
2014-05-11 DeskullDefine Creature::DropItem().
2014-05-11 DeskullDefine Creature:GetItem().
2014-05-11 DeskullAdd Creature::Melee().
2014-05-09 DeskullImplement Creature::Walk().
2014-05-09 DeskullDefine GameEngine::directionVector.
2014-05-07 DeskullAdd Creature::Walk().
2014-04-29 DeskullAdd GameWorld::WipeCreature().
2014-04-20 DeskullFix serialization of GameWorld class.
2014-04-20 DeskullChange serialization() in some classes.
2014-04-07 Deskull[Buggy] Setting namespace.
2014-03-31 DeskullUpdate serialize() and SetDammyData() in Creature class.
2014-03-31 DeskullFix invalid name of serialization in Creature class.
2014-03-31 DeskullUpdate serialize() and SetDammyData() in Creature class.
2014-03-31 DeskullAdd Creature::hpTable to serialize().
2014-03-30 DeskullFix namespace.
2014-03-30 DeskullFix member max_hp to maxHp.
2014-03-26 DeskullAdd special definition of Camp ID.
2014-03-26 DeskullAdd camp ID to Creature class.
2014-03-16 DeskullImplement calculation of Skill Rank.
2014-03-16 DeskullAdd SkillExp to Creature and Species class.
2014-03-16 DeskullAdd turn count to Creature class.
2014-03-15 DeskullFix warning and bugs in Creature class.
2014-03-14 DeskullImplement Creature::SetSpeciesData().
2014-03-14 DeskullAdd Creature::SetSpeciesData().
2014-03-14 DeskullAdd Coordinates::Set().
2014-03-13 DeskullAdd SetDammyData() to Creature class.
2014-03-13 DeskullAdd TurnProcess() and TimeProcess() to Creature class.