OSDN Git Service

BugTrack/2514 PHP8: uasort with non-static comparison func
[pukiwiki/pukiwiki.git] / plugin / paint.inc.php
2017-09-03 umoriguBugTrack/2260 Use get_base_uri() instead of $script
2016-11-17 umoriguBugTrack/2389 Remove DTD selecting function
2015-01-12 umoriguBugTrack2/361 Simplify URL. Keep slash / and colon...
2014-12-02 umoriguConvert character code of the source code to UTF-8... r1_5_start-utf8
2014-11-30 henohenoBugTrack2/236: If you compare two numerical strings...
2014-07-19 umoriguMerge tag 'r1_5_0' from branch_r1_5 r1_5_0
2014-06-01 henohenohtmlsc(): Just sugar for htmlspecialchars(), and a...
2005-01-29 henohenoPKWK_READONLY prohibits editing
2005-01-08 henohenoRe-define $html_transitional => $pkwk_dtd
2004-10-09 henohenoBugTrack/696 Allow plugin calling with upper-case inclu...
2004-08-23 henohenoBugTrack/664 Should replace #img(,clear) => #clear
2004-07-31 henohenoCleankup. Remove redundant tabs and spaces with sed...
2003-11-05 arinoBugTrack/480: ディレクトリの設定をpukiwiki.ini.phpに移動
2003-10-01 arino-BugTrack/456: &new対応
2003-07-27 arino-attach_upload()関数を外部から使用しやすいように修正
2003-07-03 arinoBugTrack/399: 表示メッセージをen.lng/ja.lngに集約
2003-05-16 arino$HTTP_*_VARSをスーパーグローバル配列($_GET,$_POSTなど)に統一
2003-05-12 arinoBugTrack/323: accesskey属性を削除
2003-05-02 arinoBugTrack/316:ページが凍結されていてもファイルのアップロードができるように
2003-04-13 arinoBugTrack/281: separate sequence number for each page.
2003-03-03 pandaBugTrack/238. and some cleanup.
2003-03-02 pandaadd window mode. (PAINT_APPLET_{WIDTH|HEIGHT} < 50)
2003-02-18 pandaconstant name 'ENCODE' change to 'SOURCE_ENCODE'
2003-01-27 pandaPukiWiki/1.4 first beta release
2002-12-05 pandaぱんだ:[[自作プラグイン]]