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[hengband/hengband.git] / lib /
2013-04-14 dis-start 2.1.3
2013-04-11 dis-Nerf bow of accuracy / velocity a little. v2.1.2
2013-03-30 dis-kill KILL_EXP flag. no more need.
2013-03-27 dis-Nerf Monsters in Vault Quest.
2013-03-20 dis-Apply 3362 for lite_town
2013-03-20 dis-Change Old Castle Reward. Archer/Ranger gets Yoichi...
2013-03-19 dis-Fix to_h and to_d of launcher ego.
2013-03-19 dis-Good to_h Bows makes more critical. Decrease ammo's...
2013-03-10 dis-Sniper gets 'Lion Slayer' at Old Castle Quest
2013-02-24 dis-Add some terrains on shallow water. Water Cave uses...
2013-02-20 dis-Reduce chest in Dump Witness.
2013-02-19 dis-Add comment for Dump Witness.
2013-02-19 dis-Add new quest 'Dump Witness' for Newbies.
2013-02-16 dis-Update Tengu and Death Swords. Set No-teleport Area...
2013-02-15 iksAdd serif of Chargeman Ken
2013-02-11 dis-Update Version to 2.1.2
2013-02-10 dis-Add comment for Potion of Restore Mana. Not the same...
2013-02-10 dis-Tribial Update for Vault Quest.
2013-02-08 iksAdd broken weapon repairing service in town weapon
2013-02-08 iksPaurnimmen gives +1 INT, it doesn't give +1 WIS.
2013-02-08 iksGloves with EASY_SPELL or DEC_MANA are also suitable...
2013-02-08 iks*Daretoku*
2013-02-07 dis-Add WILD_SHORE to some monsters.
2013-02-07 iksDaretoku.
2013-02-03 dis-Strongthen Tailbiter and Gurthang
2013-02-03 iksチケット#19322に一部対応。
2013-02-03 dis-Remove Bloody Moon from rewards of Vault Quest.(Too...
2013-02-03 dis-Update Vault Quest. Change layout of traps
2013-02-03 dis-Update Vault Quest. Add some rewards, and fix almost...
2013-02-02 iksFix miswritten of Dragon Cloth's rare rate and weight.
2013-02-02 iksAdd new artifact the Bronze Dragon Scale Mail 'Dragon...
2013-02-02 iksAdd new an artifact The Flamberge 'Fusberta'.
2013-02-01 iksSometimes generate a shopping arcade in a dungeon which...
2013-01-31 iksNormal objects also are defined their activation type...
2013-01-31 iksAmulets' egos also are defined its activation type...
2013-01-31 iksRings' egos also are defined its activation type in...
2013-01-31 iksWe can define activation type of egos in e_info.txt.
2013-01-30 iksNar-i-vagil is moditied (a litter weaker).
2013-01-29 iksNow we can define fixed artifacts' activation with...
2013-01-29 iks固定アーティファクトの発動は全部外部フラグ化し終わった。
2013-01-29 iksさらなる続き。
2013-01-29 iksさらに続きを実装。
2013-01-29 iksさらなる修正。
2013-01-28 iksadd U:flags line for activation index.
2013-01-27 dis-Add candidate artifacts for a reward of the Vault Quest.
2013-01-27 iksMukade chosei.
2013-01-27 iksEriril's base item is changed from Quarterstaff to...
2013-01-27 iksQUESTITEM is removed from Sting. Quarterstaff artifact...
2013-01-27 iksAdd candidate artifacts for a reward of the Vault Quest.
2013-01-26 iksAdd a monster Great Centipede.
2013-01-26 iksAdd 3 monsters from SMAC/SMAX.
2013-01-26 iksAdjust damage dices of Cockatrice.
2013-01-26 iksAdd new monster Cockatrice.
2013-01-25 iksRandom reward artifact can be set in lib/edit/q*.txt...
2013-01-25 iksCan place an artifact and base objects of any rewarding...
2013-01-15 iksAdd some flavor texts and translate some flavor texts...
2013-01-13 iksAdd some abilities to Morgul weapons.
2013-01-13 iksRumors already includes some excellent rumors. (It...
2012-12-27 deskulljmagic.txtの誤字修正。
2012-12-27 deskull両デーモンベーンの重量を修正。
2012-12-21 dis-Update quest rewarding for lite_town.
2012-12-08 deskull文字コード修正。
2012-12-07 dis-Updated version to 2.1.1
2012-12-07 dis-Add some Heavy Crossbow Artifacts. v2.1.0
2012-12-07 dis-Merge water-cave branch into trunk.
2012-12-04 dis-Bug fix -- Tower Quest failed, continue to the next...
2012-12-02 dis-Change rewards of Old Castle Quest.
2012-11-23 deskullアーティファクト1件追加。
2012-11-21 dis-Improve the reward of Haunted House -- Amulet of Telepa...
2012-11-21 dis-Improve rewards of Logrus Master Quest. Some good items...
2012-11-20 dis-Fixed some monsters in Tower Quest -- Poisonous Dragons.
2012-11-18 dis-Completely change TowerQuest. Try Once, Difficult,...
2012-11-11 deskullウィザードモードの★生成インターフェイスの不具合を修正。
2012-11-09 deskullモンスターを1件追加。闘技場を修正。
2012-11-09 deskull開発版2.1.0へ移行。
2012-04-29 deskullアブホースのシンボルを原典にのっとりJからjに修正。
2012-04-29 deskullドラウグルイン、フェンリル、カルハロスの打撃ダイスを上方修正。
2012-04-25 deskull現行の1.7.2を正式版2.0.0扱いに移行。 v2.0.0
2010-01-11 habu角括弧の閉じ忘れを修正。
2009-09-23 ikstypo修正。
2009-09-22 ikstypoや表記の不統一を修正。
2009-09-21 iksユニーク2体追加。
2009-09-20 ikstypoなどの修正。
2009-09-20 iks街の設定でおかしなところと不足しているところを修正。
2009-09-15 iksbranch-hexの変更をコミット。
2009-09-03 iks新職業スナイパーといくつかの新or移植アーティファクトをマージ。
2004-10-10 nsk死の大鎌に SLAY_HUMAN を追加。野蛮人、獣人も跳ね返りスレイの対象にした。
2004-08-30 macbandクナ、、セャサト、テ、ニ、、、ソ。」
2004-08-15 nothereTypo fix.
2004-08-15 nothere"q) キ、" -> "r) キ、".
2004-08-15 nothere自動拾いエディタのヘルプの修正.
2004-08-15 nothere"条件判定分" -> "条件判定文".
2004-08-12 notherepref変数$PLAYERでの' ', '[', ']'の扱いを明記.
2004-08-10 nothere空腹充足の巻物の記述を削除.
2004-08-10 nothereEQU演算子の説明の修正.
2004-08-06 nothereクエスト "湖の洞窟" を削除. セーブデータバージョンを1.7.0.6に上げた.
2004-08-05 nothereシンダリン銘を与えるコードをXAngbandより移植. 次のように使われる.
2004-08-03 nothere・筵ケ・ソ。シ、ホ・ユ・鬣ー、ャスナハ」、キ、ニ、、、ソノャ、ホス、タオ.
2004-08-03 nothere・ヨ・悅シ・ノ。ヲ・ケ・ヤ・「。リ・愠ョ・フ・ケ。ル、ホLITE・ユ・鬣ー、ホスナハ」、、タオ.
2004-08-03 nothere自動拾い/自動破壊キーワードのヘルプが最新仕様に追従していなかったので